"No need for technicians?"

The vice president was silent.

This was originally the condition they proposed. The automatic craniotomy machine could be provided, but the technicians had to withhold it...According to their assumptions, without the guidance of technical staff, even if the clinician gets the machine, it would have to wait several years. Only then can it be officially put into use.

However, when Xu Qiu took the initiative and spoke in such a calm and confident tone, the senior management of the First Branch realized how ridiculous the countermeasure they had discussed was.

Xu Qiu even took out the design drawings. Could it be that his understanding of the craniotomy machine was worse than theirs?

In other words, Xu Qiu is probably the person most familiar with this brain surgery equipment besides Barton...

No matter how many technicians there are, they can't equal one Xu Qiu.

"In addition to the design drawings, I will give another lecture to your hospital. This time it will focus on various approaches to the brainstem safe zone. It is conservatively estimated that through these approaches, the mortality rate will be reduced by 20%... "

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Xu Qiu once again dropped a bombshell.

The deputy dean and others were shocked and their expressions were extremely astonished.

Twenty percent? !

The mortality rate of brainstem hematoma evacuation surgery is very high. If the mortality rate can be reduced by 20%...it will be tantamount to earth-shaking innovation!

Although Affiliated One's craniotomy is the best in the country, in terms of brainstem hematoma removal surgery, it has always been difficult to keep up with other brain surgery hospitals.

The craniotomy function can solve various complex cranial insertions and complete the craniotomy at an extremely fast speed, but it is also powerless when faced with bleeding, tumors, etc. in the brainstem area...

If the mortality rate is reduced by 20% - then the medical level of Annex 1 in this area will directly rank among the top in the world!


The deputy dean, chief director and others couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

If anyone else said this, they would find it ridiculous.

However, Xu Qiu may really have this ability...

Meta analysis showed that the mortality rate was 100% for an operation. He took two laymen and got off the stage smoothly in more than an hour. Not long ago, the ICU reported that the vital signs were stable, and the expectations were very optimistic...

As experts, they were unwilling to believe it even if they said that the other party had no ability and had unique skills in craniotomy of the brainstem area.

"Dean, you can agree..." the deputy dean said in a low voice.

The dean clenched his palms.

In front of Xu Qiu, they actually didn't have much capital to negotiate fairly.

Xu Qiu holds the thirteen craniotomy paths that Fuyi desires, as well as more detailed research and guides related to craniotomy. In addition, the improved design drawings of craniotomy are also what Barton desires. If Fuyi and If Xu Qiu falls out, Barton will turn to the doctor without hesitation...

What's in Appendix 1?

Xu Qiu doesn't seem to care much about the craniotomy that he is most proud of... Xu Qiu also has the only craniotomy machine in the world at his fingertips... On this negotiation table, there is no difference between appendix 1 and fish on the chopping board... …

Xu Qiu was very generous by offering these conditions.

Or to put it more harshly, even if Xu Qiu had to break up with Fuyi, the other party would not lose anything, but Fuyi would most likely lose the support of the University of Utah and the Barton team, losing its only advantage.

After thinking about this, the dean stood up and solemnly extended his hand to Xu Qiu: "Dr. Xu, I hope this exchange is just the beginning of our friendship. The first-year doctor will always be the most reliable ally in clinical medicine!"

Xu Qiu also stood up with a faint smile on his face: "Happy cooperation."

It's about three o'clock in the afternoon.

The lecture on safe approaches to the brainstem area promised by Xu Qiu officially began.

Attached to the Brain Surgery Department, except for those who were operating and working in the outpatient department, everyone else canceled all meetings, and even several directors who were on vacation specially called back.

The dean, vice-dean, etc. are personally in charge.

Although they might not understand, they had to let Xu Qiu see how much Fu Yi valued him.

“The brainstem safety zone is divided into five safe approaches based on the surgical site, blood loss, condition, patient condition, etc.…

"The first is the para-oculomotor nerve approach. If the brainstem is a lesion or hemorrhage close to the ventromedial midbrain, it can be done from the para-oculomotor nerve, directly between the corticospinal tract and corticobulbar tract and the point where the oculomotor nerve originates. Enter through the cerebral peduncle between the areas... In short, the approach is through the frontopontine bundle. Of course, this area is very narrow and it is difficult for the surgeon to locate it accurately. I will provide a simple method here.

"First, find the red nucleus and the midbrain segment of the oculomotor nerve that runs through it, and then delineate the inner quarter of the cerebral peduncle..."

The directors who were called back from vacation initially scorned the lecture, but slowly, their expressions became more and more serious, and in the end they looked at Xu Qiu with a hint of respect in their eyes.

Other doctors also listened with fascination, absorbing more advanced knowledge of craniotomy.

Xu Qiuna's master-class craniotomy experience was fully demonstrated at this moment.

“Then, forward and at a 45-degree angle to the surface, here is the medial longitudinal fasciculus, which is the second entrance to the brainstem safe zone—the lateral midbrain sulcus.

"Going along here, if the direction is correct, you will see the spinal trigeminal tract nucleus, the central tegmental tract, and close to the front of the midline, from top to bottom, the intersection of the red nucleus and the superior cerebellar peduncle.

“As for the posterior side of the midline, it’s the oculomotor nucleus and the trochlear nucleus.

"According to the data of thousands of clinical operations, the average distance from the red nucleus to the surface of the lateral midbrain sulcus is about 4.3mm, while the average distance from the oculomotor nucleus and trochlear nucleus to the surface of the lateral midbrain sulcus is 9.5mm... These two numbers are crucial and can be used as a reference for colleagues."

Master-level craniotomy not only brings Xu Qiu surgical skills and hand feel, but also corresponding experience gained from thousands of surgical practices.

But in the eyes of the director and others, all this seems too unreal.

Experience summarized from thousands of brainstem craniotomies?

Here in the First Affiliated Hospital, there may be only three or four similar operations performed each month, and there may be more than a hundred operations nationwide.

The data here by Xu Qiu is almost the sum of Daxia's ten years...

However, as the overlord of the First Affiliated Hospital in the field of craniotomy, even they don't know that there are people counting these data. Where did Xu Qiu come up with his conclusion?

Where did the data of a thousand units come from!

Xu Qiu naturally couldn't give an explanation for this question.

If he said he was cheating, people would think he liked to joke... In fact, he was a very honest person.

I simply didn't say much and went straight to the next step.

"Then, it's the approach to the superior colliculus and the inferior colliculus. For the superior colliculus, a horizontal incision should be made from above the superior colliculus, and it must not exceed the midbrain aqueduct, otherwise it is very likely to damage the internal midbrain segment of the optic nerve and the medial longitudinal fasciculus; for the inferior colliculus, a horizontal incision should be made between the trochlear nerve and the lower edge of the inferior colliculus..."

"The fourth safe approach is the posterior midline approach..."

"Finally, the anterior midline approach, this route must be entered along the midline, the terminal plate is cut, and the midbrain is entered from the top. Compared with other safe approaches, this route has a significant advantage..."

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