Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 591: Someone from the Supervisory Department comes to conduct a thorough investigation!

Who would have thought that a young doctor would make a phone call to the director of the National Health Commission...

The attached 1st and the Health Department have been arrogant and domineering for too long, but this time they really hit the wall.

"Director Zhu, I would like to trouble you to do some ideological work." Xu Qiu said to Mo Wan.

Mo Wan nodded happily.

It has to be a clinical hospital, and the mental health of employees is strictly controlled.

What Xu Qiu didn't expect was that not long after, a strange phone call came in.

"Doctor Xu?" The voice on the other side was a little surprised.

Xu Qiu was confused: "Who are you?"

"I am the person in charge of a group of the Supervision Department of the National Ministry of Health. I have been coordinating the implementation of new DRGs regulations and local adaptation work in Hunan Province these days. I received a call from the Director of the Health Commission and the Minister of Health asking me to Stop what you are doing immediately and cooperate with your work..."

So solemn?

Xu Qiu was a little surprised by the efficiency of the superiors. The appeal of this new drug seemed to be greater than she imagined.

It's just that... he has to start research early. After working for so many big guys, Xu Qiu feels a little uncomfortable if he doesn't make some substantial progress.

More than half an hour later, Xu Qiu met the leader of the Supervision Department.

The other person is a tall man with extremely thick hair on his body, thick eyebrows and beard. His dull facial features have no outstanding features, but his eyes are sharp and sharp.

Like Xu Qiu, he is an ordinary man.

"It's better to hear than to see, Doctor Xu, Doctor Xu..." As soon as he saw Xu Qiu, Mao Wangnan greeted him enthusiastically. The eyebrows on his face were squeezed together with a smile, looking like two pieces of black coal.

"My name is He Xin, the leader of a group in the Supervision Department. I wonder what Dr. Xu has to do?" he mentioned on his own initiative.

At this time, the congratulatory letter still feels unreal.

His status is actually not too high, but compared with big shots such as the Director of the Supervision Department, the Minister of Health, and the Director of the National Health Commission.

On weekdays, it is not too stressful to travel around the country to formulate health legislation plans, or to conduct law enforcement and supervision of local health departments.

But this time... the immediate boss of his immediate boss actually called him directly and asked him to assist Xu Qiu in his work!

In all his years of work, he has never seen such a grand battle.

He was even more shocked when he learned that the secretary of Baiyun Province and the director of the Health Commission were behind this.

Is this really a doctor?

National academicians don’t get such treatment!

However, after the shock, He Xin also roughly guessed some clues.

The Minister of Health and other big shots asked him to cooperate with Xu Qiu, and it must not just be because the congratulatory letter happened to be in Hunan Province.

What's more important is that... the matters in Xu Qiu's hands happen to be within the jurisdiction of the Supervision Department of the Ministry of Health.

In this case, even if he is only the leader of a group within the department, he still has enough ability to intervene.

For example, if it involves medical violations and other matters, because He Xin has the power of supervision and disciplinary inspection, even the director of the Health Department of Hunan Province will still have to kneel in front of him if he commits a crime.

“It’s a long story, I’ll keep it short.

"Fuyi deliberately delayed his illness."

The congratulatory letter waited for a long time, then was stunned for a moment: "Just delaying the illness?"

"Judging from the results, it is indeed just delaying the disease, but if we dig deeper, the patient has been delayed from a simple craniocerebral hemorrhage to a critical brainstem hemorrhage, and the bleeding volume is even as high as 12ml..."

Xu Qiu paused for a moment and emphasized: "For a hemorrhage in the brainstem area, the mortality rate is more than 50% for a hemorrhage of 5 to 6 ml. The mortality rate for a hemorrhage of 12 ml is close to 100%."

Although the letter of congratulations is also from the medical system, the Supervision Department of the Ministry of Health is essentially an administrative law enforcement agency and has little relevance to clinical practice.

Sure enough, he had no reaction when he heard 12ml of bleeding, but after Xu Qiu finished explaining, He Xin's expression changed for the first time.

He looked solemn and said, "Dr. Xu, what you mean is... Fuyi dragged a patient to death?"

"No, the patient is not dead."

"Didn't you say the mortality rate is 100%?"

"But I had this surgery."


The congratulatory letter was silent.

Is this Dr. Xu who is praised by all his fellow doctors... He is the only one who dares to say that he can perform surgeries with a mortality rate of close to 100%, right?

"No wonder..." He Xin took a deep breath.

"This is the information." Xu Qiu pressed the document bag.

This time he was more cautious. Even if the congratulatory letter was indeed from the Supervision Department, he did not hand over all the information, but showed it to the other party one by one.

Take it back after reading it.

More than half an hour later, He Xin's face was extremely ugly.

"This is no longer a medical dispute, but a major medical accident... If this kind of thing didn't happen in a hospital, it would be a complete murder!"

Xu Qiu nodded: "Team Leader He, please give the patient justice."

He Xin took a deep look at Xu Qiu and said, "I have been working for so many years and I have never seen a doctor like you. Doctor Xu, I respect you as a man!"

Dare to go against Fuyi alone, which is tantamount to directly facing the pressure of the medical department of a province, just for the sake of justice... How many people can do this for a stranger who is not a relative or an acquaintance?

If the previous He Xin's respect for Xu Qiu was only because of his reputation and the orders of the Minister of Health, Director of the Health Commission and other big shots, then this time, he respects Xu Qiu from the bottom of his heart.

Xiang Province Hotel.

In the highest-standard Ruyi Hall, the head of the inspection team, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital, the vice dean, the director and others were toasting and drinking, and the atmosphere was harmonious and luxurious.

"Leader, dean, and teachers, all leaders, this is a bottle of wine I treasure. I opened it today. Please taste it!" The director stood up, respectfully picked up the box behind him, and presented it to the vice dean.

The vice dean smiled, opened the box, took out the wine in the bottle, and handed it to the dean.

Finally, the dean opened the lid and poured it for the head of the inspection team.

The process was skilled and natural, strict and quite orderly.

After this set, it didn't matter what kind of wine it was. The person being toasted had already felt very satisfied.

What's more, this is indeed a precious wine.

"Thank you, leader, otherwise with Xu Qiu's stubborn mind, we really couldn't fool him." The director bowed and toasted.

The dean was relieved... There was no evidence, and Director Zhu, the traitor, was also excluded. Even if Xu Qiu wanted to reopen the investigation, there was more room for maneuver.

The head of the inspection team was in high spirits and said, "He is just a small figure, not worth mentioning."

After that, he pointed at the dean and said, "I want to criticize you for this. A doctor from another province almost broke your bones. You must be more vigilant in the future. Don't do things too much, and don't leave any handles!"

When his smile was widened to the maximum, the urgent phone ring suddenly rang!

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