Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 605: Helping in times of need, but unable to repay

The director of the department was dismissed, and most of the senior officials of the First Department of Finance and Economics who were once as famous as Xiehe stepped down. The vice presidents and chief directors were even more corrupt than the last, and the crimes they committed were even more shocking...

This level of medical corruption has not been seen in decades.

Countless people in the industry are silent, while the public is frightened by these shocking figures.

Even Annex 1 is like this. What about other provinces and other hospitals?

"Who can bear to spend all their money to treat a disease, only to find out that they were cheated by the doctor!"

"I saw in the notice that it was mentioned that the chief director came out halfway through the operation to threaten the family members with red envelopes... Oh my god, what kind of scum is this! The existence of such a person is simply a discredit to the medical industry!"

"I have reported it so many times, but it was not investigated until today. The investigation was directly directed to the Provincial Department of Health, and even the director was fired. Has this director offended some important person? Otherwise, why has everything been fine before?"

"I have someone here. According to reliable information, the whistleblower is Dr. Xu!"

"Brother, you are awesome. Netizens are indeed very powerful. There are people even in the first group. Your identity is not ordinary."

"...What I mean by someone in the attached section second uncle is living in the ICU over there."


After the topic wandered for a few floors, someone quickly called back.

"What, Dr. Xu! Dr. Xu Qiu, the clinical doctor?"

"A few weeks ago, the official website of the clinic issued a notice saying that Dr. Xu was going out to give lectures, so there will be no more outpatient clinics and operations for him. The first stop seems to be Appendix 1!"

"I'll do it! The case has been solved!"

"It's Dr. Xu again... Could it be that apart from public opinion and Dr. Xu, no one else can give justice to patients in a vulnerable position? Who will guarantee the legality of medical treatment?"

"If there is one attached one, there will be a second attached one. If you get rid of this chief director, there will be other directors..."

"The country's efforts have been very strong. Even the director of the Department of Health has been arrested. There has been a comprehensive change in the provincial medical community, and more than half of the leadership team has been lost. The country has been working hard to protect people's livelihood, but there are always some moths coming to eat away at the country and the people. The result of hard work!”

Just when the discussion was at its hottest, at 12 noon that day, a piece of blockbuster news was released again, instantly reaching the top of the hot search list.

The Discipline Inspection Commission of Daxia, the Ministry of Health, the National Health Commission, the People's Court, and the People's Procuratorate jointly issued the "Opinions on Further Promoting the Thorough Investigation of Medical Corruption."

Along with the release, there is also the latest version of the "Medical Quality Management Measures".

Among them, the three-level ward rounding system has been further improved, stipulating that the resident physician in charge will do ward rounds at least once a day, and the superior doctor will do ward rounds at least once or twice a week, so that doctors at all levels can understand each patient's condition.

There is also the department's review, verification, and error correction of patient medical records...

Involves almost every aspect of medical practice.

Within a few days, the grassroots immediately noticed the changes brought about by this announcement.

All provinces immediately set up overt and covert investigation teams, and various localities were also conducting internal self-examinations. For a time, the atmosphere in the entire medical community was cleared.

Of course, if you want to completely eliminate the problem, it is impossible to rely solely on a piece of paper and a short period of large-scale investigations...

But after this time, the public saw the determination of the superiors.

Even provincial officials like Director Hu can be removed. If they dare to stand on the opposite side of people's livelihood, no matter how big the protective umbrella is, they will be removed. Others have to think twice if they want to reincarnate Fuyi.

It was during this period that the internal problems of Annex 1 were resolved, two-thirds of the top management resigned, some went to jail, some resigned, and the remaining ones were almost all marginal figures.

The Department of Health also uncovered a large number of pests. After pulling out Director Hu, a total of thirteen senior officials were arrested, and half of the province's medical community was missing.

The superiors had no choice but to intervene and were urgently transferred from other provinces. Liu He, who had previously served as deputy director of the Health Department of Baiyun Province, took office and became the boss of the health department of Hunan Province, on the same level as his former boss...

The reason why Liu He was able to seize this opportunity was precisely because during his tenure, he collaborated with Fu Qing, the Baiyun Provincial Health Commission and other parties to cultivate a talent like Xu Qiu, and contributed to Daxia many medical devices including Linhai small blood vessels. Monopolize the industry and show the world the upper limit of Daxia’s medical treatment!

Various national key innovations and key surgeries are no joke...

Other provinces may only have one or two items a year, but in Baiyun Province, Xu Qiu can contribute one item every two to three months on average. Although it has not been fed back to the whole country, it has truly improved Daxia's status in the international medical community.

But Liu He's face dropped, and he didn't look happy at all.

Fu Qing also had the opportunity to leave Baiyun Province at the beginning of the year and be promoted to the central government, but he refused...

In peacetime, it is really difficult to make achievements. Now that Xu Qiu has emerged in Baiyun Province, he may have a tremendous impact on the country's medical industry in the future.

And the impact is definitely positive.

Staying in Baiyun Province is the most reliable way to achieve political achievements.

For this reason, when Liu He first received the transfer order, he made several phone calls and preferred to stay in Baiyun Province as deputy director rather than be promoted.

Later, the superiors repeatedly promised to transfer him back to Baiyun Province when Hunan Province stabilized, so Liu He became the director of the department unhappily.

After the leadership of the Provincial Department of Health was initially finalized, the first attachment was also adjusted. The top management changed drastically. They were all middle-level managers with excellent resumes transferred from the province. The brain surgery department underwent a complete change.

Since corruption and illegal medical treatment are most common in neurosurgery, and cliques are the most serious, almost all the senior leaders of neurosurgery were dismissed after the incident.

The only senior person who survived was Director Zhu, who was about to leave the hospital.

The new dean tried to retain him many times... Director Da and Director Liu all went to work on sewing machines and would never set foot in the medical industry again in this life. If Director Zhu left again, neurosurgery would really have no leader.

But faced with the promotion to "Director Da of Neurosurgery" offered by the new senior management of the First Affiliated Hospital, Director Zhu refused without hesitation.

She once had a passion for the First Affiliated Hospital and wanted to build this place with the most passionate feelings... but in the end she was betrayed.

Even though the dean, the Director Da and others have all fallen into the law, it's too late.

The charcoal fire that Xu Qiuhe sent to Linyi in the snow is more precious than the position of Director Da of Neurosurgery of the First Affiliated Hospital that she had dreamed of countless times.

Maybe the First Affiliated Hospital will be able to get out of today's downturn, reach new heights, or even return to the period of being on par with Union Hospital, but that has nothing to do with her.

More precisely, it has nothing to do with Director Zhu of the Linyi Hospital.

"Thank you for your love, leaders. Take care."

Leaving this sentence, Director Zhu boarded the plane to Linyi Hospital.

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