Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 607: Reincarnation as soon as possible

"It was fine when it was first delivered, but why did your doctor fall into a coma when he saw it?"

"Yes, he was still drinking with my dad yesterday, and he was admitted to the ICU today...Are you like that guy who bullied us because we don't understand medicine?"

"I heard that ECMO costs 100,000 yuan to start up, and the materials cost more than 10,000 yuan to use it for one day! It's so evil!"

The seven aunts and eight aunts all rushed up, surrounded Xu Qiu, who was about to have his body examined, and questioned him one by one.

The doctors at Greentown No. 1 Hospital were stunned for a moment, and immediately felt a sense of irritation... We worked hard to save him, but why did he end up like the people in the First Hospital?

Xu Qiu remained silent.

This may be the negative impact of the medical scandal that broke out in Annex 1.

The dismissal of Director Hu and others will not only affect Hunan Province, but will also cause a major crisis of trust in the entire medical community.

However, Xu Qiu had no choice.

If medical harm is allowed to run rampant, there will be an even more violent backlash... Now our colleagues in the medical field can only survive this period of pain, and slowly wait for the aftermath of the Annex 1 incident, which has brought humiliation to all medical staff, to pass.

Before Xu Qiu could speak, one of the family members of the leader put his hands on his hips and said arrogantly: "I don't care, I don't believe you, please transfer me to Linhai No. 1 Hospital! I only believe in Linhai No. 1 Hospital!"

The other family members behind him also nodded after hearing this.

"I read on the Internet that Xu Qiu, who is a clinical doctor, has great medical skills and good character. He has never died of a single person until now!"

"It's not far to the clinical hospital. It takes more than three hours to fly there. I'm sure they won't be like you and send me to the ICU as soon as I come in to make money!"

"It would be great if they were all good doctors like Dr. Xu..."

When the family members were lamenting, all the doctors in Greentown No. 1 Hospital were silent. Everyone couldn't help but glance at Xu Qiu with complicated eyes... What is this?

The director of the brain surgery department originally had a serious face, thinking about how to explain the seriousness of his condition to his family, but at this time he was a little speechless.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Believe me in Xu Qiu...this will be easy to handle!

The director smiled and cast an expectant look at Xu Qiu.


After a long pause, Xu Qiu's calm voice sounded: "Everyone, I am Xu Qiu."

The family members who were angrily criticizing the hospital's evil intentions immediately fell silent.

A pair of eyes fell on Xu Qiu's face wearing a mask...

The next moment, the pupils widened at the same time.

"So handsome! It must be Dr. Xu!"

"Everything said on the Internet is true... Dr. Xu, my daughter is also studying medicine. Can you accept her as a student? No, no, it's not ethical for a teacher-student relationship."

Seeing that the conflict had temporarily eased, Xu Qiu silently pushed through the family members who were blocking the way and came to the patient.

The director of the brain surgery department sighed... How long has it been? The man in your family is about to ascend to heaven, and you are still hurriedly introducing the marriage.

Why, if he gets married and has children as soon as possible, can he still be reincarnated in time?

"The situation is not good..." After Xu Qiu squeezed in, the director of the brain surgery department also frowned deeply when he took a look at the patient's examination report.

Xu Qiu's face was also very solemn.

The patient's cardiac color ultrasound showed that his ejection fraction was only 32%, while the normal value should be above 50%.

Brain CT showed multiple high-density shadows in the sulci, cisterns, ventricles, and right Sylvian cistern, which were typical subarachnoid hemorrhages.

In addition, the patient also experienced nausea, vomiting, and headache before coma.

Later, symptoms such as high fever, urinary incontinence, and limb twitching appeared.

If Xu Qiu's judgment is correct, it should be subarachnoid hemorrhage that leads to cerebrocardial syndrome, which leads to stress myocarditis.

"Judging from the location of the lesion, there is a high probability that it is a ruptured aneurysm of the right middle cerebral artery, or a ruptured anterior communicating artery... What is the content of the patient's vomiting?" Xu Qiu asked.

The ICU doctor said: "The brown gastric contents should indicate upper gastrointestinal bleeding."

At this time, family members rushed over and said hurriedly: "What coffee? He doesn't drink coffee, and why did he vomit blood? Don't talk nonsense!"

After that, he gave the ICU doctor a disgusted look, and then looked at Xu Qiu nervously: "Dr. Xu, I believe you, you must save my husband! He is the only one who earns money in the family!"

The ICU doctor's face turned green.

Gastric secretions are generally yellow or tan. If gastric bleeding occurs, it combines with gastric acid to produce black or brown gastric contents... This is a typical manifestation of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Family members, as laymen, cannot detect vomiting blood, so clinicians will naturally be familiar with it.

Some people have raised questions in the past, but they were not as arrogant as these family members... It can only be said that the Annex 1 incident has made it more difficult for doctors to carry out their work.

"The doctor at Greentown No. 1 Hospital made no mistake. It was indeed upper gastrointestinal bleeding."

After Xu Qiugang finished speaking, everyone in the First Hospital of Green City was a little grateful.

When cerebral hemorrhage is severe, the body will experience a severe stress response. In this case, gastric acid, pepsin, etc. will be secreted in large quantities to digest its own gastric mucosa.

In addition, cerebral hemorrhage can also cause central nervous system disorder, which can lead to vasospasm, gastric mucosal ischemia and necrosis, etc...

The concurrent stress gastrointestinal bleeding at this time also proved that the patient's cerebral hemorrhage was already very critical.

"The prognosis will be very poor." The director of brain surgery looked worried.

But at this time, Xu Qiu reached out and opened the patient's eyelids again. When he saw the direction of the eyeball's gaze, the head of the neurosurgery department suddenly changed his face.

"Left... left?!" The worry on the head's face turned into embarrassment.

The deputy director of the neurosurgery department, the senior attending physician and others beside him also had very ugly expressions.

But the younger doctors were a little confused... the direction of the eyeball? What does this mean?

Xu Qiu sighed faintly: "Brainstem injury."

The nervous system has always been the most difficult and difficult direction to master in the medical field. From the beginning of the medical journey, medical students have to be tortured by the chapter of internal and external neurology.

The various neurological signs in it are more complicated. They are often memorized today and forgotten tomorrow. Even neurologists who have entered the clinic may be confused if they don't come into contact with them frequently.

The direction of eye gaze is one of the difficulties here.

"The mechanism of gaze looks complicated, but just remember two points."

Xu Qiu closed the patient's eyelids and continued: "It is very difficult to force memory from the functional location, but it will be much easier if combined with anatomy.

"The two gaze centers in the brain, one in the cerebral cortex and the other in the brainstem, control the extraocular muscles together.

"The fibers from the brainstem extend to the abducens nucleus on the same side, and pass through the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the medial rectus nucleus of the oculomotor nerve on the opposite side... and here is the key to controlling both eyes to gaze to the same side!"

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