Tong Yan was right.

I was indeed too insensitive to prices. If calculated based on two dishes and one soup, the anti-cancer kitchen of Greentown First Hospital would cost at least 20 yuan, and this money was enough to choose a luxurious set meal of two meat dishes and two vegetables at a nearby fast food restaurant.

In contrast, Shen Ma's shared kitchen only costs 8 yuan for two meals a day, four dishes and one soup each, and the highest price for a whole day's meals is 10 yuan... Even so, Shen Ma still makes more than 10,000 yuan a month in profit.

On the anti-cancer kitchen side, two meals a day, the kitchen usage fee alone is about 40 yuan, and other operating costs, such as induction cookers, pots, water and electricity bills, and even volunteers, are all donated by netizens.

Xu Qiu didn't know how much money the owner made, but it was impossible for him to reach the "unsustainable" situation mentioned in the notice.

Tong Yan whispered, "Doctor Xu, let's call the police."

Mo Wan was a little worried: "The police are in charge of this?"

Tang Yunshu said, "It's not that simple. If you want to check, just call the fire department or the market supervision bureau, and then hand it over to the police."

Xu Qiu glanced inside the store. It was dinner time, but the number of customers in the anti-cancer kitchen was not even one-fifth of the ones in the news photos. There were more than 70 stoves and only a dozen people in total.

Greentown First Hospital is one of the top hospitals in Henan Province. The last hope for patients in the province to be transferred is here, and the flow of people must be large.

But it's so deserted at dinner time, you can imagine how unreasonable its prices are.

"Let's go around first." Xu Qiu said.

Although Tong Yan and others didn't know Xu Qiu's purpose, they followed him obediently.

Five or six minutes later, Xu Qiu saw the second shared kitchen one block away from Greentown First Hospital.

Compared with the Anti-Cancer Kitchen, this place is much more lively. The two shops connected are full of people, and there are noises and shouts everywhere. The aroma of food spreads far and wide.

There are also a large number of grandpas and grandmas selling farm dishes on the road outside.

Xu Qiu realized at this time that the Anti-Cancer Kitchen was too quiet and too clean.

There are not even individual vegetable sellers in that area. If customers want convenience, they can only buy in their store... They earn the use fee of kitchen utensils and the profit of selling vegetables. This is a double-edged sword.

"Let's go and see the price."

Xu Qiu took Tong Yan and others to go, but there were too many customers. After squeezing for a long time, they thought of taking pictures with their mobile phones, and finally focused on the menu on the inner wall.

"Fried dishes are all five yuan. Steamed dishes and soups are all eight yuan. For staple food, soup noodles are five yuan, and rice can be provided free of charge if you consume it in the store..."

The price of this menu is much more expensive than Shen Ma's shared kitchen, but it is far less than the Anti-Cancer Kitchen.

Moreover, Xu Qiu tried to search, but could not find any information about this store asking for donations.

"Report it."

The contrast is too obvious, the anti-cancer kitchen cannot be without tricks.

It is not wrong to make money from patients, but if you use the banner of goodwill to deceive uninformed netizens and exploit the kindness of others, it is unforgivable.

After Xu Qiu finished calling the market supervision department, he silently put down his phone.

How can you go on a national tour and report a place every time you give a lecture at a hospital...

Tang Yunshu's mouth twitched, and said: "Doctor Xu, this can't be blamed on you, it's because these people who were reported are too inhuman..."

Tong Yan nodded obediently: "Yes, yes, that anti-cancer kitchen is definitely a fraud!"

Xu Qiu glanced at the shared kitchen in front of him, thought for a while and said: "There are too many people, just find another place to eat, I'll treat you."

"Okay! I heard that the stewed noodles here are the best!" Tong Yan swept away the haze of her mood, rushed to the front and led the way.

Xu Qiu and the others were all casual, not as fond of food as Tong Yan, and did not express any opinions, so they followed Tong Yan.

Because the anti-cancer kitchen had been delayed for so long, the four of them were already hungry, so they had a full meal when they arrived.

At the same time, the staff of the Greentown Market Supervision Bureau who received Xu Qiu's report phone call recorded the incident.

"This is the fourth report this year, and it's said that the price of the anti-cancer kitchen is unreasonable."

A supervisor next to him said: "What can we do? As long as the restaurant's pricing is clearly marked and does not obviously exceed the market price, it is reasonable."

"It is said that it constitutes fraud..."

"There are so many such things. There are many people on the Internet who rent an abandoned yard to adopt stray cats and dogs, and can get thousands of yuan in donations from netizens in a day. As a result, they hired an old man nearby to help take care of the yard. They only come here when they make videos and live broadcasts..."

"For several years, this anti-cancer kitchen seems to be popular for a while every year. I heard that several Internet celebrities donated hundreds of thousands this year? I don't know if they are really doing charity or just pretending to be charitable."

"We can't control such things. The caller is from an out-of-town number. I guess he will leave in two days. I'm too lazy to call back."

Several people in the office chatted casually.

Suddenly, the young supervisor was stunned for a moment and said, "An out-of-town number?"

"Yes, it's from out-of-town."

The young supervisor was alert... A few days ago, the higher-ups had a meeting. A doctor named Xu Qiu from Baiyun Province went to Greentown First Hospital to give a lecture. It was said that he had also reported many times in other places. Therefore, as long as we receive a report call, we must treat it strictly and report it immediately...

This was mainly for the Health Department and the Health Commission. It had nothing to do with the Market Supervision Bureau. They were just discussing pricing with several pharmaceutical companies at the time, so they participated in it.

Hearing his subordinates' words, he hurriedly asked: "Where is it from?"

The supervisor didn't know why the topic suddenly became serious, and hurriedly said: "It shows Linhai City... This place seems to be in Baiyun Province, right?"


The young supervisor stood up instantly.

The anti-cancer kitchen is just opposite the Greentown First Hospital... It was another call from Linhai City. Who else could it be except Xu Qiu!

"Immediately convene the market supervision task force, select the smartest few to work overtime to complete it, and make a return call to the whistleblower before 8 o'clock tonight!"

Everyone in the office didn't react a little... It was almost time to get off work!

But seeing the panic of the young supervisor, everyone realized that the problem might be very serious. They didn't dare to say anything more, so they quickly organized a task force and hurried to the anti-cancer kitchen.

At the same time, the young supervisor pushed open the door of his boss.

A few minutes later, the boss called the office of the director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau.

The assistant picked up the phone, and after hearing the report, she was still a little confused.

Xu Qiu?

Who is that...

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