Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 627: Remuneration Settlement! Terrifying Income!

Director Lin lowered his head silently.

I have to admit that their neurosurgery department is a bit shameless...

But, every penny is spent on the cutting edge. These technologies are expensive, but they are also really critical!

Wang Shengde said with great sorrow: "Of course you think it is critical. Clinical medicine is not like the First Affiliated Hospital. It has no other strengths and can only specialize in craniotomy... We have Xu Qiu, who can develop comprehensively in the field, and there is no shortage of research results. He has a bunch of key technologies in his hands...

"But, all kinds of technologies cost money. You neurosurgeons don't know how expensive firewood and rice are if you don't run the house!"

Director Lin really couldn't refute it, and turned to look at Xu Qiu, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes: "Xu... Doctor Xu?"

Wang Shengde also looked over: "Xu Qiu, other departments also need money! "

For a moment, Xu Qiu was in a dilemma.

After thinking about it carefully, he also felt that the cost of neurosurgery was a bit too much.

Take the craniotomy machine for example. Although Patton, the father of the craniotomy machine, opened the licensing rights and gave the purchasing rights to Linyi, each machine still costs about 10 million.

On this machine alone, the neurosurgery department spent more than 30 million.

Linyi is a comprehensive tertiary hospital. It is impossible to bet the money on one department. The emergency department, obstetrics and gynecology department, as well as cardiac surgery, urology, hepatobiliary and other departments also need funds.

Xu Qiu thought about it and said, "There is a way to reduce the expenditure on craniotomy machines..."

"Reduce?" Wang Shengde and Director Lin's eyes lit up.

"Well, Patton once said that he would bring a team to Daxia to discuss the improvement of craniotomy machines with me. By then, I should be able to get a lot of shares, and it will not be a problem to get a few new craniotomies for free." Xu Qiu thought.

"Really?!" Director Lin was very excited.

"30 million! It can save 30 million!" Wang Shengde's face flushed.

Xu Qiu continued: "At this stage, the cost of neurosurgery is indeed too much, so the high-field strength MRI interventional operating room will be temporarily put on hold..."

Wang Shengde slapped his thigh: "Great, I'm happy that Patton didn't come!"

Director Lin had a bitter face... High-field strength MRI interventional surgery is really good, he was about to cry!

But at this time, Xu Qiu changed the subject and said: "But... it's only temporary. Director Lin, send the documents to me, I will study it carefully and see if there are any other ways. "

Director Lin's expression immediately became clear, and he hurriedly said: "Okay! Wait, I'll get it right away! "

Xu Qiu nodded.

High-field magnetic resonance intervention is critical for minimally invasive treatment of intracranial tumors. It is likely to be one of the major directions of extracerebral intervention in the future. It is also a foundation technology that cannot be abandoned.

In addition...

Studying this thing can also improve scientific research capabilities.

When Xu Qiu first obtained the gold skill point, his master-level scientific research ability was still 11 points away from upgrading.

Later, he developed an improved method for craniotomy, which increased by 1 point.

However, this improvement is limited to theory, so the proficiency reward is not large.

When Barton arrives, Xu Qiu will personally participate in the improvement of the craniotomy machine, so that after the new craniotomy machine comes out, he should be able to get a proficiency bonus. .

In addition to the research on high-field magnetic resonance interventional operating rooms, if everything goes well, proficiency should be achieved...

These two items combined cannot make up the last 10 points, so Xu Qiu can only go to Linhai's small blood vessels to see if he can find a few more subtypes and make some money.


A few days passed slowly.

Xu Qiu finally returned to his normal work in Linyi, which was outpatient clinics, ward rounds, and surgery.

Due to his special status, he could not be found in many meaningless meetings. No one in the province or even in the country dared to force him to participate in various activities.

Like Wang Ping, He Hai and other emergency department directors, not to mention the meetings in the hospital, although the atmosphere of Linyi is very Good, but it can't handle the various tasks from above.

In addition, they have to attend the academic development conference, emergency department salon, etc. in the province. The country also has rigid requirements for promoting emergency science, so the two have to attend.

In contrast, Xu Qiu will not be bothered by these trivial troubles, and the pressure is much less.

During this period, the number of outpatient visits in Linyi also ushered in a new peak.

It is about one-fifth more than the average level in the few months when Xu Qiu was on a business trip.

Especially in neurosurgery, statistics show that after Xu Qiu's two-month national academic lecture, the number of brain patients coming from different regions is increasing.

I dare not say for the whole of Daxia, at least In the south, Linyi is already the strongest hospital for comprehensive brain medicine.

Not long after, Tang Yunshu also brought news.

This time, Xu Qiu gave a total of 27 lectures and performed 36 demonstration operations. Hospitals from all over the country sent a total of 1.47 million yuan in remuneration.

As agreed before, each lecture was 50,000 yuan, and the rest was the surgical fees for additional operations, etc.

"Academic lectures are encouraged and supported by the country. Therefore, the remuneration for advanced academic lectures is different from the flying knife fee, and there is no need to calculate income tax..." Tang Yunshu explained.

Xu Qiu was calculating how much money he could get, and was slightly stunned when he heard this: "No tax?"

According to the new income tax calculation method, he needs to pay about 600,000 yuan in income tax for nearly 1.5 million yuan in two months, and he can finally get more than 800,000 yuan...

As a result, academic lectures are not taxed, and Xu Qiu can get the full amount of 50,000 yuan for each lecture!

"So high?" Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

When I did the math at the time, 50,000 yuan per lecture was just a normal level, and even 50,000 yuan for an expert of his level was a bit low.

But in total, it’s an income of more than 700,000 yuan a month... A monthly income of 700,000 yuan is really outrageous!

Tang Yunshu was silent for a moment and sighed: "It's not that the unit price is outrageous, it's that Doctor Xu is too energetic..."

Fifty thousand is really not much.

At that time, Mori Maeda was paid this amount, but he could only give two lectures a month. No matter how many more lectures he gave, he would not be able to support himself. His monthly income was only 100,000 yuan.

Although it's not a lot of money, it's easy.

Morimaeda could travel around various places and go to lectures and have surgeries when he got tired of it, and still live a fulfilling life.

But Xu Qiu... It's like punching in. He goes to a hospital in three days. Sometimes he even does a demonstration surgery in a province the day before, and then rushes to the next place to give a forum on surgery that night.

I rest more often on airplanes and high-speed trains than in hotels.

After the amount was piled up, Xu Qiucai received nearly 1.5 million in remuneration in two months... A million in two months, and the high salary of one million as a clinical doctor was not enough in front of Xu Qiu.

"Tsk tsk..." Tang Yunshu was shocked.

She admired: "Among the doctors in the country, you are definitely the number one in terms of white income. None of the academicians can compare to you!"

Xu Qiu's legal and respectable salary and remuneration is already at the top level. If others want to reach it, it is impossible to exceed it unless they add gray and black income...

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