Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 656 Xu Qiu and Academician Tong swept the medical community!

This move can be regarded as a complete unity of the scattered victims.

A large amount of fragmented evidence was also gathered into Xu Qiu's hands through the collection platform.

CNKI headquarters.

An emergency meeting was held. Every CNKI senior executive looked angry, and their anxiety could be seen in everyone's expressions.

Antitrust Alliance...

In the past ten years, people have been suing CNKI for monopoly one after another, but it has always been a small matter.

It means that a certain professor reported the matter, and major universities would not dare to interfere.

However, the nature of the incident this time is completely different, and the scale is beyond imagination!

Except for our own Qinghua University, basically all the universities that can be named in the country have joined the anti-monopoly alliance!

"What should I do?" Many people were impatient.

The founder was sitting on the leather sofa, his head lowered and silent. There was no expression on his face, but his eyes were getting darker and darker.

"Xu Qiu actually pushed us to this point." Some people gritted their teeth and wished to ban Xu Qiu immediately.

The person next to him said: "Don't be impulsive. We are at the forefront of the storm now. If Xu Qiu's paper is blocked, won't it leave people with a clue?"

Someone sneered: "Haha, who is Xu Qiu? If he is not an academician, he deserves to have us hold a special meeting?"

"Xu Qiu can invite Academician Boring, this is their ability, we can only admit defeat!"

"Academician Boring, Academician Boring! Hasn't he retired a long time ago and almost no longer gets involved in any affairs? Why does he have to get involved this time!"

"He has been a veteran academician for a long time. He can clearly enjoy his old age and be famous in history, but he still wants to oppose us!"

Everyone was indignant, angry, and more helpless at the same time.

Facing a national elder, what can CNKI do if it is big?

If CNKI collapses, the worst thing to do is to support another one... But if something goes wrong with Academician Boring, everyone in the world will be heartbroken!

"Why are you panicking?" At this time, the founder who was sitting on the main seat raised his eyebrows, not angry but intimidating.

He scanned the audience and said nonchalantly: "The so-called anti-monopoly alliance is not necessarily unbreakable. There are many ways to break it.

"The worst case scenario is that we compromise with famous universities such as Tiandu University, Wuhan University, and Fudan University and lower the fees for databases!"

After hearing this, many people objected and said, "Is this the case?"

"We have set a precedent for price reduction. I'm afraid it will become more and more difficult to deal with in the future!"

The founder's eyes revealed a dangerous aura and said: "Of course it's impossible to just forget about it. We can tolerate it at top universities, but... how dare ordinary universities do this? Do you really think that they are hiding in the general trend and there is nothing we can do about them? "

"you mean……"

"Killing the chicken to scare the monkey! The top universities will uniformly lower their prices, but all universities that publicly join the anti-monopoly alliance will raise their prices by 50%! Those who publicly point out the academic monopoly of CNKI will have their prices doubled!"

Everyone's eyes widened, and they immediately showed expressions of surprise.

This will relieve your anger!

As a giant in the academic circle, how can CNKI be easily exploited?

The founder sneered and said: "It seems they have forgotten that the last university that publicly sued CNKI has now been reduced to three universities. The resources of teachers and students have plummeted. It is estimated that in more than ten years, it will become a junior college." It’s time for the school to regain its authority!”

CNKI is not afraid of resistance from universities.

At most, the database procurement business will be affected.

But CNKI’s money has never been based on purchase fees, which are much higher than this.

For example - paper plagiarism check!

There are more than 10 million college students graduating in the country every year. Most of these majors require graduation thesis, so it is necessary to check for plagiarism.

However, the sources of databases on other platforms are very scarce. If you want to conduct an authoritative duplication check, you absolutely cannot avoid CNKI!

Not to mention the papers written by master's students, doctoral students, and countless teachers and professors, who also have to rely on CNKI's huge database to check for plagiarism!

Although university alliances will affect income, they cannot harm the foundation of CNKI.

Even if it's a big deal.

CNKI has only lost the cost of database procurement.

However, major universities lack CNKI databases, and the difficulty of academic research will skyrocket. Academic productivity and academic reputation will be greatly affected, and even endanger the foundation!

Jingle Bell--

Suddenly, the founder’s cell phone rang.

As soon as he picked it up, his expression changed, and the fingers holding the phone turned white, and he almost crushed the phone.

"What...what's wrong?" Other senior executives of CNKI also realized that the atmosphere was wrong and asked with a bad look on their faces.

"Some journals have terminated the agreement and drawn a clear line with us!" the founder said through gritted teeth.

Everyone's pupils suddenly dilated, and for the first time there was a look of panic on their faces.

They are an antitrust alliance that is not afraid of universities.

However, the lifeblood of CNKI is its huge database!

If major core journals, top publications, etc. terminate cooperation with CNKI one after another, CNKI will collapse even without an anti-monopoly alliance!

"Hurry, get in touch with the journal, and stop them from terminating the contract no matter what the cost!" The founder's voice also became panicked, and he finally became nervous!

Finally, he stood up holding on to the handrail and said, "Let's go visit Academician Boring!"

Xu Qiu is just a nobody. As the founder of CNKI, he doesn't like him at all.

The real big shot is Academician Boring who single-handedly promoted all this!

Only Academician Tong can save the current situation... Academician Tong and countless old friends created HowNet, but the founder did not believe that this veteran would rather see his hard work collapse in one day!


Linyi, in the conference room.

Xu Qiu stood in front of the huge screen, and the screen was Academician Tong who was far away in Tiandu.

Academician Tong with white eyebrows and white hair laughed and said: "I never thought that in order to really threaten HowNet, we must mobilize major journals to join the anti-monopoly alliance..."

Academician Tong was a little surprised.

Xu Qiu's thinking was too meticulous. He founded the Anti-monopoly Alliance of Colleges and Universities, and Academician Tong only served as a lobbyist and guarantor.

The Anti-monopoly Alliance is the first line to deal with HowNet.

Then, the reporting channels of websites such as Linyi collected evidence from the public and collected scattered evidence as the second line.

And the last hand is to let core journals and top journals join the game.

The first two will only make HowNet feel pain and lose some profits, but will not hurt the foundation.

But the latter is really aimed at destroying HowNet!

Without the support of journals, HowNet's huge database will also be gone, and the so-called monopoly and academic giant will be a joke.

Academician Tong said sincerely: "It's hard to imagine that you are only 26 years old this year. Give you another ten years, maybe the world will be overturned by you!"

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