Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 663: An operation no one dares to perform

Most of the medical staff in the entire clinic knew Qiu Qinghu and Fang Wenwen, and many of them had eaten their dog food.

No one wants this loving couple to separate.

But life always backfires. Even though it is impossible to have a perfect ending, others including Shi Lian still hope that Fang Wenwen can survive on Qiu Qinghu's liver!

But precisely because they understand medicine, Shi Lian and others are even more desperate.

The premise of liver transplantation is that there is only an original tumor, that is, only cancer cells exist in the liver itself.

Only in this way is it possible to eradicate cancer by replacing it with a healthy liver.

This is something that only a few types of early-stage small liver cancers can do. However, late-stage liver cancers have basically metastasized far away. Even if a liver transplant is performed, the cancer will re-grow elsewhere in the body, and the symptoms cannot be treated. Treat the root cause.

In this case, the trauma caused by surgery will accelerate the patient's death, and conservative treatment can prolong life.

However, even if they didn't hold out any hope, Shi Lian and others still had some illusions.

Maybe Xu Qiu can?

Dr. Xu has already created so many miracles, and he might be able to save one more.

And at this moment, when Xu Qiu said that he would attend the meeting in person, Shi Lian knew that it was safe... Fang Wenwen was saved!

Hepatobiliary Department, conference room.

Xu Qiu pushed the door open, and all eyes moved and focused on Xu Qiu.

"Doctor Xu!"

"Director Xu."

Everyone temporarily stopped arguing and greeted Xu Qiu one after another.

After Xu Qiu sat down, he looked at the screen.

The above is a liver transplant case from Renji Hospital of Jiaotong University in Shanghai.

The operation was performed in December of the previous year. The patient was diagnosed with liver cancer in December. He underwent interventional treatment in January of the following year. In June, he waited until the liver source was obtained and underwent transplantation.

For the first two months after surgery, everything was normal.

In the third month, alpha-fetoprotein increased to 96. PETCT was performed immediately on the second day of reexamination, and bone metastasis and lung metastasis were confirmed. In the middle of the fourth month after the operation, the patient's condition worsened and he stopped breathing.

According to the original progress of the disease, if targeted drugs such as sorafenib are directly used, the patient should live for two or three years. With good luck, it is possible for ten years. But it was the liver transplant that killed him. Pushed to death.

The director of the clinical liver and gallbladder department said: "Director Xu, this is the situation. Not all liver cancers are suitable for liver transplantation. Without surgery, Fang Wenwen might still be able to live for a few months, but with surgery, she might get pregnant. Taiwan is going to the ICU!”

With Fang Wenwen's financial conditions, she absolutely cannot afford the cost of the intensive care unit.

Even if they could, the couple had already made it clear that they would leave the money to their daughter. How could they waste it on additional post-operative treatment?

Mo Wan was also in the conference room.

As a disciple of the master of liver and gallbladder, Academician Chen, she is known as the best liver and gallbladder expert of the younger generation. In this expert consultation, her qualifications and abilities are even higher than the director.

"Dr. Mo, what do you think?" The director of liver and gallbladder looked at her.

Mo Wan nodded: "Theoretically, this is true..."

For many liver cancer patients, conservative treatment can help them live longer, but surgery can accelerate death.

This is not just due to surgical injuries.

More importantly, immunosuppressants are required after liver transplantation. This drug will promote the growth of tumors, leading to the rapid recurrence of metastasized tumor cells in the blood and the rapid deterioration of the condition.

Mo Wan said: "Moreover, the patient's condition is still very poor, and he has barely met the standards for liver transplantation. Even if we don't consider the postoperative period, it is already very difficult just to survive the operation."

She shook her head and said: "This operation is very difficult. I'm not sure. My teacher, Academician Chen, might have been able to challenge it when he was young, but now, I'm afraid there's nothing he can do."

The steps for orthotopic liver cancer transplantation are very cumbersome, so the speed limit is there.

No matter how fast the operation is done, the patient's liver-free period will not be interrupted, and the blood loss during the operation will be very large. The patient's body may not be able to bear this damage.

Even Xu Qiulai, no matter how proficient he was in orthotopic liver transplantation, could not break through the limitations of the technology itself.

"Isn't it okay even for Academician Chen?"

"Dr. Mo has participated in the World Series before and placed in the top 30. He is considered one of the most famous doctors in the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery. He is not inferior to Academician Chen of the same age. Even Dr. Mo feels that surgery is not advisable!"

Everyone lamented... The love story between Qiu Qinghu and Fang Wenwen is very touching, but cruelty is the norm in reality.

"Besides transplantation, is there any other way?" At this time, Xu Qiu's voice broke the silence.

Everyone looked around quickly, their eyes a little confused.

What does this mean?

Xu Qiu raised his head and said calmly: "I talked to the two of them a few weeks ago. Qiu Qinghu's will is very firm. All his organs can be donated, but this liver must be given to Fang Wenwen, and only to Fang Wenwen." Wenwen.”

Mo Wan and others were silent.

They originally thought that this liver source did not have much hope for Fang Wenwen, so they could donate it to the Red Cross and hand it over to the Human Organ Donation Center to match the next recipient and save another person.

As a result, Qiu Qinghu had already made a plan. He refused to let his liver go anywhere else except to Fang Wenwen!

Can you say he is selfish?

No one has this qualification.

Qiu Qinghu has signed an agreement to donate all available organs, such as heart, corneas, etc., leaving only a liver for his wife.

He didn't want anyone else to take it away in any way.

For most people, strangers have nothing to do with themselves. What great righteousness, what great love, will be nothing after death. He has already given all his generosity, but he wants to use his liver to save his lover, which is not wrong.

Xu Qiu said: "A few weeks ago, Fang Wenwen was still hesitant, but today she also made a decision and agreed to this liver transplant.

"They have been struggling in pain for a long time. This operation is not whether we want to do it or not, but they begged us to do it. If the operation is successful, a life will be saved. If the operation fails, she can also get relief. "

This is not what a doctor should say, but it is the truth.

Half an hour later.

The head of the hepatobiliary department found that he could not find any reason to object, so he sighed and said, "Doctor Xu, our hepatobiliary department cannot perform this operation. Do you think you can..."

Hearing this, everyone else looked expectantly.

Even Mo Wan couldn't help but look at Xu Qiu...Yes, no one present had any confidence. Even she herself could not achieve a one-tenth success rate of the operation. Only Xu Qiu, who was always creating miracles, dared to say that he could perform this operation!

Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Qiu slowly stood up and said in a calm voice: "Convene the anesthesia department, critical care medicine department, imaging department, laboratory department, pathology department, blood transfusion department, clinical pharmacy department, etc. to hold a preoperative plan discussion and notify the operating room to prepare for the operation!"

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