Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 68 If a rookie like Xu Qiu can do it, it must not be difficult

Wang Ping said: "Do you still remember the medical incident?

The murderer was named Liang Yongrui.

Many people were injured at the time.

Director Kong was saved by you.

There were two children, one lost his ear and the other had his intestines slashed.

The front one has restored the shape of the ear, so the problem should be minor and the ear canal has not been damaged.

Things are not going well for the child at the back. He can only undergo partial resection. His intestines will be shorter than normal in the future.

Six adults, including our medical staff, survived with varying injuries.

Now Liang Yongrui has been detained, and there will be a public trial in a few days. A lawyer friend of mine revealed that he may only be sentenced to about six or seven years. "

Xu Qiu suddenly frowned.

This incident caused a sensation all over the country, and practitioners in the entire medical industry were panicked because of this. The other party was only sentenced to six or seven years in prison?

Wang Ping was also a little angry, and he explained: “The reason is that the court believes that no one died.

Not to mention laymen, many people who specialize in injury assessment have no idea how serious Director Kong's injury was at that time, and only rated it as a serious injury of level two.


No one can do this surgery except you.

It can be said that Director Kong was definitely dead at that time. If you had not turned the tide, it would not only be a Level 2 lawsuit, but a life lawsuit..."

Wang Ping was also helpless.

He is not a saint. He cannot wait for the doctor to kill the person and then say, "Everyone is emotionally impulsive. I choose to forgive."

Logically speaking, Wang Ping just wanted to see that man sentenced to death.

Wang Ping sighed a few times and then said: "I came to you this time for another matter.

Our hospital, as well as many sister hospitals, have jointly written a letter of protest.

The Health Commission was alarmed.

Therefore, the court and the forensic department of the public security organ dispatched a team of experts to renegotiate the matter.

If the difficulty of Director Kong Huixia's operation can be proven, she may be able to seek the death penalty. "

Wang Ping's eyes fell on Xu Qiu.

This matter, no matter what, cannot be avoided by the surgeon Xu Qiu.


The main reason why it is difficult to convict Liang Yongrui of a felony is that, in the eyes of outsiders, this surgery is something that a 24-year-old resident doctor can do...

Wang Ping felt tired.

This is no ordinary resident doctor!

"The expert team has arrived. Please take a leave in the afternoon and join us in the meeting." Wang Ping said.

Xu Qiu agreed, but he made a request, asking the hospital to prepare several light-tight boxes and water balloons.

Wang Ping was stunned and guessed what Xu Qiu was going to do. He smiled and said, "No problem."


An anonymous meeting was held in the conference room of the cardiac surgery department.

Attending the meeting were not only experts from the court and the public security forensic department, but also several old men from the National Health Commission and several directors of cardiac surgery from other hospitals.

At the hospital, Director Zheng and other leaders of several related departments were prominently present, and even the dean was here.

Xu Qiu was sitting between the dean and Wang Ping.

Wang Ping lowered his voice, pointed to the people inside to Xu Qiu, and said, "The one with the white hair is the person in charge of forensic injury assessment by the police, his name is Yuan Zhen.

Don't worry about those in the court, they are useless.

There are also those two old men, both officials of the Health Commission. The one on the left is called Qiu Jian. He previously suggested that all hospitals in the city open 24-hour outpatient clinics. "

Xu Qiu raised an eyebrow.

To be able to put forward such an opinion, one can see that he is a Tianlong person who has never been at the grassroots level.

"What happened next?" Xu Qiu asked.

Wang Ping said with a teasing tone: "Later, as a pilot hospital, our hospital implemented a 24-hour outpatient clinic. Not only did doctors visit the clinic on weekends, but they also opened lunch and evening outpatient clinics. Within a week, they were called immediately Stopped.

The first reason is insufficient manpower. "

In Daxia’s medical system, it has long been an unwritten rule that one doctor should be divided into three or four.

If we fill up the outpatient clinics during lunch, night, and weekends, and don't recruit more people, it's a damn thing if we can maintain it.

Wang Ping said mysteriously: "Of course, the most direct reason is that the medical insurance money is not enough.

Because of this incident, the old man was demoted directly when he was going to be promoted, and he never dared to raise an opinion again. "

Next to him, the dean's face twitched and he seemed to be suppressing a smile.

This thing really challenges the lower limit of IQ.

There is nothing wrong with this. It has shaken the balance of medical insurance. Naturally, the National Health Commission cannot make this old man feel better.

"Quiet, let the meeting begin." At this moment, someone from the court shouted.

The conference room immediately fell silent.

The injury analysis and identification results of different injured people appeared on the screen in front.

There was little interest.

The people in front have no influence. It is Kong Huixia who decides Liang Yongrui's fate.

Half an hour later, the last case was finally discussed - Kong Huixia.

Yuan Zhen from the Public Security Forensic Department crossed his hands on the table and said domineeringly: "I went to visit Director Kong before the meeting. She has been transferred to the general ward and looks very good. If the evaluation continues, Liang Yongrui's sentence will be determined." It may have to be reduced.”

Several cardiac directors from other hospitals also stood up and spoke.

"Indeed, I watched the video at that time. The young doctor stopped the bleeding with his bare hands, right? Being able to stop the bleeding with his bare hands means that the injury may not be too serious."

"We don't know the operation process. But manual hemostasis has long been abandoned. The fact that the bleeding can be stopped by manual hemostasis shows that Director Kong's condition was not so critical at the time!"

Wang Ping, Director Zheng and others immediately stood up to refute.

After arguing for more than ten minutes, there was still no result.

Finally, Qiu Jian, the old man of the Health Commission, got annoyed and pointed at Xu Qiu and said, "You are using a resident's operation to fight for the death penalty with the court? Which doctor can't do the operation he can do? I can do it too!"

Xu Qiu raised his head, his eyes calm and calm.

He didn't expect that the war would spread to him so quickly.

In fact, the subjective judgment of the director of the external hospital, including the forensic doctor, was correct.

A resident doctor took down this operation, and no one would believe the words "the operation is extremely difficult".

Then, we can only speak with strength.

"Do you think it's easy to stop bleeding by hand?" Xu Qiu stood up and swept his calm eyes across the audience.

Everyone was stunned.

Someone then spoke up: "If the hemostasis technique of the last century was really useful, would it be eliminated?"

"The risk of stopping bleeding with bare hands is extremely high. At that time, you were in the hospital and didn't use a lot of hemostasis methods. Instead, you stopped bleeding with bare hands, which means that the situation was not urgent enough at that time."

Xu Qiu nodded and glanced at Wang Ping.

Wang Ping made a phone call, and soon, the nurse came in with a few foam boxes filled with water balloons.

There was a hole on the top of the box that could accommodate an arm.

Everyone was confused. What was he going to do?

The next moment, Xu Qiu's action made everyone dumbfounded.

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