"It will be beyond your expectations." Xu Qiu smiled lightly and didn't say much.

Ten scientific research projects, even if they were told, others would not believe it.


"We'll wait!"

The minister and others suddenly felt confident.

With Xu Qiu's words, they were relieved!


The next day.

Linyi hung up a huge poster for the expedition.

"Director Xu Qiu of our hospital will represent Daxia to attend the World Medical Summit!"

The entrance of the hospital was already crowded with media reporters.

The previous world competitions were basically not popular in China, but this one became a hot spot. From the top of the country to ordinary people, everyone was very concerned.

"I checked. The best result of our country was 13th place, which was a long time ago. The last time was 28th place!"

"Are all the contestants in our country so bad? It shouldn't be!"

"No, no, no, you don't know! This world competition is not a competition between contestants, but a scientific research competition between countries. Let me explain it to you in detail..."

"Fuck! How can it be like this!"

"That's not right. Even if it is a competition between countries, we are still behind. Is it possible that the comprehensive strength of our country's medical field is so backward?"

"Because the supervision group is from Mei Country, our relationship with Mei Country has never been good!"

"What's all this? This country did not provide any help to Dr. Xu. In other words, he is one person against other countries! One person against one country!"

"How is it possible! Even Dr. Xu can't do it!"


As the inside story was revealed, many people were shocked.

Originally, everyone expected Xu Qiu to show his strength in the world, but at this moment, everyone was silent... Compared with the scientific research strength of a country, no matter how amazing Xu Qiu's talent is, I'm afraid he can't make any waves!

The gap in size is too big!

"What a pity..."

"Don't be discouraged, maybe it can work?"

"Doctor Xu is not afraid, so why should we, who are just watching the fun, worry about it? Believe in Doctor Xu!"

There are also many people who still have a glimmer of hope.

However, reason tells them that in this World Championship, Daxia may not even be able to keep the top 30, and it may fall to the bottom, or even the last one!


"Have a good trip!"

"Waiting for your good news!"

The minister, the director of the Health Commission, Fu Qing and others personally escorted Xu Qiu through the crowd, blocked countless interview microphones, and sent him to the special car to the airport.

Two hours later, the international flight departed.

"Teacher, this is my first time going abroad!" Shi Lian looked around excitedly.

Mo Wan glanced at him, pulled up the eye mask directly, and said casually: "Hurry up and catch up on sleep, you still have to adjust to the jet lag after that, and then the World Championship will start, the time is very tight."

"Oh~" Shi Lian responded obediently and turned to look at Xu Qiu.

At this time, Xu Qiu had already entered the simulated operating room in his brain, and to outsiders, he was just resting his eyes.

Shi Lian did not dare to disturb him, and suppressed his excitement, and also put on the eye mask.


In the simulated operating room.

Xu Qiu's eyes moved quickly, and feasible medical research directions swept across his retina.

He is now best at neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, and biopharmaceuticals.

Of course, he also dabbled in other departments, such as obstetrics and gynecology, hepatobiliary department, general surgery, orthopedics, etc., but he is not as proficient as the first three.

But, this is only relative to the first three.

In fact, even in the departments he dabbled in, Xu Qiu has abilities far beyond experts, and has a large number of master-level surgeries in each department. His knowledge reserves are extremely rich, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a master.

It is not a problem to establish a school!

"Neurosurgery, biopharmaceuticals... There are almost no targeted drugs for brain tumors at present." Xu Qiu frowned.

Ordinary brain tumors, such as meningiomas, can be simply removed by surgery.

The brain tumors here specifically refer to gliomas.

In fact, this is also one of the most common tumors of the central nervous system.

Among gliomas, the first and second grades are called low-grade gliomas, and the third and fourth grades are high-grade gliomas.

The latter progresses extremely rapidly and is also called a brain killer, with very poor overall treatment effects.

Even for low-grade gliomas, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are required, but the clinical efficacy is not good. There is still no cure, let alone targeted drugs...

Many medical studies are dedicated to the development of targeted drugs for gliomas.

Some results have indeed been achieved. For example, the most common mutation in low-grade gliomas is IDH1/2, but this is still a long way from true targeted drugs.

"Targeted drugs for gliomas can be used as one of the research directions!" Xu Qiu made a decision.

If results can be achieved, the significance of this targeted drug will even surpass the Seven Star Tablets!

After all, the original purpose of the birth of the Seven Star Tablets was just to replace Liver Anning. Regardless of the price, sorafenib, lenvatinib and other predecessors are superior to the Seven Star Tablets.


Once the targeted drug for glioma comes out, it will be explosive news in the industry, which will definitely cause an earthquake!

The first targeted drug, a pioneering drug!

This will also inspire countless pharmaceutical people and rewrite the treatment pattern of low-grade glioma!


"Cardiac surgery and heart transplantation are hot topics today, but heart donors are much scarcer than livers and kidneys. Maybe an artificial heart can be created?"

It is different from the extracorporeal bypass of ECMO, but a shrunken artificial heart that can be transplanted into the human chest like a real heart and replace the original heart to perform normal functions!

"The theory might work."

At present, we are just confirming the idea. As for whether it will work, further verification is needed.

"By the way, my previous experience with a master-level craniotomy machine also gave me a deep understanding of various medical equipment... Various types of instruments have always been the core of monopoly, and equipment worth tens of millions is often a financial expense for the hospital. Giant, is it possible to start from this aspect?”

"Like, a new MRI system?"

Xu Qiu quickly rejected it. This was no longer a project that could be completed by one person. Various superconducting magnet magnetic resonance imaging systems could not be solved by being proficient in medicine. What was more important was scientific and technological capabilities.

"However, we can also try to develop some equipment. For example, proton therapy equipment, or the use of implantable deep brain stimulation pulse generators to alleviate symptoms such as coma and dementia..."

"Last year, when the obstetrics and gynecology department carried out prenatal testing, there was a case of miscarriage after amniocentesis..." Xu Qiu thought of this matter again.

Clinically, amniocentesis is the main prenatal genetic testing technology. This technology is already very safe, but one percent of pregnant women will still miscarry.

The clinical obstetrics and gynecology department only has one case a year, which is considered excellent.

"Although the miscarriage rate is only 1%, if this 1% falls on one person, it is 100%." ​​Xu Qiu's face became more solemn.

He suddenly realized that there was huge research potential here!

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