Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 697: What is Xu Qiu's merit and ability?

Rahal is a scientific research genius, while Omid is a surgical genius.

However, they both look down on each other.

Rahal wants to prove that his surgery is not bad, and similarly, Omid is unwilling to be inferior to Rahal in scientific research achievements.

This time, Rahal specifically chose the combined heart, liver and lung transplantation to challenge Omid. If he can achieve good results in the field where the other party is best at, he does not need to defeat him. A score of more than 90 points is enough to make Omid have to admit defeat.

After all, Rahal can get 90 points in Omid's surgery field, but Omid can't get the same 90 points in scientific research.

The difference is obvious!

"However, it requires patients with normal liver and kidney function." Beimudong shook his head.

The combined heart, liver and lung transplantation is prepared for patients whose heart, liver and lungs have lost their functions. A patient with a large amount of residual liver function is considered to have reached the surgical standard on the edge. Compared with those patients with fibrosis and cirrhosis, the difficulty is much lower.

"If you can polish the details of each link to perfection, it is not impossible to get 90 points."

"Well, although the patient's choice of this item will reduce points, if he can perform beyond his normal level, there is still a chance!"

"Look at Omid again."

The recorder quickly found Omid's application form.

As expected, it was also a combined heart, liver and lung transplantation, but he did not have so many requirements for the patient, as long as he did not have end-stage pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, late-stage liver cirrhosis, and gastrointestinal varicose veins with bleeding, which are very likely to cause intraoperative death.

As for liver and kidney function, there is no requirement.

Based on this alone, Omid's operation is more difficult than Rahal's.

"As expected of Omid, he should be the champion of this year's surgery competition."

"Five years ago, he had no rivals, even Rahal was far behind him. This time, he has improved a lot in surgery, and even many academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences admit that they are not as good as him. Who can compete with Omid?"

"This is also Omid's last world championship, and he is just under the 45-year-old limit... Three consecutive championships, the future surgery competitions will be very lonely without Omid, right?"

"Haha, how can it be lonely? The younger generation finally doesn't have to be dominated by Omid's dominance. They can finally try to compete for the first place. I'm so happy!"

Everyone was in a very good mood.

Although Omid represented the White Flag Country, he and Rahal were both doctors at the Miaoyou Clinic and were also considered to be his own people.

"Only Omid can be so willful. In order to fight with Lahar, he was unwilling to change his nationality and represented the White Flag Country in the competition. If it weren't for Omid's talent, Miaoyou Clinic would not have allowed him to do so!"

"Haha, in order to get the White Flag Country to agree, Miaoyou Clinic gave them a scientific research project. Moreover, no one in the White Flag Country can surpass Omid, so it's like giving them a ranking and a seat in the World Medical Conference for free!"

Bemudong also smiled.

These two most dazzling figures belong to the Berry Country, and he was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Chairman, there is another contestant who chose the combined heart, liver and lung transplant!"

Suddenly, a recorder stood up, and everyone's laughter stopped, and they looked over in surprise.

Bemudong's face also had a trace of astonishment, and said, "There's another one?"

Others reacted and laughed immediately.

"Anyone else?"

"Doesn't he know that combined heart, liver and lung transplantation is a super-large operation that only Miaoyou Clinic dares to perform? Even if other countries can do it, it's like a child's play in front of Omid and Lahar!"

"Is this a novice participating in the competition for the first time? He learned a difficult operation and thought that only he could do it... He really thinks that the world competition is the level of his broken hospital?"

"Who is it?"

"Which country is the contestant?"

Everyone laughed unabashedly and gave a playful smile.

The recorder couldn't help but laugh and said, "A strange name, Xu Qiu, Xu Qiu from Daxia Country, I've never heard of him!"

"Is it him?"

Someone still recognized Xu Qiu.

"He is the first genius of Daxia. It is said that one genius is hard to come by in a thousand years. He has created and improved many surgeries. He is the founder of Linhai Small Blood Vessels!"

"One genius in a thousand years? Daxia has a 5,000-year-old culture, so there are five of them. Why don't they dominate the World Medical Summit? I only see them hovering outside the top 30, and they can't even enter the top ten!"

"Hahaha, Daxia has one genius in a thousand years, and our Meiguo has one genius in ten years! What a genius! He dared to choose a combined heart, liver and lung transplant. Can he complete this operation smoothly?"

"I'm afraid the patient will die on the stage!"

"What a joke. Miaoyou Clinic is full of geniuses, but only Omid and Lahar can independently complete a heart, liver and lung transplant. They are 44 and 39 years old, and they have been training in the operating room for a long time. With the teaching of the top doctor team of my Miaoyou Clinic, they gradually mastered and mastered it...

"Doctors from Daxia, he wants to learn it just by the operation videos sold by our Miaoyou Clinic?"

"It is precisely because there are not many people in Daxia who can do this operation that he thinks he can win with this operation! This is ridiculous, he is just a frog in a well!"


"Wait, there are other problems with Xu Qiu's application form!"

The recorder suddenly shouted, and the office immediately became quiet.

He looked at it carefully, made a puff, and then burst into laughter, "This Xu Qiu, he didn't even make any demands on the patient. As long as it meets the indications for surgery, whether it is advanced pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, or renal Even if the power is abnormal, it can be done!”

"He can do it all!"

These four words, with a huge meaning of ridicule, immediately triggered even more crazy laughter.

Not to mention Omid, there is no doctor in the entire Miaoyou Clinic who dares not to choose patients!

Combined heart, liver, and lung transplantation is extremely difficult, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and only a small number of patients can survive the operation. It is very difficult just to step down, and the requirements for patients are naturally very high.

No one dares to say that a heart, liver, and lungs can be transplanted if they are damaged!

"Can he, Xu Qiu, be better than all the doctors in our Miaoyou Clinic, better than our hospital's top equipment, instruments, drugs, and the world's best nursing capabilities? He alone can be better than all of us?!"

"This is the biggest joke of the year!"

"Quickly, call the media and reporters. This matter must be spread, so that the whole world can see Daxia's joke!"

"In the future, Daxia will still send doctors who are experienced in the world. He dares to choose heart, liver and lung transplants in front of Miaoyou Clinic in front of Omid and Lahar, and he is so brazen that he does not select patients. He will become one of the most famous medical doctors in recent years. The biggest joke in the world!”

“I’m afraid Daxia Medicine can no longer hold its head high!”


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