Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 712 Serious accident! Mutation of the right hepatic artery!

For example, if different people are in charge of different parts of an operation, it will definitely not be as smooth as if one person is in charge.

But it has long been an industry consensus that each surgical team has its own responsibilities, and it is almost impossible for someone to complete a large-scale operation from beginning to end.

Not to mention keeping every cut accurate and correct within ten hours, even standing for ten hours is not an easy task.

Therefore, the incoherent surgical process caused by different people is not a disadvantage, but a necessary step in the operation.

For example, the single lung removed by the resection team needs to be trimmed by the transplant doctor after the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein are cut off to adjust it to a suitable shape.

These are all important parts of the operation.

But the appearance of Xu Qiu broke this inertia of thinking.

He personally removed the diseased lung, and while completing the resection, the blood vessels waiting for anastomosis had been trimmed into the required shape while being cut off, waiting only for docking and suturing.

The trimming step in the middle disappeared directly!

"Continue... continue to watch." Bei Mudong was also shocked. He asked everyone to be quiet and became nervous for the first time.

The last step is the last liver transplant!

If he could also complete the liver transplant, Xu Qiu might become a legend in the surgical competition.

Miaoyou Clinic has worked hard for more than 70 years to advance heart, liver and lung transplantation to this point today, but Xu Qiu suddenly appeared and surpassed the efforts of countless generations of Miaoyou Clinic!

"Liver transplantation is more difficult!"

"The patient's liver cirrhosis is in the late stage, and only some residual liver function remains. At the same time, he also suffers from portal vein thrombosis and collateral circulation. The hemodynamics is extremely unstable!"

"Yes, the thrombosis is very serious!"

"Wait, look!"

Suddenly, a judge's face changed drastically, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he pointed at the No. 1 screen in horror.

Bei Mudong and others hurriedly looked over, and then took a deep breath, with an extremely solemn expression.

"Hepatic artery mutation!"

Bei Mudong exclaimed.

The patient's right hepatic artery has mutated.

Looking closely, inside the bloody abdominal cavity, the patient's right hepatic artery separated from the lower common hepatic artery and passed through the right side of the cystic duct into the liver, while the cystic artery originated from the left hepatic artery...

This kind of variation, if performed according to conventional anatomical procedures, will almost certainly damage important blood vessels and cause irreparable complications.

Even in ordinary liver transplants, or even just a small partial liver resection, encountering this situation is considered an extremely serious intraoperative accident...

"Why didn't the preoperative CT scan find it!"

"This variation is too hidden, the blood vessels are hidden very deeply, and it is not detected before the abdomen is opened!"

"It's over, the previous surgical plan is invalid!"

"It's just the last one, unfortunately, Xu Qiu will fail, and Omid is still slightly better."

Some people expressed regret, and some judges stared at the screen with gloating.

Bemudong stood up nervously, his fists clenched unconsciously.

He didn't care who won the championship.

However, Omid only took the existing surgery to an extreme, in other words, he only pushed the old model to the limit of theory.

However, Xu Qiu made many improvements during the operation, including the single sinus node surgery for heart transplantation, the eversion suture method, and the small incision sequential double lung transplantation for double lung transplantation, which all incorporated his own insights. This is exactly the most correct direction for heart, liver and lung transplantation...

A stability seeker in the old era, or a pioneer in the new world, Beimudong prefers the latter!

Even if the operation fails this time, Beimudong will give Xu Qiu a very high score. This is a reward for the brave who truly challenges the limits of surgery and explores the boundaries of medicine for mankind!

"It's almost there."

"A slight accident in a super-large operation may directly lead to the failure of the operation, not to mention such a serious vascular mutation!"

"The patient died on the stage, at least ten points will be deducted, even if other links are full marks, it will only be ninety points. What's more, he did not complete the combined heart, liver and lung transplantation... unless he dares to break the rules and continue the operation on the dead!"

The black judge grinned... Performing surgery on the dead? As long as Xu Qiu dares to do this, he will completely lose the opportunity to stay in the industry.

No matter how skilled a person is, no one will dare to use him for the sake of getting a high score.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that the office had become quiet...

The black judge was stunned for a moment: "What's going on?"

The judges who were still discussing enthusiastically a second ago suddenly fell silent, and they all stared at the No. 1 screen, and the expressions on their faces were extremely horrified.

The black judge felt cold in his heart, and he had a bad premonition, and he also gritted his teeth and turned his head to look.

Soon, his eyelids jumped, and the veins on his temples bulged. He said in a panic: "This... How is it possible!"

The hands in the picture were too fast.

It seemed to be turned on at three times the speed. If it weren't for the large number of assistants who were also sluggish next to the main surgeon in the camera, everyone would even think that this was a surgical video recorded in advance and played at double the speed...

No one expected that when everyone was still regretting, Xu Qiu resolutely changed the surgical method.

He immediately began the dissection, freeing the hepatic artery, portal vein, mesenteric artery and other large blood vessels one by one, and then cut the mutated right hepatic artery at the gastroduodenal artery and used a Hemolock clamp to cut it off...

"Hmm? The retrohepatic inferior vena cava was removed?"

"This is not a classic in situ liver transplant!"

More than half an hour later, everyone realized something was wrong.

They noticed that the donor liver's superior and inferior vena cava were anastomosed side by side with the recipient's superior and inferior vena cava, while the donor liver's inferior vena cava was ligated...

"What about the intraoperative diversion?"

"The liverless period is also very short!"

Beimudong and others did not recognize it.

However, this is actually the piggyback liver transplant that Xu Qiu used on Fang Wenwen and Qiu Qinghu.

That operation once set off a wave of craze in China, but because Xu Qiu never wrote a paper and did not officially disclose it, and because of the protection of technology in China, it has not been spread abroad.

And this operation also shows another feature of piggyback liver transplantation.

Not afraid of right hepatic artery mutation!

In other words, Xu Qiu is not worried about the malformation of liver blood vessels at all!

In his simulation training, he had found ways to deal with the ten types of Michels right hepatic artery, even the double hepatic artery, the four hepatic arteries, the three accessory hepatic arteries, etc., and all of them were integrated into the piggyback liver transplantation...

For others, this was a serious accident that disrupted the surgical plan.

But for Yu Xuqiu, this was just one of the countless accidents he had rehearsed, and it could only be ranked in the upper middle...


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