Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 714 New full score! World record!

The ministers were all very excited.

Although the surgical competition only accounted for about five points of the total ranking,... a world-class surgical genius will attract countless nobles, politicians, and leaders.

Xu Qiu will become a huge treasure trove, and the small city of Linhai City may also become famous in one fell swoop.


Three hours after Xu Qiu finished the operation, Omid also walked out of the operating room in high spirits.

The doctors around him were also excited.

They are all the top medical team of Miaoyou Clinic. In this operation, everyone performed at their best.

The operation of patient No. 2 naturally reached the best expectations in history.

"Performed perfectly, this time the score should be 98 points!" Omid thought.

The head of the resection group next to him smiled and said, "The championship belongs to you, of course, and the first genius of Miaoyou Clinic! Even if Rahal can get 90 points, he is destined to be inferior to you!"

"It is estimated that he can get 98 points. This is the highest score ever in the surgery competition!"

"Yes, before Omid participated in the competition, the champions of the surgery competition were all around 90 points, and some even only had 89 points, but Omid improved the score of the first place so much, and this time it was even close to full marks!"

"No one can compare."

Everyone was very happy and gathered around Omid to congratulate him - a genius who was trained as the first genius of Miaoyou Dean, maybe in 23 years he will become a big figure who influences the human medical community, and now is the time to make friends with him at the lowest cost.

"What is Rahal's final score?" Omid saw a contestant coming towards him, he was from Xiaorizi Country


The contestant from the Little Country greeted him, swallowed his saliva, and said, "As for Rahal... he only scored 89.5!"

Omid nodded lightly and said, "Yeah."

He looked very nonchalant.

The contestant from the Little Country lowered his voice and said, "Rahal is not important."

Omid sneered and said, "Of course, what else can Rahal compare to me except for scientific research? Surgery is my strong point. He doesn't even have a chance to struggle!"

The contestant from the Little Country shrank his neck and said, "That's not what I meant. I mean... Xu Qiu is your opponent."

Omid frowned and said with some disgust, "That arrogant maniac from Daxia? Is he worthy of being my opponent?"

Rahal is fine, but who is Xu Qiu?

The others were also surprised... Did something extraordinary happen during their surgery?

"This Xu Qiu, can he really do a heart, liver and lung transplant?" Although Omid despised him, he knew that the contestant from the Little Day Country was not joking.

"Quick, take me to see!" he said hurriedly.

Xu Qiu was the last to enter the operating room and the last to start the operation on patient No. 1.

According to common sense, he should be in the process of the operation at this time.

The contestant from the Little Day Country laughed and said, "It's over."

"Over?" Omid didn't react for a while.

Then, his face changed: "You mean, Xu Qiu's operation is over?"

He entered the operating room slower than him, and performed a transplant on a terminal patient with extremely high difficulty, but in the end, it took less time than Omid... How is this possible? !

Omid suddenly said: "Did the patient die on the stage, so it ended early?"

The contestant from the Little Day Country shook his head: "No, the patient is in good condition, the chairman and others are grading, and it is very likely to give a full score..."


This news was like a thunderbolt, instantly defeating Omid's transplant.

He stood there at a loss, the smile on his face had long disappeared, replaced by incomprehensible astonishment.

"No, I don't believe it!" Omid rushed to the judges' office.


More than 20 minutes later, Omid crossed most of the Miaoyou Clinic and finally came to the office, and suddenly pushed open the door.

Just then, a serious voice came from inside.

"After comprehensive evaluation, Xu Qiu's surgery, there is no flaw in the operation, every detail and link is perfect, which is the limit that humans can achieve in this kind of surgery, so it is judged to be full marks..."

However, this voice was interrupted by the sudden door breaking, and Bei Mudong and other judges looked at the door at the same time.

Omid panted and held the door frame, he widened his eyes and looked inside in disbelief.

"Chairman Bei, Vice Chairman... This, how is this possible! You can't give him full marks!" Omid lost his voice.

Bei Mudong glanced at him and shook his head slowly, saying, "You're just in time. Xu Qiu's scoring is over. It's time to give you a score."

"Just sit in." The vice chairman pointed to a chair in the corner.

"Sit down and listen to the shortcomings of your surgery."

The other judges also spoke, all ignoring Omid's shouting.

They were also helpless.

If Omid and Xu Qiu's surgery projects were different, they could still find a way to increase Omid's score.

But, both were heart-liver-lung combined transplants. Xu Qiu not only performed better, but also optimized multiple processes for this operation. Moreover, the patient was a terminal patient. If this championship was given to Omid, the world championship would become a joke.

"Okay." Omid seemed to have been drained of strength. He sat aside with his head down.

Ten minutes later, his final score came out.

Ninety-eight points!

It was exactly as he expected.

But at this moment, he couldn't be happy no matter what.

"That's it for the scoring. There are still twenty-seven contestants left in the surgery competition. We urge them to finish the competition as soon as possible and not to delay the scientific research competition." Bei Mudong said, planning to leave.

But Omid suddenly stood up and said: "Chairman Bei, I apply to inspect Xu Qiu's surgery!"

Bei Mudong sat down again, as if he had expected it, nodded and said: "Then I will convince you."


The screen flickered, and a picture appeared on the huge screen No. 1, which was a review of Xu Qiu's surgery.

Of course, it was impossible to show Omid the entire video.

Selected above are the most critical steps in heart transplant surgery, as well as the innovations in double lung transplantation, piggyback liver transplantation, etc.

Omid stared closely at the picture above, his eyes following the rapid movement of the hands, and soon he couldn't see clearly. He said with some dissatisfaction: "Slow down, the double speed is too fast, I can't see the details!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that all the judges in the office looked over with strange expressions.


Omid realized something was wrong.

One of the judges reminded: "Look at the surgery video carefully."

Omid quickly re-examined it, and then his expression changed.

In the picture, Xu Qiu's hands seem to have accelerated, but the movements of other assistants in the corner are at normal speed...

"This..." Omid's pupils were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.


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