Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 720 Sweeping the World Championship!

What kind of see-through intention is this?

It's just that Daxia gave Xu Qiu full trust.

No country would have allowed its contestants to enter the World Championships alone, but Daxia dared, and Daxia helped Xu Qiu suppress any doubts or accusations during the period.

From the official level, they clearly support Xu Qiu!

Bei Mudong didn't know whether Daxia's top management knew about Xu Qiu's plan to "take the top ten".

However, even if those ministers knew about it, with the importance Xu Qiu now held in their minds, they would choose to believe it first, even if the difficulty of this matter is as high as climbing to the sky.

"Incredible, incredible!"

Until this moment, Bei Mudong recalled Xu Qiu's method again and still found it bizarre.

This is an unprecedented feat in the World Championships. If Xu Qiu really does it, he will probably become famous and there will no longer be any slanderous voices around the world.

Bei Mudong glanced at Dean Miaoyou and others who were still cursing Daxia for being ignorant.

He sighed... It would be the greatest tragedy if such a pure medical genius really fell into the hands of these power-seeking laymen.

Just as the world championship has become a competition among various countries, it will be a misfortune for the medical community!

"During the World Championships, I will ensure that Xu Qiu can perform to his fullest without being disturbed or affected."

"Similarly, regardless of whether he can succeed or not, I have to give it a try. It's time for the World Series to get back on track!"

In the next few days, the World Championship received much less attention.

The surgery competition was originally a competition between Omid and Rahal's Miaoyou's number one genius. It attracted countless attention, but in the end, a super dark horse emerged and directly detonated the whole world!

After the operations of these three people ended, the surgery competitions of the remaining people seemed very boring.

But the courtyard where Xu Qiu stayed was still crowded.

But from beginning to end, apart from Mo Wan and other family members, only Bei Mudong had been in.

There is also a patient who came here because of his reputation. He is also from Daxia and suffers from a rare 21-hydroxylase deficiency.

This is an autosomal recessive genetic disease that manifests as congenital adrenal hyperplasia and belongs to the kidney disease system. Patients suffer from 21-hydroxylase deficiency due to CYP21 gene mutations, resulting in reduced glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid steroids, ACTH and androgen. Increased hormone secretion... Eventually, the patient will develop symptoms of virilization and salt loss, which can be fatal in severe cases!

This is one of the main rare diseases in Daxia.

After Xu Qiu made the diagnosis, the doctors at Miaoyou Clinic were shocked...

This patient has been coming to Miaoyou for more than two weeks and has not been diagnosed yet.

The initial symptoms were food refusal, vomiting, and dehydration, but weight gain instead occurred, accompanied by electrolyte imbalance...

Very confusing.

As a result, she saw the news that Xu Qiu got a perfect score in the surgery competition, so she contacted Wang Shengde, the director of the hospital, with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, she actually got in touch with Xu Qiu, and finally entered the courtyard.

Who would have thought that a rare disease could be diagnosed just by asking a doctor and checking past examination items?

"It's over. He may also be the champion of the diagnosis competition..."

"So many people at Miaoyou Clinic couldn't do anything, but he completed it in a short period of time. He is simply out of character!"

"Is this a scam arranged by Daxia? The patient is one of their own, used to confuse us?"

"It's really possible when you say that. We couldn't get in after waiting for so long, and a random patient just got in. Who is he if he's not one of us?"


Listening to the speculation from the outside world, Mo Wan curled his lips and smiled indifferently.

Shi Lian was very angry: "They actually slandered the teacher, they really went too far!"

Mo Wan comforted him: "Just get used to it. These Berry people are used to being the world's hegemons. They take themselves too seriously. Anyone who surpasses them will think there is something fishy."

Feng Jinpeng nodded.

indeed so……

Those who cannot beat them are cheaters. These seven words are very appropriate to describe them.

"This is another kind of recognition for Dr. Xu." Mo Wan smiled softly.

She was in awe.

Xu Qiu's door can only be entered by like-minded people and patients. No one else, no matter how high-ranking officials, dignitaries, wealthy businessmen or celebrities, can enter.

"I probably understand why everyone values ​​and trusts Dr. Xu..." Mo Wan said silently in his heart.

The World Series is still going on.

Diagnosis competition, pharmacology competition, rescue competition, etc. all ended quietly.

Xu Qiu's light is becoming more and more dazzling.

First place in the diagnostic competition.

First place in pharmacology competition...

Medication comes first...

First place in chemotherapy competition...

Wait, Xu Qiu swept all the small projects, crushing the geniuses from all over the world.

At this point all doubts have disappeared.

When talking about Xu Qiu, there is only a helpless sigh and a gap that is beyond reach.

It was also at this time that Daxia's domestic clinical trials of Qixing Tablets gradually entered a white-hot stage.

As the trial progresses, various data show that the objective response rate of patients who received Qixing Tablets was significantly improved compared with those who took placebo.

As for overall survival, progression survival, etc., due to the short trial time, no clear answer can be given. However, judging from the current clinical performance, the survival period of this group of patients using Qixing Tablets will also exceed expectations.

In addition, as the research progresses, more pharmacological mechanisms related to Qixing Tablets have been released by the Daxia Drug Administration.

"Qixing Tablets are small molecule multi-target inhibitors that simultaneously target 13 targets including CRM197, DDR1, VEGFR, MET, NTRK, RET, AXL and KIT."

Another drug known for its multi-targets is cabozantinib, a second-line drug for liver cancer treatment, which has nine targets...

However, Qixing Tablets surpassed it in one fell swoop and increased the number of targets to thirteen.

And these targets are almost all new, especially CRM197, which is the main target that Xu Qiu led his team to tackle, which involves a new mechanism for regulating angiogenesis in liver cancer - this new mechanism of liver cancer discovered by Mo Wan's team has not yet been made public, and it is waiting to be a blockbuster with Qixing Tablets.

In addition to the advancement of clinical trials, in terms of production, Qixing Tablets have finally stepped out of the small-scale trial production stage and entered the pilot production stage!

This step is the real road to mass production!

On the one hand, it is necessary to verify whether the various process routes in the small-scale trial production stage can meet the conditions of industrial production.

In addition, it is necessary to control costs, control quality, confirm various parameters, and even make detailed plans and improvements for the recycling, utilization, and waste treatment of materials in each step.

It can be said that this step is the core of a drug from the laboratory to industrialization, and it is the key to the success or failure of this drug!

If it cannot be mass-produced, no matter how good the effect is, the impact will be limited; if the process cannot be improved, no money can be made, and it can only be sold at a sky-high price, it will have no advantage over sorafenib, lenvatinib, etc....


Remember to invest in power generation for love~!

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