Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 727 Human medicine enters the era of neural regulation

Essette was chilled all over.

But he still managed to force a smile and waved upstairs.

Seven floors high... He was just making a phone call. Xu Qiu definitely couldn't hear what he just said. He couldn't lose his composure!

Xu Qiu upstairs also saw Essette's actions, responded with a smile, and then turned back to the laboratory.

Essette breathed a sigh of relief.

When he came to his senses, his back was already soaked with a layer of cold sweat.


"Choice of the nucleus position..."

In the laboratory, Xu Qiu didn't take Essette seriously at all, and immediately started the next step of screening.

He first anesthetized the SPF-grade male rats with 9% chloral hydrate.

Then, fix it on the brain stereotaxic instrument.


The next moment, the scalpel cut open the rat's skull.

Remove the bone flaps one by one.

Layers of grease seeped out.

Xu Qiu wiped it clean with 3% hydrogen peroxide, and finally, selected different nuclei on different rats.

This step is still very difficult. Not only do you need to select the site, but you also need to adjust a series of parameters.

For example, for the medial forebrain bundle, the front position should be controlled at -1.8, the lateral distance should be +2.0, and the depth should be controlled at about 8.0...

The barrel area of ​​the first somatosensory cortex on the left and right sides and other sites are also different.


The sound of the high-speed cranial drill sounded, and soon, holes with a diameter of about 0.9mm appeared on the surface of the rat's skull.

After doing all this, Xu Qiu controlled the brain stereotaxic instrument and slowly stimulated the target nucleus...


At the same time, in order to improve the data progress, Xu Qiu also set new parameters for the brain pacemaker.

The stimulation pulse period is 10ms.

The number of bidirectional stimulation pulses is 15.

The period of the stimulation train is controlled at 1000ms, and the current is 100uA.

"This nucleus is wrong..."

"It works, but it's not sensitive enough!"

"It lasts too short!"

After eliminating them one by one, the night fell in the blink of an eye. When the sky was slightly bright, Xu Qiu raised his head in surprise.


The subthalamic nucleus is the most suitable nucleus placement area for brain pacemakers!

After implanting a deep brain electrical stimulation pulse device here, high-frequency electrical stimulation can be released to regulate abnormal neural circuits, which is especially effective for patients with late-stage levodopa-responsive Parkinson's disease whose symptoms cannot be effectively controlled by drugs!

It also has a certain auxiliary effect on epilepsy and tremors of unknown causes!

Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, it is to wait for the development of other components.

However, since other engineers are unwilling to work overtime, Xu Qiu can only take the initiative to take on a bigger burden.

Physical strength potions and energy potions are also consumed at an alarming rate.

In the early morning of the third day, before other researchers took up their posts, Xu Qiu had completed the final finishing work!

"The current brain pacemaker can record EEG signals and ECG signals in real time, and sense the patient's body position information; in addition, it can also perform wireless Bluetooth data transmission and charging, realize EEG signal download and contactless postoperative program control!"


In order to avoid the sequelae of "implanted metal objects cannot be examined by MRI", Xu Qiu also specially treated the brain pacemaker with anti-magnetic treatment, so that patients can still safely undergo high-field MRI examinations after surgery!

"I have completed it and will be successfully sent to Daxia immediately." Xu Qiu immediately sent a message to Daxia.

A few hours later, Shi Lian took a box of confidential documents and boarded a special plane back to China under the arrangement of the embassy.

It was more than eleven o'clock in the evening in Meiguo when he landed, which was eleven o'clock in the morning in Daxia time.

The plane stopped near the headquarters of the Ministry of Health. As soon as Shi Lian got off, he was picked up by several soldiers and rushed all the way to the headquarters. He then passed through the heavily guarded courtyard and finally arrived in front of the meeting room.

Seven or eight ministers were already on standby, all looking at Shi Lian who was carrying the box.

The latter was very nervous, swallowed several times, and said in a trembling voice: "Ministers... Ministers, Dr. Xu's files are in here..."

"Open it quickly!" The Minister of Health couldn't wait any longer.

Shi Lian put the box on the table, and the Minister of Health and the Director of the Health Commission stepped forward and entered the two passwords, and the safe was unlocked with a click.

"These are what the teacher specified."

Shi Lian selected 237 sheets from thousands of complex documents and sorted them out carefully.

Seeing this, the Minister of Health sighed: "No wonder his Linhai small blood vessels and seven-star tablets have not been leaked so far."

Academician Tong smiled and said: "This confidentiality ability is also unique."

Triple encryption...

Unless someone knows both passwords at the same time and knows which of the more than 3,000 sheets of information are the real results, it is almost impossible to decipher.

After all, most of the contents of these more than 3,000 pages of information seem to be consistent, with only some parameters and data being slightly modified...

And Shi Lian remembered the correct order of the information.


"Let me see."

Academician Tong couldn't wait, and he hurriedly asked for this hundreds of pages of information.

"Dual-channel implantable deep brain electrical stimulation pulse device (hereinafter referred to as pulse device)"

"This pulse device can effectively treat patients with advanced primary Parkinson's disease whose movement disorder symptoms cannot be effectively controlled by drugs, as well as neurological diseases such as unexplained epilepsy and tremor..."

"The pulse device has a stimulation chip independently developed by Daxia, which can realize the left and right brain frequency program control. The polarity, voltage/current, pulse width and frequency of each channel stimulation contact can be independently programmed, and there are two stimulation mode options: constant voltage and constant current. It also has up to 13 groups of stimulation programs for storage and selection, providing refined control options for patients' periodic symptom fluctuations..."


After reading hundreds of pages of documents for only a few minutes, Academician Tong's blood was already aroused.

There was a light in his eyes... This achievement may mark the official entry of human medicine into the era of neural regulation!

It will also mean that Parkinson's patients who cannot be treated by drugs no longer have only the option of "waiting to die"!

If the brain pacemaker is really developed, Daxia will be at the forefront of the world in the field of neuromodulation technology, and will be able to expand from deep brain stimulation to vagus nerve stimulation pacemakers, spinal cord stimulation pacemakers, sacral nerve stimulation, etc. Urinary incontinence, pain, diabetes, and motor dysfunction may all be included in the indications!

"Let me see!"

The Minister of Health and the Director of the Health Commission could not wait any longer, and regardless of their status, they squeezed next to Academician Tong and read the document.

The other ministers did not move.

They wanted to read it, but they could not understand it at all.

The professional field can be left to Academician Tong, the Minister of Health and the Director of the Health Commission. They also know that in the face of such a big thing, the three of them will not be confused about the primary and secondary, and it is impossible for them to protect Xu Qiu.

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