Although he is a senior academician, his residence is very simple. It is decorated in the style of the last century. There is no expensive furniture. There are only yellowed books all over the room and a photo with the leader on the wall. reveal the identity of the owner.


Xu Qiu was led by his assistant to the study room and met Academician Boring who was working at his desk.

A smile appeared on the old man's face. Thousands of emotions were choked in his throat, and he just said a plain word: "Just come back."

The next day, when the sun was rising, journalists and a large number of citizens were already gathered outside the Ministry of Health headquarters. The number was so large that it occupied several blocks.

The impact of the Xu Qiu incident was too great. It was very scary in the middle, but in the end it was resolved so lightly...

All this abnormality aroused the curiosity of many people.

Of course, more people are happy.

Xu Qiu returns to China. The return of a genius can bring fresh blood to the medical community in Daxia. What will follow will be a prosperous era in the medical field.

"Doctor Xu, can you tell us what happened this time?"

"Were you treated unfairly when you were under house arrest in Berry Country?"

"Dr. Xu set a record in the World Championships. What do you want to say about this?"

One by one, the microphones were thrust in front of Xu Qiu.

Looking at the dense crowd of media reporters, he thought for a moment and said: "I am just a doctor, and what I have done is only a small step towards exploring the boundaries of medicine."

He doesn't care much about the infighting between countries.

There are only human beings and medicine in my heart.

Bang bang——

Thunderous applause echoed throughout the press conference room at the headquarters.

The reporters looked excited.

The audience watching the live news broadcast was also too excited to speak.

These words allowed them to see a medical genius who was not proud of taking credit. This is the future of Daxia medicine!

The interview lasted for more than an hour.

After that, Xu Qiu visited Academicians Chen, Shen Hua, Lin Xie and others respectively, and had a meal with friends in Tiandu.

Even the Dean of Xiehe came to visit in person.

Nowadays, even if Xu Qiu is placed in Miaoyou Clinic, the world's largest hospital, he will definitely be trained as a future dean. Such a person's future achievements and status will definitely be much higher than that of the dean of Xiehe.

Moreover, the real person in charge of Linyi is Xu Qiu, and Linyi has become the first hospital in the south. After the establishment of Linhai Medical Base, Linyi's status will further rise, and it will even challenge Union Medical College's status within ten years!

For this reason, not only the president of Xiehe University, but also the presidents of Tiantan Hospital and Tongren Hospital made a special visit.

For a time, Xu Qiu became a famous figure in the medical community.

But this did not affect Xu Qiu's mentality.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, he got on the flight and returned to Linhai City.

As soon as we got off the plane, the posters hanging above the terminal gave everyone accompanying us a small shock.

"Warm congratulations to Director Xu Qiu of Linhai No. 1 Hospital in our city for sweeping the World Medical Competition!"

"The first to tenth places are all taken by Director Xu Qiu! No one has ever done it before or since!"


Along the way, the entire airport was filled with different advertisements and slogans.

This is not so much an airport in a prefecture-level city, but more like an advertising center built entirely by Linyi...

"Director Xu!"

When Xu Qiucai got off the plane, someone came to receive her at the airport.

"I am the general manager of Linhai Airport, and my name is Lu Han!" A middle-aged man with two striking ears strode forward to greet him with a very enthusiastic attitude.

"Manager Lu." Xu Qiu simply greeted him.

Lu Han followed Xu Qiu one step behind, unable to hide the smile on his face.

Just kidding, this is a big shot in Linhai City!

Before Xu Qiu became famous, Linhai City was a deserted place. Although it was not that deserted, after all, this city also had an airport.

But it is by no means prosperous.

However, nowadays, the passenger flow at the airport has doubled. This year, it is almost seven times that of the same period in previous years. And almost all of these extra people are rushing to Xu Qiulai.

There are those who seek medical treatment, some who want to see Xu Qiu's true appearance, and there are also doctors who come here for further training.

You can even meet academicians who come in groups every once in a while.

Especially in the past two days, Linhai Airport has become one of the most important strategic areas in the country!

The reason is that after Xu Qiu showed his medical ability that overwhelmed everyone, politicians, businessmen, dignitaries from all over the world, as well as established nobles and royal families, all wanted to make friends with Xuanxuan.

But at that time, Xu Qiu didn't give them a chance to meet at all. In addition, the Berry Kingdom later put him under house arrest, so everyone was in vain.

Before Xu Qiu returned to China, he asked Feng Jinpeng to give these people a message——

If you want to see him, you can come to see him in person. Everyone who comes is a guest.

Therefore, many unimaginable big names came to this small coastal city. As a transportation hub, Linhai Municipal Airport naturally activated the highest level of security measures.

After all, if something happens to these people who came here for Xu Qiu, it won't just be a matter of paying some money. It might become a diplomatic issue...

"Director Xu, how was your ride this time? Did you wait too long? Was there any bumps during the flight?" Lu Han asked with concern, fearing that Xu Qiu would be dissatisfied with something.

Xu Qiugang was about to answer when he suddenly heard an exclamation from beside him.

"It's Dr. Xu Qiu!"

Obviously, some passengers have discovered Xu Qiu's identity.

He didn't wear a mask.

On the one hand, Xu Qiu's face is too easy to recognize, and he is bound to be the focus wherever he goes.

On the other hand... Xu Qiu's identity is a doctor, and many photos shown to the public are wearing masks. If he wants to use a mask to cover his identity, it will be more exposed.

Especially this is Linhai, which is Xu Qiu's base camp.

It would be strange if he was not recognized here.

"It's really Doctor Xu!"

Soon, many passengers in the exit terminal also recognized Xu Qiu.

"Doctor Xu is great, you made us proud!"

"In the past, we ranked more than 30 in the world competition, and this time we directly swept the top ten. Doctor Xu is awesome!"

The passengers were so excited that they waved their hands and wanted to say hello to Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu greeted everyone kindly, and at the same time said: "I hope we won't meet in a scene other than an encounter."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter.

If someone else said this to them, they would still think that the other party was too arrogant.

But, Xu Qiu is a doctor!

This patient is likely to die soon after receiving Xu Qiu's special care. Xu Qiu's words are really a good wish...

With the enthusiastic farewell of the passengers, Xu Qiu left the airport and boarded the special plane to Linyi.

This time, the specifications are completely different from before.

Every time he went on a business trip before, the driver Uncle Wei would come to pick him up, and sometimes he would encounter traffic jams.

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