The diagnoses given by Union Hospital and the other twelve hospitals are surprisingly consistent.

But this cannot be used as an absolute basis.

With the diagnosis results of Union Hospital, other hospitals will move closer to the disease even if they did not suspect the agent Munchausen syndrome before.

After all, there are not many doctors in China who think they are more professional than Union Hospital.

Xiang Kai's mother seemed to have thought of something and suddenly added: "Doctor Xu, I didn't show them the previous diagnosis results in the previous hospital. They should not be affected by Union Hospital's diagnosis..."

It turned out that only Xu Qiu was revealed to the previous diagnosis record?

Shi Lian was even more surprised... The personality charm of his teacher was really scary.

At the same time, his recognition of Munchausen syndrome was greatly increased.

Different hospitals use different electronic medical record systems. Although China has been promoting the networking of medical records and mutual recognition of examinations across the country, there is great resistance and it is unlikely to be realized in the next ten years.

Therefore, each hospital cannot see the diagnosis of other hospitals. In this case, being able to obtain thirteen consistent conclusions at the same time is basically a confirmed diagnosis, and there is no possibility of turning around.

But Xu Qiu did not change his opinion.

The diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome is reasonable, but there is no strong evidence for diagnosis.

Let alone thirteen hospitals, even if one hundred hospitals give the same diagnosis, there is a high probability of misdiagnosis for such an unclear rare disease, and it cannot be used as diagnostic evidence.

Then, Xu Qiu asked for information about Xiang Kai's mother.

The other party is Lv Ruping, 34 years old, a kindergarten teacher, and has no history of mental illness before...

However, Lv Ruping has a strong personality, which may be related to her work as a kindergarten teacher. Her son Xiang Kai has participated in various interest classes since he was four or five years old. It is precisely this that makes other hospitals feel that Lv Ruping's control desire is too strong, which is very consistent with the situation of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Xu Qiu thought about it and asked, "Why don't you recognize the conclusions of these hospitals? Is it just because you don't want to accept this reality?"

If Lv Ruping gave a positive answer, then he might really be inclined to proxy syndrome...

After all, experts from thirteen hospitals, plus the diagnosis of Union Hospital that was almost final, an outsider still refused to believe it. This kind of person's psychology is indeed a bit different from ordinary people.

But Lv Ruping shook her head.

She looked at her son with some distress and whispered, "I really don't want to accept it, but if it is already a fact, I can bear it.

"But the reason why I came to you to confirm it in the end is that my son said he was really in pain."

Xu Qiu keenly noticed some key information and asked, "Does your son think that the diagnosis of other doctors is all wrong?"

Lv Ruping nodded and said, "Yes, he said it's not my problem, he really feels pain."

Xu Qiu's eyes fell on Xiang Kai.

It seems that Lv Ruping did not seek medical treatment many times out of her own obsession, but because she believed in her child enough.

A mother who can take the words of an eleven-year-old child to heart, believe unconditionally, travel to many places, and go to major well-known hospitals for medical treatment, such a mother is really a patient of proxy syndrome?

"Do a few routine tests, check cerebrospinal fluid, blood coagulation..."

"Prepare the procedures and be admitted to the hospital. "

From the conversation, Xu Qiu learned one thing:

The patient's attacks have a certain periodicity.

That is, sometimes there will be persistent pain and extreme sensitivity to surrounding stimuli, and sometimes it can return to normal.

However, this change is not regular and is not strictly periodic.

In short, Xiang Kai is not suitable for physical examination now. He can only be admitted to the hospital first and wait for the outpatient clinic to end before making a more detailed diagnosis.


"Another difficult and complicated disease?"

Soon, the clinical medical group got the news, and the doctors immediately discussed it.

"Proxy Munchausen syndrome? I have only seen it in papers. It is a very rare mental illness!"

"This disease has a bad reputation... The most famous one should be a mother named Blanchard. She claimed that her daughter suffered from leukemia, muscular dystrophy, brain damage, asthma and multiple chronic diseases at the same time, forcing her daughter to stay in a wheelchair for more than 20 years!"

"Only extreme proxy syndrome patients will deliberately poison the people they care for. Ordinary patients just have some obsessive-compulsive disorders. "

"Check if the child has muscle atrophy. If her mother doesn't let him move, his muscles are likely to atrophy due to disuse. Maybe we can find some clues!"


Shi Lian looked at the discussion in the group and was also confused.

To be honest, she also leaned towards agency syndrome.

"Teacher, the neurosurgeon said that we can check if the child's muscles are atrophied." Shi Lian raised her hand and told Xu Qiu, who was eating.

"The Union Hospital checked and the patient's joints are indeed stiffer than those of his peers." Xu Qiu said casually.

Shi Lian said seriously: "Isn't this a precursor to muscle disuse atrophy?"


"Can't this be diagnosed?"

Xu Qiu asked back: "Muscle atrophy can prove that it is agency syndrome?"

Shi Lian was stunned for a moment.

She suddenly realized that Lu Ruping had high requirements for her son. He had participated in various training classes since he was a child. The amount of exercise must be greater than that of his peers. Not only will he not atrophy, but he may be overly tired.

The situation is completely different from that of the mother who forced her daughter to use a wheelchair.

Shi Lian said with a headache: "No wonder it is difficult to diagnose agency syndrome. The situation of each patient and each family may be completely different, and the types of obsessive-compulsive disorder are also different. It is almost impossible to find a standard symptom!"

Xu Qiu thought for a while and said: "This is the strange thing. The patient was still receiving interest class training in Taekwondo and football before getting sick. Logically speaking, it is impossible for muscles to atrophy, but now he has stiff joints... "

Just relying on Lu Ruping's words, he could not easily deny the diagnoses of the other thirteen hospitals.

Xu Qiu is not an arrogant person. Although he has outstanding abilities, he does not think that other hospitals and other doctors are fools.

Thirteen professional doctors all gave a diagnosis, including You Xiehe. Even if Xu Qiu didn't believe the diagnosis, she still had to consider it carefully.

Lu Ruping's words could not shake Xu Qiu.

What alerted him were the clues unearthed from the thirteen diagnostic records.

All kinds of information seemed to point to agency syndrome, but the thirteen copies together gave Xu Qiu a contradictory feeling.

A correct diagnosis should be similar to peeling off the cocoon. Once the diagnosis record is released, all links are intertwined, and the examination results are closely consistent with the condition.

However, Xu Qiu did not see such strict logic in Xiang Kai's diagnosis records.

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