Shi Lian glanced at the trash can... This was miserable, Wang Fan had been specializing in cleaning feces for constipated patients.

Of course, it was impossible to let Xu Qiu do such a thing as rummaging through the trash can. Shi Lian consciously put on gloves and found toilet paper to wipe the nosebleed.

Xu Qiu looked over and his expression froze.

The color was wrong!

And it was obvious that the blood had not coagulated!

Shi Lian carefully collected the tissue and asked, "Teacher, do you want to send it for further examination?"

While speaking, she was also observing.

Seeing Xu Qiu's expression become serious, she also kept a little more attention.

Xu Qiu said, "Did you see it?"

Shi Lian's face changed slightly: "This doesn't look like epistaxis!"

Epistaxis, commonly known as nosebleed.

Xu Qiu asked again: "What does it look like?"

"From the color, it looks more like... menstrual blood?"

As soon as this guess came out, Shi Lian felt a little absurd.

But the blood she had seen with her own eyes, such as nosebleeds, wound bleeding, and surgical blood loss, were all obviously different from the blood on the paper towel. The only similar and common one was menstrual blood.

"Send it to the laboratory to check if there are other substances in the blood." Xu Qiu arranged.

Normal blood contains platelets, which can play a coagulation role. After flowing out, it will generally coagulate quickly.

Like nose bleeding, blood clumps will coagulate after a period of time.

But menstrual blood is different. It contains anticoagulants in its composition, which can antagonize the blood coagulation mechanism. Even after a long time, it is still dark red.

The blood on the paper towel is dark in color, which is one of the reasons.

More importantly, it has no signs of coagulation!


Soon after, the biochemical laboratory gave the results.

In the sample blood, in addition to the plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, etc. that normal blood should have, two things that do not belong to blood components were found, one is hyaluronic acid, and the other is the remaining endometrial tissue.

The former is a normal substance in human skin tissue.

As for the latter, this is consistent with the performance of menstrual blood, but it is very unusual.

In theory, in addition to normal blood cells and endometrial tissue, menstrual blood must pass through the cervix and birth canal to be discharged, so it is inevitable to find secretions from the birth canal and cervix, and occasionally epithelial cells from the birth canal can be seen.


It is said to be nosebleed, but there is endometrial tissue.

It is said to be menstrual blood, but it lacks the iconic cervical secretions, etc.

Xu Qiu's expression suddenly relaxed.

The case was solved...

Who would have thought that the problem that had troubled him for so many days was such a simple thing.

"Let's go, check the room."

"Teacher, is there a result?" Shi Lian couldn't help getting excited.

"I have a guess."

"I have to tell others and let them come and see!"

Soon, the clinical medical group received the news, and many doctors rushed over to join in the fun.

The ward was surrounded by people.

Xu Qiu operated the bedside ultrasound machine to check Lu Ruping's uterine cavity.

At the same time, he asked, "Do you have any plans to prepare for pregnancy in the near future?"

Lv Ruping smiled self-deprecatingly: "No, absolutely not."

She admitted that Xiang Kai was a ray of light in her life.

But, it was only after giving birth to Xiang Kai that Lu Ruping completely saw her husband's family clearly.

Although her parents-in-law and husband were urging her to have a second child, and promised that they would help take care of the second child, if she gave birth to a girl, she would be rewarded with one million yuan.

But can they still be believed?

Before pregnancy, she said all the good things, but after the baby was really born, it was not her decision, and her husband's family obviously did not have the credibility that Lu Ruping trusted.

"Prepare for pregnancy?"

"Is this disease related to pregnancy, or is it an endocrine disease?"

The doctors around were all guessing.

But Xu Qiu did not give everyone a chance to guess blindly, and his next sentence revealed the final answer:

"If I am not wrong, your endometriosis has relapsed."


Everyone nodded in agreement... It's just a common gynecological disease, why did they mention this while treating it?

Lv Ruping didn't think much about it, she said casually: "Doctor, I will treat it the way you say, and I will do the surgery if necessary. I will listen to you."

"Well, if this is cured, I should be able to be discharged from the hospital."

"Then I'll trouble Dr. Xu... Wait, discharge?!" Lv Ruping was stunned.

Her blindness has not improved at all, and endometriosis is an old problem. It has not recurred for many years, and the examination is basically negative. What is the relationship between curing endometriosis and blindness?

The doctor who rushed over didn't react for a while.

But Shi Lian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Combining Lv Ruping's previous experience of cesarean section and the substances detected in the nasal bleeding sample, she immediately understood Xu Qiu's purpose!

"Yes, the problem lies in endometriosis!" Her little face flushed with excitement.

After following Xu Qiu's diagnostic thinking, Shi Lian felt an indescribable excitement in his heart... So this is the logical chain of top doctors analyzing diseases?

Linked together, a little clue is enough to lead to the final truth!

Carefully recalling the whole process, Shi Lian even felt intoxicated, as if watching a suspenseful movie about solving a case, which was fascinating.

"What do you mean, Shi Lian, tell me quickly!" The doctor next to him asked immediately when he saw Shi Lian laughing.

Shi Lian glanced at Xu Qiu, and seeing that the latter did not object, he suppressed his excitement and said:

"This is what the teacher often said, the rare manifestation of a common disease!

"It's just that this time, this rare manifestation is extremely rare, and there may be few papers in the academic community. At least I'm not sure if there have been any cases worldwide, but based on the teacher's words, I guess it should be like this.

"The patient's blindness is caused by none other than the most common gynecological disease - endometriosis.

"As we all know, endometriosis is the growth of endometrium in other parts outside the uterine cavity and uterine muscle layer. The most common ones are pelvic organs and parietal peritoneum, such as ovarian ectopic and uterine sacral ligament ectopic, and the rectum separated by a membrane is rare.

"However, in theory, endometriosis can appear anywhere in the body.

"For example, the nasal cavity, subcutaneous, intestinal tract, and even the brain. The patient's nasal bleeding before, I guess it is most likely not epistaxis, but menstrual blood after endometriosis!

"This also explains why it is obviously menstrual blood, but there is no secretion from the birth canal or cervix. Because the channel it flows out of is the patient's nasal cavity, and it does not pass through the cervix and other structures, so naturally there is only ectopic endometrium!"

Everyone was a little stunned.

They all looked at Xu Qiu, hoping to get verification.

Xu Qiu nodded and said, "It should be endometriosis."

The crowd exclaimed immediately.

But soon someone said, "So, blindness is also endometriosis?"

"That's not right. According to Shi Lian, if the eyes also have endometrium, it should be bleeding in the eyes..."

"Indeed, it's just bleeding. Will it develop into blindness? And the patient has not found any bleeding in the eyes so far!"

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