Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 766: One million dollars can't save this life

With Wang Ping in charge, the patient can at least save his life.

When he arrived at the emergency room, a group of family members had already surrounded him outside.

Xu Qiu asked, "Is the patient a woman?"


Xu Qiu was silent... Four elders from the previous generation came, and they seemed to be the patient's parents and parents-in-law. In this case, the patient was either pregnant or in confinement.

He hurried to the door of the emergency room. Wang Ping inside got the news and led a group of doctors to separate the crowd and invite Xu Qiu in.

After a while, Xu Qiu walked out of the emergency room with a heavy face.

"Who is in charge?"

As soon as the voice came, the chaotic family members quieted down, and all their eyes turned to the man in front.

He was the patient's husband.

"It's me, doctor, how is my wife?" The man's eyes conveyed anxiety, but he still tried his best to keep himself calm.

Xu Qiu spoke slowly: "The patient's condition is very bad. We will have to perform invasive rescue later. Do you want to continue?"

"Yes, why not? I must save my wife!"

Xu Qiu paused.

It's also his fault that he didn't say it directly enough...

He sorted out his thoughts and asked again: "If you continue the treatment, there may be no upper limit on the amount of money you spend."

"Don't worry, we have bought insurance. We have urban and rural residents' major disease medical insurance!"

"You only bought this?"

The maximum compensation for urban and rural residents' major disease medical insurance is 400,000 yuan, and the patient's acidosis is very serious. It is very likely that he will have to go to the ICU. It is possible that the rescue cost will be in the millions. 400,000 is really not enough.

The man finally understood the implication of Xu Qiu's words, and his face turned extremely pale.

The next moment, he trembled his fingers and said: "Save, save, we will save even if we sell everything we have!"

Xu Qiu nodded and turned back to the rescue room.

At the same time, Wang Ping handed over the newly released examination report.

Xu Qiu took a look and was immediately shocked.

The patient's pH value was only 7.13, far lower than the normal 7.35~7.45, which was already extremely severe acidosis.

In addition, the lactic acid was 27.1 units, and the normal value was 1~1.8.

The most shocking thing was the hemoglobin...

The normal adult female's hemoglobin was between 110~150, and severe anemia was greater than 30 and less than 60, but this patient's hemoglobin was only 15, only half of severe anemia, and in extremely severe anemia, it was a level that could kill at any time.

"Two units of red blood cells have been transfused..." Wang Ping added.

Xu Qiu shook his head: "Not enough."

He said: "Rapidly transfuse 6U of red blood cells, plus 400 milliliters of plasma. In addition, 10L of electrolytes plus potassium chloride are transfused."

After deciding on the infusion plan, Xu Qiu paused and said: "Issue a critical illness notice, let the family members prepare, and - go back to collect money."


While Xu Qiu was being rescued, more examination results came out one after another.

The patient is Ding Tao, 27 years old. She gave birth to a baby boy in Linyi half a month ago and is now in confinement.

The second blood test showed that the patient's hemoglobin had risen to 36. Although she was still severely anemic and still hovering at the gates of death, she had improved a lot compared to before.

Few other indicators were normal.

The white blood cell count increased, the neutrophil count increased, the neutrophil percentage increased, the lymphocyte and monocyte counts decreased, and the red blood cells, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, etc. were all on the edge of danger.

In addition, there is another critical value.


The platelet count of an average person is between 100 and 300, but the patient's platelet count is only 27, which is a severe thrombocytopenia. If no intervention is performed, the patient will have spontaneous bleeding all over the body, such as nose bleeding, gum bleeding, intracranial bleeding, etc. The patient is likely to die from inability to stop bleeding and blood loss.

"Check, the patient should still have internal bleeding." Xu Qiu made a judgment immediately.

Low hemoglobin is most likely due to low platelets.

In this case, only blood is replenished, but the patient is still losing blood, and hemoglobin can never be raised.

Xu Qiu continued to check the examination report, his expression becoming more and more serious.

The data on the second page showed that the patient had four other critical values, namely severe hypokalemia, extremely long prothrombin time, extremely high and activated prothrombin time, and extremely high B-type natriuretic peptide.

Any critical value can give the patient a critical illness notice.

But this acidosis patient named Ding Tao has too many critical values, and each one can make the emergency doctor sit up in shock in his dying illness.

"There is also liver function, which is also a big problem!"

Xu Qiu frowned deeply.

Ding Tao's alanine aminotransferase exceeded one thousand, and aspartate aminotransferase reached about 500, which is more than twenty times that of normal people. Combined with abnormalities such as bilirubin, it can basically be determined that it is acute liver damage.

And it is severe acute liver damage.

"The CT scan also showed chronic heart failure. The liver damage is not obvious." Wang Ping said, handing over the imaging film.

Xu Qiu held up the CT film to the light and examined it carefully.

Wang Ping was right. It is impossible to give a person a liver without obvious damage. Most of the liver has no obvious damage, and the bile ducts inside and outside the liver have not dilated.

"The liver density has decreased." Xu Qiu's eyes were like precise instruments, and he could see the problem under the seemingly normal condition at a glance.

He took out the CT scan of the chest cavity again.

It showed that Ding Tao's heart shadow was enlarged, a typical manifestation of chronic heart failure and chronic anemia.

"The patient woke up!" At this time, the news came from the rescue room.

Xu Qiu put down the examination report, "Just in time, let's go and find out the situation."

Outside the observation room, the family members had already surrounded Ding Tao's bed.

Xu Qiu finally squeezed in and took a look at the patient.

Ding Tao's complexion was still very bad, but it was much better than the pale face before.

"Did you take any medicine?" Xu Qiu asked.

With such severe liver damage, there was also a problem with thrombin. Combined with this for young women, the most common thing is to take diet pills.

Most of the weight loss pills touted on the market are pure IQ tax, which can only act as a laxative. This kind of pill is still conscientious; some weight loss pills even contain banned drug ingredients. Once taken for a long time, they will cause serious damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys, and it will be irreversible when discovered.

"No..." Ding Tao's thin lips moved, and her voice was so weak that it seemed to fall apart at any time.

"Weight loss pills, or any other medicine?"

"I haven't taken these things..."

Xu Qiu nodded, indicating that he knew.

It seems that it is wishful thinking to want to identify the culprit of the disease with just a few words...

While thinking, Xu Qiu issued the second stage of infusion plan.

"Continue to infuse 4U red blood cells and 400ml plasma."

"In addition, intravenous infusion of reduced glutathione, 1.8g."

Shi Lian and others quickly wrote it down, and someone immediately went to replace the medicine.

After Xu Qiu gave the doctor's instructions, he stood there. He carefully recalled the patient's condition during the rescue and tried to analyze the important symptoms from it.


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