Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 774 Xu Qiu's achievements, a contemporary genius

"I am an academician of urology. I mainly do laparoscopic surgery. I am currently promoting laparoscopic robots in urology..."

Xu Qiu greeted everyone one by one.

All the academicians present have made great contributions to the medical community of Daxia. For example, this academician of urology has created a set of laparoscopic surgery technology system for urology featuring retroperitoneal approach.

Once the system is established, all surgeries can benefit, which almost opens a new door for urology!

Other academicians also have their own creations.

Seeing that Xu Qiu was about to be overwhelmed by the academicians, Academician Tong quickly stood up and said, "Don't stand outside. The qualification review meeting is about to start. Let's all enter!"

The crowd reluctantly entered the academician building.

Fifteen minutes later, the review meeting was held on time.

Xu Qiu sat at the back. Although he was the person involved, he was not the protagonist of this meeting.

Although it was just a formality, the votes of the academicians were still very important.

The meaning of being elected as an academician by half of the votes is naturally different from being elected unanimously.

Xu Qiu looked down at the venue. There were about fifty academicians here, many of whom were new faces, but there was no doubt that all of them were leading figures in the medical field.

Several of them were in charge of Tiantan Hospital.


At this time, the sound of the speakers made a debugging sound, and Academician Tong also stood up at this time, facing the full house of academicians and spoke loudly:

"I recommend Dr. Xu Qiu as an academician to the Academician Conference!

"First, Xu Qiu has made many innovations in the field of medical surgery. He completed the world's first complete cranial fusion and separation surgery, pioneered the regeneration of the end of a severed finger, and the colon replaced the bladder surgery, etc. He improved and perfected the bone prosthesis reconstruction, SUN surgery, piggyback living liver transplantation, etc. His contributions to the field of surgery are numerous and refined, which have brought changes to various medical fields and greatly promoted the development of human medicine...

"Second, Xu Qiu has made fruitful scientific research. He is independent The research and development of Linhai small blood vessels broke the foreign blockade in one fell swoop, shattered the rumor that foreign experts believed that "6mm is the insurmountable limit of artificial blood vessels under modern science and technology", and made Daxia form a reverse monopoly of artificial blood vessels in the world! The clinical trial data of Qixing Tablets is excellent, with both efficacy and safety. It has the potential to become a new generation of liver cancer miracle drugs, and it also contains a pharmaceutical market of hundreds of billions! The "Linhai Great Doctor" created and supported by him has become a core Chinese journal, with great influence in China and a reputation abroad. It is one of the most influential and well-known Chinese academic journals in the international community in recent years!

"Third, Xu Qiu has achieved an unprecedented international status for the domestic medical community. He won the first to tenth place in the world competition and won the first place in the World Medical Summit for Daxia. The ten achievements have injected immeasurable fresh blood into the medical community of Daxia, ushering in a golden period of at least five years for Daxia!

"Fourth, Xu Qiu has trained a large number of doctors for Daxia..."


Word by word, when Xu Qiu's achievements were announced from Academician Tong's increasingly passionate voice, the academicians present gradually became sluggish.

They knew what kind of person Xu Qiu was, but when all of Xu Qiu's deeds were laid out, they were still deeply shocked!

If such a doctor, such a young genius, could not become an academician, how many people present would be worthy of this highest honor?


After a long time, Academician Tong finally finished his reasons for the recommendation.

He looked around with an elegant smile, and then his voice fell steadily: "Vote, a 28-year-old academician candidate!"

The venue fell into a brief silence.

The academicians were immersed in the shock just now, and when they thought of Xu Qiu's age of only 28, their minds were like a big earthquake.

It's amazing!

It's outrageous!

He has achieved such achievements at the age of 28. When he is 38 years old, what will the medical world become?


The first academician slammed the table and stood up excitedly to vote.

Xu Qiu looked away and saw that it was Academician Chen.

Academician Chen could not hide his excitement and said: "His achievements are not worse than ours, and even far exceed the standards for selecting academicians. If it is just because he is too young and has insufficient qualifications, wouldn't it make people laugh at us old guys and think that we are pedantic?

"Xu Qiu should not only be an academician, but also be the leader of this year's new academicians!"

At this time, Shen Hua also stood up and applauded: "I agree. Just like the world championship, if the championship is not given to Xu Qiu, it is not Xu Qiu's regret, but the shame of the world championship. If even Xu Qiu has to stop at the academician candidate, it is not Xu Qiu's lack of ability, but the honor of academician is shamed. How will the world view it? "

The crowd had no intention of objecting... Shen Hua was right. If even Xu Qiu couldn't do it, and outsiders knew about it, they would not laugh at Xu Qiu for overestimating his abilities, but at the difficulty of selecting academicians.

Moreover, there would be serious consequences.

If this was not a recommendation for academician Tong, but a normal selection meeting...

Xu Qiu might really be asked to wait a few more years because of his insufficient qualifications and young age.

Then there would be an uproar in the country.

If academicians are selected again in the future, they will be compared with Xu Qiu. If there is anyone who has lower achievements than Xu Qiu, the academician meeting will be criticized, or even scolded...

However, the academicians present were just going through the motions, and only a few people had objections.

However, after listening to Academician Boring's summary of Xu Qiu's achievements, these few people also gave up.


"I also agree, welcome Academician Xu."

"Hahaha, a twenty-eight-year-old academician. My son is still struggling in the laboratory at this age, but Dr. Xu has already sat on the highest throne in the academic field. He is worthy of being a dragon among men!"

"Wizards of our time!"

The academicians voted one after another, and after a few minutes all the votes were tallied.

Academician Boring looked at the results with a surprised expression.

He looked towards the center of the front row.

Sitting there was an old man with an aura that kept strangers away. His eagle eyes revealed his sharp personality, and the corners of his mouth naturally turned down, making him look very difficult to mess with.

"Old Xu actually agreed?" Academician Boring was shocked.

Academician Xu is a contemporary of Academician Boring.

The other party is an academician of ophthalmology. He has laid the foundation of ophthalmology in Daxia. He has achieved extremely high achievements and is also a genius of the generation.

But he was very aloof and looked down upon the academicians of his generation. It was not until the year when he knew his destiny that he became a little more restrained, but he was still not easy to get close to. He also hated recommending, recommending and other similar things the most, because he I think this is the hardest hit area for backdoor and guanxi.

Therefore, Academician Boring felt that it was impossible for Academician Xu to let Xu Qiu pass.

However, the reality was beyond his expectation!


Remember to vote for power generation for love!

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