Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 783: What is reputation compared to a life?

What's worse is that the vascular CTA showed that the patient had acute occlusion of the lower abdominal aorta, and the skin and muscle tissue were rapidly necrotizing and spreading upwards.

If it goes on, the patient will not only have to have the lower part of the buttocks amputated, but even the waist may not be saved.

In addition, due to severe crush injuries, acute abdominal aortic occlusion, rhabdomyolysis and necrosis, etc., the patient has already suffered acute renal failure, which makes Dai Kai's situation worse...

It's not easy to save this life, no wonder the directors of both Tiantan and Union Hospital are so anxious.

Not to mention them, even Xu Qiu can only try his best.

"This is an emergency operation, and there is no opportunity to train in the simulated operating room in advance."

"In other words, one, I can't improve my proficiency. Two, I can't get the reward after the S-level score..."

In the past, although the success rate of high-difficulty operations was also very low, Xu Qiu was fully prepared.

As long as you get an S-level evaluation, the system will give you random rewards, such as "5% reduction in surgical difficulty" and "10% reduction in surgical damage", etc. This greatly improves the success rate of the operation, and more importantly, it boosts Xu Qiu's confidence.

But this time, he can only bite the bullet.

"By the way, please ask Academician Su and Academician Cui to guide this operation." Xu Qiu suddenly said.

He also has an ability: [popularity].

The more people watch his operation, and the higher the status of the observer, the better the state during the operation.

This is one of the few factors that Xu Qiu can use.

"Academician Su?" Everyone in the conference room looked at the director of the neurosurgery center.

The latter was also stunned when he heard this. Although he didn't know what Xu Qiu's purpose was, he thought of Xu Qiu's previous words of 100% obedience, so he agreed.

"Next, the surgical plan." After making this arrangement, Xu Qiu stood up again and spoke in a steady voice.

Everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.

Xu Qiu said:

"In the ICU, send him to the operating room immediately. First, perform puncture and catheterization of the right subclavian vein and endotracheal intubation, quickly transfuse blood and fluids, first ligate the bilateral internal and external iliac arteries and veins, and then establish two venous channels in both upper limbs to prepare for the operation!

"As for the operation, we have to do a total of twelve items!"

Xu Qiu took a deep breath.

Thousands of operations and multiple master-level surgical experiences allowed him to think of countermeasures as soon as he saw the patient's condition. Now is the time to show his ability.

He narrated in an orderly manner:

"First, perform bilateral internal and external iliac artery ligation.

"Next, perform left lumbar artery and vein ligation.

"Both lower abdominal wall arteries and veins also need to be ligated.

"Then perform suture and compression of the anterior sacral venous plexus on the remaining half of the proximal sacrum.

"After that, anastomose the bilateral ureters, perform bilateral ureteral stent renal pelvic drainage, and repair the bladder and ureteral fistula at the stump. The rectum, sigmoid colon and greater omentum of the lower limbs need to be completely removed, and then the small intestine is cut to decompress, and gastric tube drainage is performed simultaneously; the descending colon position needs a right upper abdominal fistula, and the abdominal sacral area is seriously contaminated, so a large area of ​​debridement and drainage is required..."

Facing patients of this level, the surgical process is also extremely complicated.

Ligation, suturing, and fistula, three operations throughout the entire operation, in addition to the reconstruction of the digestive tract, the difficulty is simply unimaginable.

The eyes of the people present were a little dull... In such a short time, Xu Qiu actually gave a surgical plan that seemed to have no flaws!

Is this scientific?

It turns out that he is a genius who was unanimously elected as an academician at the age of 28!

With emotion, Xu Qiu stood up suddenly, his calm expression revealed unquestionable confidence, and he said slowly: "Start the rescue! "


After Xu Qiu led Dai Kai's treatment, a green channel leading directly to the operating room was opened at the fastest speed on the other side.

In the operating room, the anesthesia team was busy according to Xu Qiu's plan.

Quickly replenish balanced salt and whole blood...

Dopamine intravenous drip, maintain blood pressure at 100/40mmhg, pulse 100 times per minute, and blood oxygen saturation 100% after anesthesia.

At the same time, cardiotonic diuretics, acid correction, calcium supplementation, antibiotics and hormones were also used.

"Doctor Xu--" The anesthesia team leader's voice revealed nervousness.

Even though he was experienced, it was the first time he had handled such an operation.

"Get ready to start. "Xu Qiu nodded.

As the words fell, the atmosphere in the operating room changed. Everyone's face became solemn, and they stared at the operating area intently.

Academician Su and Academician Cui also looked solemn... This operation has nothing to do with their neurosurgery, but they also know how difficult it is. Xu Qiu dared to take it over.

Didn't he know that if the operation failed, he would bear the greatest responsibility, and with Xu Qiu's status and identity, it was no small matter if someone died under the scalpel.

The reputation he had just established and the image of the god of medicine in the eyes of ordinary people would probably collapse in an instant!

Xu Qiu glanced at Academician Su silently.

He could indeed leave like this, and Dai Kai's life or death would not have any impact on him.

But if he left, Dai Kai would most likely have to wait for death.

Compared with a life, what was his reputation?

“No patient has ever died” is the highest honor for doctors and a goal worth showing off. However, if you are afraid to perform high-level surgery and shrink back in front of critically ill patients, you are unworthy of your white coat.

Xu Qiu took a deep breath and focused his attention on the surgical area.

The patient's lower limbs were completely destroyed, with a large number of bone fragments mixed with blood vessels, flesh and blood, and there was almost no intact area below the S1 level.

Although several debridements had been performed during hospitalization, further treatment could only be solved on the operating table.

“The operation begins.”

The scalpel fell with Xu Qiu's voice.

The sharp tip of the knife started from the midpoint of the inguinal ligament, moved parallel to the inside and below, turned to the distal side at the base of the genitals, and reached the lower limb of the sciatic nerve along the outside of the scrotum, and finally extended to the sciatic tuberosity...

Of course, all this was based on Xu Qiu's amazing knowledge of anatomy.

The surgery area that others saw was only a bloody mess. Not to mention the midpoint of the inguinal ligament, even the iconic bones of the pelvis could not be found. Various structures were piled up together, like the stuffing of a crushed dumpling.

"Continue." Xu Qiu did not stop.

After cutting the skin and subcutaneous tissue, he separated the adductor and obturator externus muscles from the pubic bone and ischium under the periosteum.


With a turn of his wrist, the black pubic body was revealed under the sharp blade.

At the same time, several bones appeared.

Everyone present showed a trace of confusion on their faces... What is this, what is that, what is this step for?

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