Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 884: Half of the buttocks missing

Beimudong is right.

For mastering an absolutely leading technology, is it important to pay 2 billion patent fees?

It's like a crystal.

Meiguo has mastered the preparation process of high-end crystals. This is not a question of how much money to charge for authorization. The other party has no bargaining power at all, and even whether they can get the crystal depends on their mood.

Compared with amniotic fluid testing, the plasma non-invasive technology is the difference between high-end crystals and mid-to-low-end crystals.

It is unknown whether Daxia will give it to Meiguo. They are actually discussing how to reduce the patent fee here...

Beimudong knocked on the table and said, "I will come forward and ask Daxia to share the technology with us as much as possible. As for the patent fee, you can handle it yourself."

Hearing this, everyone was a little stunned.

Times have changed...



A few days later, one application list after another was sent to Linyi.

After preliminary screening by the staff, those who met the requirements were sent to Xu Qiu's office.

Xu Qiu took a simple look and approved them all.

No matter how powerful the technology is, it is only valuable when used on people.

Although the plasma non-invasive technology has opened up a new era of prenatal testing, it still needs to be put into clinical practice to play a role.

Xu Qiu will open up domestic hospitals that have the conditions to carry out the technology.

As for foreign countries...

There is a video conference tonight, and the participants are the Minister of Health and other bigwigs, who are specifically discussing how to respond to the sharing requests from the international community.

As early as during the World Championship, the reputation of the plasma non-invasive technology was established. Now that it has officially entered the clinical stage, it would be a lie for hospitals around the world to say that they are not jealous.

Therefore, all countries have submitted applications to the international community and put pressure on Daxia with the help of the International Medical Summit.

Daxia can indeed withstand the pressure and not make it public.

But, there is no need.

Neither Xu Qiu nor the official will do so.

Of course, it is impossible to easily obtain Daxia's plasma non-invasive technology. They have to pay a certain price.

While thinking, the phone in the emergency department rang again.

Xu Qiu glanced at the scheduling records on the computer.

Chen Qiao and Shi Lian both went to the operation, and Li Xue and others were also busy with outpatient clinics and ward rounds.

Finally, it was my turn again...

Xu Qiu got up quickly and rushed to the emergency hall.

This time, a female patient in her seventies was sent in. Five months ago, she fell while dancing in the square, fractured her right femoral neck, and developed an ulcer in her sacrum and coccyx after being bedridden.

After being treated in the local hospital for several months, the disease did not heal for a long time, and this time it became more and more serious, so she was sent to the clinical doctor.

"It's just a sacrum and coccyx ulcer?" Xu Qiu was a little puzzled.

If it was just like this, Liu Susu and the others would have taken care of it, and they wouldn't have asked me to go.

With doubts, I came to the observation room.

The patient was already lying on the bed, wailing constantly. Due to the pain, the patient could only lie on the left side, and the whole person curled up like a crayfish, and it was hard to tell whether it was a hunchback or stress caused by abdominal pain.

However, just as Xu Qiu entered the door and had not yet come to the bed, the monitor next to the bed suddenly started to alarm.

Beep beep--

In the harsh alarm, the nurse's pupils shrank suddenly.

Cardiac arrest!

Xu Qiu's pace quickened immediately, and he came to the bed in an instant and started frantic CPR.

The nurses were preparing AED and other rescue drugs that might be used in an orderly manner.

Although it was urgent, everyone was not panicked.

The person was sent to the hospital, and Dr. Xu was present. If the patient died of cardiac arrest, it would still be a test of luck.

Ordinary patients don't have this kind of luck.

After a few minutes of CPR, the patient finally recovered spontaneous breathing.

Xu Qiu stopped cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and a thin layer of sweat had appeared on his face, and his body became hot.

Doing standard chest compressions consumes almost the same amount of energy as strength training.


"And epileptic seizures!"

Xu Qiu recalled the scene of the rescue. The patient's limbs kept twitching during the rescue, which was consistent with the performance of an epileptic seizure.

He looked at the monitor again.

The patient's heart rate returned to 43. According to the nurse's feedback, the patient's heart rate was around 47 before.

The heart rate range of a normal person is 60~100. Children with vigorous metabolism tend to have higher heart rates, while the elderly tend to have lower heart rates. The patient is already over 70 years old, but the normal minimum value is about 55. If it can reach 47, bradycardia must be diagnosed.

However, these are Xu Qiu's first impressions, not the most important indications.

After all, the main complaint of the patient sent to the hospital was right femoral ulcer.

He lifted the bed sheet.

Seeing the shocking scene in front of him, his eyelids could not help but jump.

He originally thought it was just a small ulcer, but in fact, the ulcer on the right femur had spread to half of the buttocks.

Pieces of bright red flesh were directly exposed to the air, without any skin protection. It looked like mutton on a meat stall, with a lot of yellow pus mixed in the redness, and a lot of yellow-white pus on the edge of the ulcer.

There was no stench.

But the air was filled with a faint smell of blood, mixed with the smell of fermented feces, urine and various secretions, and the sourness was accompanied by nausea that made people nauseous.

For the nurse, the smell was okay.

But for Xu Qiu, whose sense of smell was far superior to that of ordinary people, it was like hell.

Silently putting on the second mask, Xu Qiu slowly recovered his breathing and began to check without changing his expression.

According to the stage, the patient's ulcer can be classified as the highest level.

Although it is troublesome to deal with, at least it is curable.

He looked at the patient's detailed medical history again.

1. Sacrococcygeal ulcer (stage 4).

2. Left femoral neck fracture.

3. Hypoproteinemia.

4. Sequelae of cerebral infarction.

The main symptom is naturally a large ulcer in the thigh.

There are only two ways to deal with it.

One is conservative treatment, that is, changing the dressing and drainage.

The other way is to perform flap repair.

The former is often the first choice for treatment and the cost is low.


The patient had a fracture five months ago and went to the doctor many times, but the ulcer became more and more serious. If conservative treatment was useful, it would have been cured long ago.

Xu Qiu knew very well that the only reliable way was probably to do a skin transplant.

However, the defect area in the patient's thigh was too large, and the skin of half of the buttocks was completely defective. It was very difficult to do a flap transplant.

As for autologous skin transplantation, it was basically not necessary to consider it.

For a man in his seventies, it is useless to rip off the skin and patch up the wound. It is uncertain whether the thigh can be healed, and the area used for transplantation will leave an extra scar.

"We can only design a plan of pulling and covering..." Xu Qiu thought.

However, for such a large wound, if you want to suture it by pulling the skin flaps on both sides, it is not like suturing it directly like a cesarean section. It must be carefully designed, and even the tension of each skin flap must be accurate.

Cesarean section...

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu raised his head and looked at the curled up patient again, and asked: "Is her stomach uncomfortable too?"


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