Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 907 The person bitten by his girlfriend

Other diseases are not much different.

The essence is to implant an electrical stimulation pulse device deep in the brain, and then use an external stimulation program controller to adjust the stimulation parameters for long-term electrical stimulation treatment.

However, it only improves or alleviates symptoms.

It is impossible to cure it, at least with current medical technology.

After all, Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra.

Dead things cannot be resurrected.

It's like walking with a prosthesis when your legs are broken.

The role played by the brain pulse device is somewhat similar to that of a prosthesis.

But if you want to be cured or live a normal life without a brain pulse device, it is like removing the prosthesis and growing a new leg, which is simply a fantasy.

Moreover, for general diseases, such as tumors, the sooner the better.

But brain pulse device implantation is different.

Even if Parkinson's disease has been diagnosed, surgery will be performed in the middle and late stages.

The reason is that the clinical diagnosis of this type of disease is uneven, and many hospitals do not have a good grasp of the indications, and even Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's syndrome may not be distinguished.

The former, Parkinson's disease, is a degenerative disease of the nervous system in the elderly, and its clinical manifestations include hand tremors, bradykinesia, muscle rigidity, and body imbalance at rest.

In short, the nervous system degenerates first, and then causes tremors, etc.

Parkinson's syndrome, on the other hand, is similar to the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, such as resting tremors and abnormal gait, but the cause is not necessarily degenerative, but may be encephalitis, slow virus infection, drug or poisoning, etc.

Even multiple cerebral infarctions, Huntington's disease, and hepatolenticular degeneration may lead to Parkinson's disease-like symptoms.

Like Pang Honggu, there was a period of time when she had clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease-like disease, which can also be counted as Parkinson's syndrome.

The treatment of this disease is to find the primary cause, eradicate the cause, and then treat the Parkinson's symptoms.

As for the real Parkinson's disease, it can almost only be relieved by surgical treatment.

The hospital could not distinguish between the two diseases and performed the operation rashly. If it was Parkinson's syndrome, the patient would be injured by the operation in vain, and the disease would not be cured, which would cause huge conflicts between doctors and patients.

Therefore, it is better to wait until the progressive stage, thoroughly diagnose, and verify multiple times that it is indeed Parkinson's disease before performing the implantation.

This is why the neurosurgery department has spent a week or so and has not found a suitable volunteer.

However, it is not that there is no candidate at all.

With the flow of people in Linyi Neurosurgery, as well as the cooperation of Tiantan Hospital and Greentown First Hospital, the data of neurosurgery patients in tertiary hospitals are almost interoperable.

After many searches, four or five people who can be diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or primary dystonia were selected.

Another one has Tourette syndrome.

Among them, the children with Tourette syndrome are in the best physical condition.

On the one hand, it is age.

On the other hand, the main manifestations of the disease are multi-part movement and vocal tics, and crazy obscene language will not cause serious damage to the body.

To put it bluntly, multiple tics + foul language bring mental damage rather than physical attack.

But Xu Qiu refused after repeated consideration.

Although in theory, Tourette syndrome can be treated with implantation.

However, the mechanism of the disease has not been explored clearly. It is a kind of mental disorder. Like depression, the main treatment is to take antipsychotic drugs. As for the effect of surgery, there is no strict evidence-based medicine, so it is not suitable for developing new surgeries.

The patient's life is more important than an operation.

Even if this operation can save more people, why should the first volunteer be sacrificed?

In the end, it was temporarily shelved.

However, considering that all parties are paying attention, Xu Qiu still set a deadline.

If no suitable volunteers can be found before the end of October, they will be selected from the patients selected by the three hospitals.


"What's wrong with your hand?"

In the seventh clinic, Xu Qiu looked up.

The man opposite covered his palm in pain. Looking through the gauze, there were rows of tooth marks on the tiger's mouth of his right hand, as if it had been bitten by a small shark, which looked scary.

"Bitten... Doctor, do I need a rabies vaccine?" the man asked reluctantly.

"What animal?"

The emergency department often encounters this kind of people, such as those who tease stray cats at the door, those who see the sign "There are vicious dogs inside" and are chased out and bitten by the dogs inside, and those who are rare in China, such as skunks and foxes.

For these animals, unless they can provide clear proof of rabies vaccination, it is generally recommended to get a rabies vaccine.

If they are infected, let alone Xu Qiu, even Jesus can only say welcome.

However, there is no need to worry about bites from small rodent pets such as hamsters and mice, as well as animals of the order Lagomorpha. Basically, there is no need to get a rabies vaccine.

After all, whether it is the official "Technical Guidelines for Rabies Prevention and Control" of Daxia, or the "World Health Organization Rabies Expert Consultation" issued by the World Health Organization and other authoritative documents, one point is clear:

No human in the world has been infected with rabies due to being bitten by a rodent.

Therefore, in theory, mice, hamsters, and rabbits have a very small probability of carrying the rabies virus, but in fact, there has not been a single case.

Just like theoretically it is possible to win the first prize of the Double Color Ball ten times in a row, but in reality it is almost impossible.

However, Xu Qiu looked at the bloody wound and estimated that it was at least a medium-sized animal.

"My girlfriend..."

After struggling for a few seconds, the man squeezed out a few words.

"Yeah." Xu Qiu nodded.

We are seeing a doctor here, why are you suddenly showing off that you have a girlfriend?

The next moment, he suddenly realized something and raised his head suddenly: "What did you say?"

The man took a deep breath and said, "My girlfriend bit me... She and I were walking in the community and saw someone bitten by a dog. I discussed with her who bit harder and had bigger wounds, a human or a dog. I said it was a dog, and she said it was a human. As we talked, we started arguing, and then she held my hand and started biting!"

After saying a long paragraph in one breath, the man took a few more breaths, and a few drops of cold sweat oozed out of his face.

Xu Qiu was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, are you sure you don't want to bring your girlfriend here to get a rabies vaccine?

"Then what?" On the side, Shi Lian was listening intently and asked subconsciously.

But she immediately realized that the occasion was wrong. She was seeing a doctor here, not listening to the storytelling of the old man at the entrance of the village. Why was she following the plot?

"... I mean, did you handle it yourself, such as disinfection?" Shi Lian quickly brought the topic back.

Seeing a doctor, seeing a doctor is important!

The man gave Shi Lian a look of "I understand, I understand", and added the follow-up with great insight.

"Later, she admitted that I was right, saying that the dog bite was indeed more severe."

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