Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 913 The fatal flaw of general anesthesia

"It's impossible to succeed!"

"The operation is not difficult, but the parameter adjustment of the equipment is extremely difficult. Our pacemaker took seven years, and three of them were spent on adjusting various parameters. How could they complete it in less than a year!"

"No one can do this!"

In the conference room, senior executives of the Barrow Institute spoke one after another.

The last bit of worry also disappeared.

Soon, the official website of the Barrow Institute published a letter of condemnation.

It mentioned that the University of Utah gave Barton's automatic craniotomy machine to the clinical doctor Xu Qiu, so that the patent that was originally exclusive to the country of plums was given to Daxia for nothing, and the cost was passed on to the patients of the country of plums, so that everyone paid thousands of dollars more for this...

And this time, Xu Qiu planned to enter the market of the country of plums through the University of Utah, bringing an immature product to the country of plums, endangering the medical safety of the country of plums...

The whole article was sharp and the anger was beyond words.

Individuals can be smart, but when individuals form a group, the group must be stupid and blindly follow.

No one explored why Barton cooperated with the clinical doctor.

No one cares who is leading the improvement of the automatic craniotomy machine.

Overwhelming curses began to spread in the country of Mei.

"The University of Utah School of Medicine is so shameless!"

"I wonder why Daxia has developed so fast in the past two years. It turns out that there is a traitor in our team! University of Utah, get out of Mei!"

"With Daxia's medical strength, how could it win the world championship? I suspect that Meiguo Hospital helped him cheat... Wasn't Joseph close to them before? And Beimudong!"

"I read the popular science. There is no treatment for MDS. Daxia actually tried to perform surgery. It's a pipe dream!"

"Even the world's No. 1 Barrow Institute did not propose this plan. Daxia can do it? I suspect this is a scam created by Daxia and the University of Utah. I have thought of the ending. The operation was successful. This is a brand new technology. Then it will be introduced to Meiguo and our patients will be used as test subjects!"

"Cold-blooded country... Boycott the University of Utah!"


For a time, the crowd was excited.

Many protesters appeared near the University of Utah and the University of Utah School of Medicine. They held banners and angrily denounced the Patton team for selling out core technology. The originally peaceful Utah has become a Shura field of fishing boat wars.

Xu Qiu has also become the target of public criticism.

At this time, Huining also seized the opportunity to launch an attack on Xu Qiu.

In the description of Huining and the Barrow Institute, Xu Qiu has become a businessman who will do anything to make a profit and a person who has committed many crimes and disregarded the lives of patients.

The news spread to China.

Countless people were shocked and angry at the same time.

"I never thought that Dr. Xu could be framed like this!"

"If it were someone else who was not so innocent, they might be framed by these two shameless people!"

"Dr. Xu shared non-invasive testing technology with Meiguo before. Is this how they repay Dr. Xu?"


However, some professionals have raised doubts.

"I believe in Dr. Xu's character, but... can MDS really be treated with surgery?"

"Clinical medicine majors from Tiandu University are here to popularize science. Our teacher said that there is currently no effective treatment for MDS in the world, not even recommended drugs, and surgery is nonsense... No malice, at least in my opinion as an expert, surgery cannot solve MDS. Maybe Dr. Xu is hiding something and throwing a smoke bomb?"

"I am also from the Institute of Neurosurgery. In theory, surgery can solve MDS, but this is only in theory. After all, in theory, humans can survive with only one brain left, but no one can do it."

"I feel that Dr. Xu is a little bit arrogant... Although it is hard to believe that this can really work, I still hope that Dr. Xu can slap the face of the Barrow Institute!"

In China, more and more people have also paid attention to this matter.

An operation that was originally only circulated within the scope of neurosurgery in the academic community has attracted global attention for a while.


At this time, Xu Qiu, the center of the storm, is still doing well.

On the Linyi side, the entire neurosurgery center is busy with this operation, and all kinds of resources have been mobilized to escort the final operation.

Xu Qiu occasionally took time out after his daily work to check on Chen Zhiyao's condition.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zhiyao's mother is now working in the shared kitchen across the street.

After the consultation that day, Xu Qiu wanted to check on Chen Zhiyao's condition and do a routine physical examination as usual.

This is a habit he has developed for a long time.

However, Chen Zhiyao was the only one in the ward, and Chen's mother was nowhere to be found.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Chen's mother came back with a box of food.

After asking, I learned that Chen's mother was a temporary worker at a construction site five kilometers away.

Considering that the patient needed to be accompanied, and Chen Zhiyao's family situation, it was impossible to hire a caregiver, after consideration, he thought of Shen Ning's mother's shared kitchen.

Two years ago, Shen Ning could help out in the store when she had nothing to do, and Shen's mother could also handle it.

But starting this year, Shen Ning has been promoted to the sixth grade and is busy with schoolwork.

In addition, as the shared kitchen becomes more and more famous, the number of patients visiting the clinic is also increasing. The kitchen is no longer busy only at meal times, but is always full from morning to night.

Although the store has already hired one person, it is still not enough.

Xu Qiu introduced Chen's mother to the store.

So far, the feedback from Shen's mother is still very good. Chen's mother is very diligent and capable.

Chen's mother can relax a little and get a salary similar to that of a part-time worker on a construction site.

Shen's mother has gained a hard-working employee.

Chen Zhiyao also has more time to stay with his mother, and the quality of the meals has also improved a lot.

This wave is a win-win for all three.

In the simulated operating room.

Xu Qiu continued to practice the operation.

There are only two main steps in the implantation.

The first is to implant the electrodes into the bilateral globus pallidus of the patient.

The second is to place the pulse transmitter in the subcutaneous tissue of the chest.

However, to achieve these two steps, more than 200 various delicate operations need to be performed.

The operation is not difficult, but tedious and complicated.

It's like threading a hair into a needle hole 200 times, and each time it must be successful once.

This action itself is not difficult.

But the key to hitting the target once and repeating it 200 times is the key to stumping countless people.

"Surgery setup completed..."

"Please select an anesthesia method!"

The reminder of the simulated operating room sounded.

Xu Qiu fell into thought.

Since the implantation has two main steps, the surgical level of the two and the depth of anesthesia required for the patient are also different, so the anesthesia plan is a controversial point.

The Anesthesia Department of Linyi has no experience in conducting this operation before, so it is impossible to make a conclusion.

The team has considered general anesthesia, local anesthesia, etc.

At present, the anesthesia team composed of experts from Linyi, Greentown First Hospital and Tiantan Hospital unanimously agreed that general anesthesia is the best choice.

The reason is simple.

General anesthesia can maximize the patient's comfort and is conducive to the control of physiological parameters.

However, it also has a fatal flaw that Xu Qiu cannot accept!

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