Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 920: Outrageous surgical results

Although I have made enough mental preparations.

But when they came to the operating room and personally observed Xu Qiu's surgery, everyone present felt deeply shocked...

Under the shadowless lamp, the light of the figure seemed to soften.

At the same time, there is also a clear explanation.

"In the lateral globus pallidus, spontaneous discharges of 10 to 60 Hz can generally be recorded. Occasionally, short and rapid burst discharges can be seen, or there may be long pauses and intermittent periods...

“As for the inner globus pallidus, it has a high-frequency basic discharge, about 20 to 200 Hz, and there is almost no discharge pause.

"If it cannot be confirmed, the patient can be asked to cooperate with the voluntary movement of the limbs. At this time, the discharge frequency increases, and some discharges can be seen synchronized with clinical tremor, which can basically confirm that it is the medial globus pallidus."

Everyone listened quietly.

They gradually realized that this operation was more important than they imagined.

They originally thought they could just master a surgical method to treat Parkinson's and other diseases, but now it seems... it seems to have allowed them to take their understanding of the human brain to a new level!

Boundary cells discharge regularly at intermediate frequencies…

The optic tract of the brain is static or even discharge-free, and visual evoked potentials can be recorded through tube stimulation...

There is also the use of the internal capsule to confirm the relative positional relationship between the electrodes and each brain area...

No one thought that this operation contained so many details.

Many of the experiences that require doctors to use hundreds or thousands of surgeries can be summarized by Xu Qiu in such an understatement, without any reservation, and he taught everything he had to offer.

"Near the internal capsule, 2Hz electrical stimulation can actually induce synchronous motor responses!"

"There is also the optic tract. When high-frequency stimulation is applied, if the patient sees flashes of light or perceives different colors, it means that the optic tract is very close!"

If it weren't for the fact that pens and paper were not allowed in the operating room, the experts would have written it down in a notebook on the spot...

These experiences are so precious and may provide great guidance for them to carry out other brain surgeries in the future!

Soon, a series of discharge frequencies up to 120Hz appeared on the display.

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

Coming, coming, a signal belonging to the medial part of the medial globus pallidus!

Sure enough, Xu Qiu's movements slowed down and he became more focused.

After reaching the high-frequency basic discharge area and there is no discharge pause, it means that the target point of the medial globus pallidus is approaching.

Didi didi——

He waited quietly.

The sound of running instruments lingered in the operating room.

Within ten seconds, the signal on the display screen is always in a high-frequency state and continues.

No problem!

Xu Qiu looked at the electrophysiological recording team.

Give feedback immediately.

The patient's muscle tone was significantly reduced, consistent with signs of dystonia.

Subsequently, Xu Qiu implanted the microelectrode into the target point and started pre-activation.

Didi didi——

Under the electrical stimulation, Chen Zhiyao suddenly felt a tingling sensation.

Anesthesia is not completely unintuitive, it just numbs the perception of pain.

She could feel something moving around in her head, but there was no pain.

At this moment, a brand new feeling penetrated from the brain into the whole body.

It's like being suddenly filled with physical strength.

If it is Xu Qiu, it will definitely feel very familiar...

Isn't this what it feels like to take a stamina potion when you're exhausted?

Soon, Chen Zhiyao's eyes lit up.

She felt that her strength was gradually recovering, and her brain's control over her limbs was becoming stronger and stronger.

The electrophysiology recording team rushed over to check.

After a while, the team leader showed a surprised smile: "My muscle tone has improved significantly, and my mobility has recovered significantly!"

In an instant, low exclamations sounded in the operating room.

This is so effective!

Many experts present have performed brain pacemaker surgery.

But the patient's symptoms will not improve so significantly.

This deep brain dual-channel pulse generating device simply crushes other products in the field in terms of efficacy!

"That's outrageous!"

"Dynamics and the Barrow Institute are in tears!"

"I heard that the third generation brain pacemaker will be put into production in the next two years. I don't know how it compares with Dr. Xu's electrical pulse device..."

"It must be Dr. Xu Tusha and the others! The performance of this product directly transcends generations. With the improved performance of an electric pacemaker for squeezing out toothpaste, let alone the third generation, even the fifth and sixth generations may not be able to catch up. superior!"

"It's too much to say squeeze out toothpaste... Obviously they can't do it!"

In the operating room, many experts were amazed.

At the same time, there is a sense of pleasure.

The electric pacemaker is a product developed by Dunli. They were the world's first portable external cardiac pacemaker powered by batteries.

At present, all domestic brain pacemakers come from this company.

Even every component of the pacemaker is designed, produced and tested by them.

The cost of surgery for a brain pacemaker is around 20,000 to 300,000 yuan, 90% of which is the selling price of the brain pacemaker.

One can imagine how huge the profits are.

This is also an important reason why Xu Qiu is willing to share it with the country.

There is no additional charge, and he can make a huge profit just from the selling price of the brain pacemaker itself.

As for licensing fees, patent royalties, etc...

Just like the Dunli Company, patients in their country can enjoy the domestic price when buying this brain pacemaker, while for other countries, they need to charge high licensing fees, etc.

Xu Qiu's approach is the same.

Patients in Daxia can enjoy preferential prices.

As for other countries...

Except for Meiguo, just pay the normal licensing fee and buy it at a reasonable price.

As for Meiguo...

The Barrow Institute and Huining and other people who are fanning the flames need to pay a huge price for this!

Just like Linhai Small Blood Vessels.

When a medical device causes a cliff-like crushing of products of the same era, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it.

The price difference between selling 100,000 Meiyuan and selling 200,000 Meiyuan is actually not that big.

Because those who are willing to exchange 100,000 Meiyuan for quality of life will not be unable to pay 200,000 Meiyuan.


Amid the exclamations of the crowd, the first step of intracranial microelectrode implantation was completed.

The people present still couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

This operation was too successful, and the efficacy of the pulse electrode was much better than expected!

This improvement was even noticed by the patients themselves!

The girl at this moment was no longer afraid, and her face was full of excitement.

Her tone was much more cheerful. If it weren't for the nurse next to her telling her, she would have wanted to jump up and do a set of military boxing.

"Take it easy, take it easy..." Director Lin was a little scared.

If it weren't for the fact that the surgeon was Xu Qiu, he would have suspected that the patient's excitement center was activated, or that he had intracranial hemorrhage...


Remember to invest in power generation for love

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