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# Academician Xu Qiu of my country completed the world's first brain pulse device implantation!

# The world is paying attention! Just now, he created another medical miracle!

Also appeared various popular science articles.

"What is a deep brain dual-channel pulse generator?"

"Detailed description of the significance of Dr. Xu Qiu's completion of this operation and its impact on the academic community! 》

"Slap the Barrow Institute in the face, why is the world trying to suppress our pulse generator? 》

The one with the most likes is a well-known medical professor.

He is an old professor of Peking Union Medical College, and happens to be one of the judges of the famous knife competition. He is highly respected and has a high status.

"Recently, I learned from the comrades of the State Food and Drug Administration that Academician Xu Qiu's dual-channel implantable deep brain electrical stimulation pulse device generator kit, implantable deep brain electrical stimulation electrode wire kit, and implantable deep brain electrical stimulation extension wire kit, a total of four innovative products, have passed the review.

"I was very happy and obtained Academician Xu's approval overnight. I checked the details of the product and was very surprised.

"In the past, the medical community had no way to treat various neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, dystonia, etc. The only way was to use symptomatic medication. But for drug-refractory types, there is nothing they can do.

"But the British company Dunli has developed a brain pacemaker, which has solved this problem to a certain extent.

"However, their pacemakers have always had huge flaws. For example, they cannot be exposed to magnetic fields on a daily basis. Induction cookers and physical examination doors will affect the work of brain pacemakers. Patients can basically only live in an environment with almost no magnetic field, which is equivalent to being insulated from many electronic devices!

"Not to mention that once other diseases occur, brain pacemakers will interfere with CT, MRI and other imaging, basically completely eliminating the possibility of imaging examinations...

"But this pulse generator has an anti-interference design, which can adapt to even a strong magnetic field of 3.0T, and all kinds of weak magnetic field environments in life are stress-free!

"This time, Dr. Xu created a miracle again, from a completely different track, and completed the curve overtaking of Dunli Company and the Barrow Institute, which has dominated neurosurgery for decades!"


The comments below were stunned.

The netizens were excited.

"Dr. Xu is awesome!"

"I said Dr. Xu can do it, and let those foreigners who can only be jealous be convinced! ”

“It’s great. This morning, the Barrow Institute was still saying that Dr. Xu’s pulse device was not very good. It turns out that they are worried about stealing their brain pacemaker business and deliberately smearing us!”

“I am very touched. My father is a Parkinson’s patient, and he is already in the late stage. He is a levodopa-responsive Parkinson’s disease that cannot be effectively controlled by drugs. He used to rely on the second-generation brain pacemaker to relieve symptoms, but there are many restrictions in life, and it is expensive! I hope our pulse device can rise!”

“There is a patient at home! The pacemaker of the Dunli Company sells for 240,000 yuan each, and the effect is far inferior to our pulse device. I don’t know how much the domestic one sells. As long as it is less than 300,000, I will replace it for my mother!”

“I feel that I will also get Parkinson’s in the future... No, it’s good to live to retirement. Alas... I really want to be stuffed into Dr. Xu’s big pulse device.”

“??? Can you drive this car?”

“I don’t think you should see Dr. Xu, you should go to a psychiatrist! ”


Except for some crazy comments, there was a cheer in the country.

The academic community was even more excited. On the national medical forum, many neurosurgeons posted crazily.

Tiantan Medical College.

In the neurosurgery graduate and doctoral group, the dean of the medical school forwarded the news released on the Linyi official website.

Dean: "Learn from him. Dr. Xu is only 28 years old. You should take him as an example."

"Is this an achievement that can be achieved at the age of 28?"

"Don't talk about us. My doctoral supervisor can't do this!"

"Dean, why don't you recruit him... If he is equivalent to our dean, you can let him take your position?"

"Good guy, good guy, the group is full, let the group owner leave the group to make room, right? ”

The doctoral students in the academy are mostly 28 years old or older.

All those who can study for a doctorate in neurosurgery at Tiantan Hospital are the pride of heaven and are very proud.

But facing Xu Qiu, everyone lost their temper.

What else can they do? They are not competitors of the same level at all!

Even if their mentors are brought up, they are not qualified to compete with Xu Qiu on the same stage!

The dean of Tiantan silently started the group mute.

If the discussion continues like this, he, the dean, will really be forced to abdicate...


Compared to the cheers in China, the foreign platforms are extremely silent at the moment.

About this operation The news has never been updated since the moment of success.

Many people sensed something was wrong.

After all, the operation could be completed in two or three hours, and various media and video bloggers said they would keep an eye on it and update the follow-up as soon as possible...

However, in fact, an hour ago, all the news about the pulse generator and implantation suddenly disappeared.

The topic that was discussed everywhere just a moment ago immediately became "not displayed".

This is very intriguing.

However, the truth cannot be hidden, and soon more and more people knew the news of the successful operation.

For a moment, a large number of people who were joining in the fun were stunned, feeling a little ashamed of being slapped in the face.

How did it succeed?

Didn’t the Barrow Institute and Huining, as well as a large number of medical experts from Meiguo and the sewage country, say that it was impossible?

At this time, the Barrow Institute.

The atmosphere in the office was extremely dull.

The faces of many senior executives were surprisingly ugly. The director of the institute, the director of the department, etc., all had a sullen face and stared at the feedback from Daxia without saying a word.

"How could it succeed..." Someone asked in disbelief.

"We have been researching the third-generation brain pacemaker for six or seven years. How long has he been researching it? It's impossible!"

In the conference room, no one was willing to accept this reality.

The Barrow Institute is the world's number one hospital for brain surgery.

And the Dunli Company is the overlord in the field of pacemakers.

The two strong forces joined forces, and the two first places cooperated deeply. Why did they lose to a country that didn't even have a pacemaker before?

No, to be precise, they lost to one person!

"The so-called pulse device is not even his main R\u0026D project. It's just one of his ten achievements!" Someone pounded the table, with an angry look in his eyes.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Xu Qiu used one-tenth of his energy to come up with a medical device that surpassed them in a short time?

You are kidding!

"He is humiliating our IQ!" The head of the department gritted his teeth and said.

At this point, he suddenly laughed.

He understood why Xu Qiu succeeded!


Remember to invest in power generation for love!

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