Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 928 If you miss Lin Yi, you will miss everything!

The curly-haired man sneered.

But he didn't dare to make another mistake. He packed up his materials with a bang, made a loud noise on the chair, turned around and walked towards the door.

"I'm leaving too."

"We are also leaving!"

"Do not recognize the results of this operation!"

Six or seven foreign reporters got up one after another, followed the curly-haired man away with their cameramen, interview materials, etc.

The curly-haired man's face was filled with pride.

He turned his head and looked at Xu Qiu, trying to find a trace of panic on his face.

But this young doctor didn't seem to regard him as a human being, and didn't care whether they stayed or left, whether they trusted him or questioned him.

"Wait to be sanctioned by the Berry Kingdom, you arrogant guy!" The curly-haired man's face turned pale, feeling extremely insulted.

Just when he was about to leave, Xu Qiu finally finished introducing the indications and entered the final stage.

He paused and then said calmly: "After that, our pulse generator will be used in large-scale pilot surgeries in more than 100 cities across the country. By then, the results of the surgeries, efficacy and prognosis data will be clearer."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the auditorium was stunned.

Not to mention experts, even the academicians were extremely surprised at this moment.

Directly start a large-scale pilot? !

How courageous this must be!

At the door of the auditorium, the curly-haired man who was about to leave suddenly stopped.

He looked at the stage in surprise, never expecting that Xu Qiu would bring up such an explosive topic.

The curly-haired man was keenly aware that this would be a huge explosion!

Regardless of whether clinical doctors win or the Barrow Institute wins, the media that can report the matter in depth at the first time will definitely gain huge benefits!

Thinking of this, the curly-haired man suddenly stopped and turned around to return to his position.

But what he responded to was a sizzling electric shock stick.

The guard had a stern look on his face, holding an electric shock baton at his side, and said in a low voice: "Get out."

A smile appeared on the curly-haired man's face again, he raised the press card on his chest and said: "I have the credentials, and Baiyun Province has also agreed to our interview. I request to continue to follow up on this matter!"

After that, he waved to Xu Qiu on the stage and said, "I apologize to you, Doctor Xu, please let me stay!"

However, Xu Qiu still seemed not to hear.

At this moment, the smile on the curly-haired man's face solidified.

He finally realized that that person had never taken him seriously... Whether it was ridicule or flattery, to Xu Qiu, he was just an insignificant clown!

The curly-haired man hurriedly looked into the auditorium.

The academicians, experts, and reporters in the room all cast playful glances at him, looking at him like monkeys in a circus.

"I...I'll use someone else to continue the interview!" The curly-haired man's heart dropped.

The guard's expression still did not improve at all, and he said bluntly: "From today on, all interviews from your "Medical Guardian" will not be accepted by the clinic. Reporters and media related to your newspaper, including those in the newspaper alliance you are a member of, All newspapers and magazines are not allowed to conduct interviews in clinical settings.”

Hearing this, the curly-haired man felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Idiot! Idiot! Such a good news breaking point was missed in vain!"

"You are a hardworking reporter, who gives you the right to despise him?!"

On the phone, when the curly-haired foreign man reported the news to the headquarters, an explosion broke out there.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper took a few breaths, then gradually recovered, and said: "Now I will arrange for a few reporters from small media to come over. As long as they can get first-hand information, our Medical Guardian can also take the opportunity to publish it!"

In his opinion, the guard's words were nothing more than a warning.

How dare Xu Qiu do this?

Banning a newspaper...even Xiehe is not qualified to say such a thing, right?

Not to mention "other newspapers in the newspaper alliance are also banned"...

"It's simply wishful thinking." The editor-in-chief of the Guardian laughed coldly.

He will not be as stupid as the curly-haired man. Even if he is dissatisfied, he will only show up behind others.

"Yes...I'll let them contact the clinical doctor right now!" The curly-haired man breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Medical Guardian is one of the largest medical industry media in the country. It has many affiliated newspapers and periodicals, many of which come to the hospital.

Soon, three or four foreigners arrived and returned to the clinic with the task of taking over the interview from the curly-haired man.

"If you don't take me seriously, I can still get news headlines... Even the injustice I suffered can be used as new material, just write 'The Defiant Daxia Doctor'..." The curly-haired man laughed. .

Having been immersed in the news industry for many years, he knows how to create conflicts and gain traffic.

But he didn't laugh for long. Within a few minutes, the foreign reporters who had entered earlier came out in despair, followed by many colleagues from other newspapers and magazines.

The curly-haired man was stunned: "What's going on?"

The big-wavy woman in the lead said: "They found out that we are a publication affiliated with the Medical Guardian!"

"What about you?" The curly-haired man looked at his colleagues.

Foreign reporters from other newspapers stared angrily at the curly-haired man.

Unlike the seven or eight reporters before, they did not attack, but maintained their utmost sincerity towards the clinical doctor and Xu Qiu.

However, because the Medical Guardian joined the AllBerry Medical Media Alliance, and their newspapers were within the alliance, they were kicked out!

The only ones left were a few relatively small foreign medical media.

They were not qualified to join the alliance before, but they stayed!

"No, we have to report it quickly!"

"There will be a lot of breaking news in Linyi, and there will be a lot of scientific research results to be announced. If you miss Linyi, you will basically be isolated from the heavy news in the medical field!"

Everyone realized the importance of Linyi.

In recent years, the development of medicine has stagnated.

But Xu Qiu has always been innovating and constantly bringing about changes.

In the past two years, almost all the big news related to medicine and the topics that have gone viral were brought by Xu Qiu.

If they are banned from entering Linyi, banned from interviewing or publishing news related to Linyi, the loss will be almost devastating for medical media!

At this moment, foreign colleagues made calls to ask their superiors.

The curly-haired man suddenly panicked.

He also hurriedly called the editor-in-chief.

As a result, he heard a busy tone from the other side.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

But after thinking carefully, he shook his head in a self-comforting way.


Medical Guardian is a large company with considerable influence in the industry. The alliance cannot expel them for just a few words.


Xu Qiuke has never expressed his opinion!

Just one sentence from the guard is enough to get Medical Guardian kicked out of the alliance?

What a joke!


Remember to vote for Power for Love!

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