Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 948 Thanks to Ah San for the five hundred rockets!

Compared with the pulse generator, the sales of "Linhai Great Doctor" is indeed just a small amount of money.

At present, the focus of Linhai City is not this publication, but to ensure production and quickly increase the output of deep brain pulse devices!

A small device can be sold at a price of 280,000.

The profit is even higher!

Is there anything more profitable than this?

Even those businesses written into the criminal law may not have a high net profit of pulse generators.

At this moment, Mayor Lu deeply realized the benefits brought by advanced technology.

This is too cool!

If you calculate it, every pulse device produced, even if it is sold at a low price of 180,000 in China, can get a profit of nearly 100,000!

Let’s not talk about foreign countries, it’s so profitable!

If it weren’t for the fact that Linhai City’s technological strength couldn’t keep up, and the various industrial facilities in the city couldn’t meet the huge orders on the demand side, Mayor Lu would have wanted to take it all.

However, for this batch of orders, and the subsequent orders that are likely to continue to grow, three factories were opened in Baiyun Province alone, one in Linhai City, one in Jinghai City, and the other in Jing'an City, the provincial capital.

In addition, there are factories all over the country.

For example, the science and technology park jointly built by Greentown First Hospital and Green City.

Of course, Tiantan Hospital must also want to get a piece of the pie. It also took a piece of land in the suburbs of Tiandu, and used its special status as "one of the three major brain surgery centers in the world" to quickly get a license to build a factory, and also prepare to join the game.

Five factories, located in the south, central, Kyoto, etc., can barely keep up with the production.

If Linhai City really does it by itself, no matter how big its appetite is, it can't support it.

"The current sales volume of "Linhai Great Doctor" is 663,000 copies."

"The total sales volume is 33.15 million!"

The director of the Propaganda Department reported the data of the past few days.

More than 30 million.

Rounded to 100 million!

Linyi is going to be prosperous again!

However, the expressions of the people present did not change.

"Linhai Great Doctor" is just a small part, this little money is nothing.

The key is the pulse generator!

It can even be said that the implant tutorial book in "Linhai Great Doctor" paved the way for the pulse generator.

Everyone looked at Wang Shengde.

On the Linyi side, the person in charge of directly managing the industrial park is Wang Shengde, who has multiple positions.

Dean Wang drank a sip of water slowly and said with a smile: "As of this morning, Meiguo has ordered another 2,000 orders from us. Together with the previous 1,000 orders, there are a total of 3,000 orders."

Everyone held their breath.

3,000 orders!

280,000 per unit, 3,000 orders is 840 million!

Sure enough, compared with this thing, "Linhai Great Doctor" is not even a fraction!

To really make money, you have to look at technology products!

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions and secretly swallowing their saliva, Dean Wang curled his lips and looked a little disgusted.

Eight hundred million is nothing. When I was with Xu Qiu, I even came into contact with markets worth tens of billions and hundreds of billions!

He went on to say: "In addition, there are also many orders from other countries.

"The largest number of them is from the sewage-discharging countries, which have also ordered 2,300 pulse generators!

"In addition, there are the Bear Country, Hans Country, Oil Country, Italy Country, South Korea Country, etc. ... There are a total of about 5,000 orders."

Hearing these data, Xu Qiu also raised his head.

There are so many orders from sewage-discharging countries?

Their population base is much smaller than that of the Berry Country, and the number of brain pulse devices purchased is almost the same.

But it makes sense if you think about it carefully.

The aging of sewage-discharging countries is very serious, and Parkinson's disease and other elderly neurological diseases cause considerable trouble to society. Pulse devices have a huge market in their countries.

"In addition... there is another special case."

Wang Shengde spoke again, drawing everyone's attention back.

He frowned and said, "There is also India... In fact, they requested the largest number of orders, directly asking for 5,000 units, almost catching up with our local volume."

Hearing this, everyone immediately understood why Dean Wang frowned.

If it was an order from other countries, they would definitely happily urge the factory to speed up production.

But... India is different.

Those who have done business know that when doing business with India, their orders and contracts are meaningless.

There are only two options for choosing them as partners.

First, get the full payment for the goods first, and then start preparing orders.

Otherwise, be prepared to lose all your money.

This is also the only place where the country's credibility is almost non-existent.

When doing business with other countries, it is no problem to give 10% of the contract price.

For countries with lower credit, it may rise to 50%.

But when trading with India, how much money you pay in advance is likely to be how much money you get in the end...

This is also the reason why Wang Shengde is melancholy.

India dared to ask for it, but seeing that other countries only paid 10% of the deposit, they were only willing to pay 10% as well.

Didn't they even consider their reputation in the international community?

"Just rejected it!"

"They transfer the money very quickly. We haven't even agreed to this order yet, but India has already sent the deposit..."

"It's certain that even if we don't do business with them, the deposit will definitely be returned. It's a win-win situation."

"MMP, too shameless! If other countries give them a deposit, they probably won't get it back."

Although everyone's focus is different, there is one thing they agree on.

Can't do business with India!

Even if they want 5,000 orders and are a super large customer beyond the country of Mei, they will definitely not get the money!

"Xu Qiu, I contacted the industrial park and rejected the order from India?" Wang Shengde asked for advice.

Xu Qiu thought about it and asked, "Did they pay a 10% deposit?"

"Yes, they paid it very quickly."

"That is to say... they have paid the full amount for 500 pulse generators."

"No, what full amount, that's a deposit... Shit?!"

Wang Shengde was about to refute, and suddenly understood what Xu Qiu meant.

This is not a deposit for 5,000 units!

It's clearly a full payment for 500 units!

"Doctor Xu, are you... really just a doctor?" Mayor Lu stared, shocked by Xu Qiu's operation.

Others were also stunned.

I didn't expect it to be like this!

"Thanks for the 500 orders from Ah San Country, Amen."

Everyone resumed their laughter and joy.


Soon after, the first batch of products were shipped to the world.

Eighty percent of them were supplied to China, and the rest were sent to various countries in proportion.

Those with good relations with Da Xia will be given priority for shipment.

Of course, those who have a relationship with Lin Yi Xu Qiu also have a high priority.

For example, the hospital where Noah, Abel and others from Hans Country are located.

There is also the Livland Clinic where Joseph is located.

In addition, the University of Utah Hospital behind the Patton team was also treated preferentially. Not only did it have a preferential price, but it also received the first batch of products faster than other states and other hospitals in Mei Country.

It happened that at this time, many doctors had completed their surgical training and had the ability to perform surgery!


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