Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 954 Save your limb or save your life. You can only choose one!

The thigh under the bandage has lost its normal elasticity.

"Besides, there is no more blood..."

In addition to evaluating the condition of both lower limbs after repeated compressions, the most important thing is to determine whether bleeding is still occurring.

After all, in order to proceed further, the specific injury must first be clarified.

Bleeding can be quite troublesome.

If there is no bleeding or a small amount of bleeding, you don't have to worry about bleeding after untying the bandage, at least it can last until the examination is completed.

However, this is not good news.

The patient obviously suffered a crush injury, and the blood vessels cannot be intact. The lack of bleeding most likely means that the end of the lower limbs has lost blood supply...

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu quickly peeled off the gauze layer by layer.


The bandage was completely soaked with blood and was dripping with blood.

Xu Qiu didn't care too much and cut them open one by one. The patient's shocking thighs were finally revealed in front of everyone.

The little nurses couldn't help but show painful expressions.

From the root of the thigh to the heel, there is basically no good spot. Large areas of skin are peeled off, the tibia is pierced through the flesh, the sharp bone ends are pointing towards the ceiling, and there are a large number of broken bone fragments sandwiched together. In the pulpy flesh and blood.

The muscles were smashed, the blood vessels and nerves were smashed into a mass, and it was difficult to identify them among the blood clots. You could vaguely distinguish the exposed meniscus, the pierced thigh bones, and the soles of the feet buried at the bottom...

The only ones that were intact were the two soles of his feet.

But the bad news is that the patient's ten toes have turned purple-black, which is the same as necrosis.

This was actually expected. The upper skin and soft tissue were all gone, and the blood circulation was in a mess. How could the toes at the end be still alive?

There are no eggs left under the overturned nest.

However, Xu Qiu did not make an arbitrary conclusion.

He called for a bedside X-ray, and at the same time reached out and gently pressed the dorsalis pedis arteries on both sides, and started a routine examination.

Soon after, Xu Qiu frowned and retracted his hands.

The dorsalis pedis artery disappeared bilaterally.

Fluctuations in the femoral artery are also very weak.

The most important thing is...the skin of the patient's lower limbs is already very cold, even close to room temperature.

The bedside film also confirmed Xu Qiu’s previous judgment: the patient suffered multi-segmental comminuted fractures of both lower limbs!

Looking at the various test results, Xu Qiu fell into thinking.

One surgical method after another appeared in his mind.

And then they were continually excluded.

In the end, he sighed: "Inform the family that only high amputation can be done."

Comminuted fractures, both lower limbs have been necrotic for a long time, and there is no room for rescue...

Xu Qiu tried various methods, but couldn't find any possibility to save his leg!

Legs and life, only one can be left!

This is no longer a matter of medical skills. The difficulty of preserving the leg is equivalent to gluing the broken glass so that no trace can be seen. If it can really succeed, it will be magic.

Xu Qiu turned her head and glanced at the monitor, her expression becoming more serious.

…Furthermore, this does not mean that amputation will definitely save one’s life.

The patient's current condition is very bad. After the blood transfusion, the blood pressure continues to drop, and the body temperature is also dropping. Even if it is a high amputation, there is a high probability of death during the operation!

"Doctor Xu..."

At this time, the doctor responsible for communicating with the family members came back. His expression was still angry, but when facing Xu Qiu, it quickly turned into self-blame.

Seeing this expression, Xu Qiu understood the result.

This is also expected.

Judging from the previous discussions of family members, the man on the hospital bed is the backbone of the family, and the child has just been born, which is the most expensive time to spend money. For a laborer who sells physical strength, losing his legs means that there is no competition. He has lost his strength and his only means of making money, which is no different from losing his life.

It can even be said that losing a leg is more cruel than dying on the spot!

After all, death is death. At least it will not bring financial burden to the family, and you can directly receive high death compensation.

But without a leg, amputation surgery is a huge expense, and if you want to save your life, you have to stay in the ICU for at least three to five days. The cost alone reaches six figures.

This is just a small head.

The real spending hasn't even begun.

For other illnesses, discharge is the end of medical practice.

But for this kind of surgery, treatment really begins after you leave the hospital.

The long recovery period, constant rehabilitation, and the need for a dedicated person to take care of him all lasted at least a year.

There were no complications, and almost miraculously, no deterioration occurred during the process.

Therefore, it is not so easy for the family to accept the fact of amputation, and rejection is expected.

After a while, Xu Qiu came outside the ICU.

Before he could speak, a group of family members immediately gathered around him. Everyone was talking about it. The core idea was that amputation was not allowed. The patient had no education or skills, and the only way out was to work hard.

At this time, a loud cry made the surrounding area quiet.

A woman with red eyes came out with the help of relatives. She sobbed: "Doctor, please help me... The child at home is still young, and we still have a mortgage to repay. If something happens to him, how will we survive? ah!"

As she spoke, she burst into tears again.

The couple came to this city when they were 18 or 19 years old. They worked for more than 20 years and saved more than 20 years of money, all of which was invested in newly developed real estate.

That was a project that my husband personally participated in. It was said that the house price could reach 15,000 yuan per square meter after completion. The contractor and the manager were willing to give them, the old employees, a preferential price and sell it at an internal price of 11,000 yuan per square meter.

Thinking that although the contractor had owed wages for so many years, he only paid it after three years at most, which was much better than running away with the money. He was also a good person.

In addition, we have saved money in the past two years and settled down.

The couple had been trying to get pregnant for many years without success. They asked the hospital for a long time and prepared to do IVF.

It happened that there was a hospital that could carry out IVF next to the building. Thinking that the house and the child were both happy, and there was a school within one kilometer, everything was complete, so there was no reason not to buy it.

So they emptied their savings, took out a loan for another 20 years, and signed a purchase contract with the developer.

A few months later, the workers said that the developer was going to run away.

The couple was panicked.

They didn't care whether they had children or not. Their life savings were all on this house, so how could they have the energy to do IVF.

By the Chinese New Year of that year, there was finally news.

But it was bad news - the construction progress was suspended.

To put it bluntly, the house was unfinished!

It was at this time that the wife suddenly became pregnant...

When they saw the two bars on the pregnancy test stick, the couple were stunned.

With no savings, heavy debts, and an unfinished house, pregnancy at this juncture was not good news.

The husband was in a painful choice.

They had waited for more than 20 years for this child.

After all these years, they had not been able to get pregnant. They saved hundreds of thousands of dollars on IVF and successfully conceived naturally. If they miscarried, how long would they have to wait for the next pregnancy?

They could no longer afford the cost of IVF!


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