Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 957 The knife piercing the abyss of human nature

"Yes, yes, others can't, Dr. Xu can definitely do it!"

"I was thinking about transferring to a big hospital like Union Medical College before, but then I remembered that there is Dr. Xu in Linhai No. 1 Hospital. Don't worry, my leg can be saved!"

"Doctor Xu, please save them. They are a pair of poor people. After more than 20 years of hard work, they finally had a child. But apart from this... Doctor Xu is kind-hearted. You must help!"

Everyone was talking to each other, almost making everyone on the clinical doctor's side unable to get a word in.

Normally, the medical staff in the clinic would be happy to hear this kind of popularity.

But at this time, these words sounded chilling to the bottom of my heart.

This is not a's clearly a flattery.

Naked coercion!

Xu Qiu has made it very clear. The leg was broken into pieces. In this case, can it be saved by good medical skills?

My life is almost gone!

Xu Qiu would fight for any chance of saving his limbs.

However, the moment he saw Bi Guang's lower limbs, he no longer considered saving the limbs. The measures from beginning to end were to slightly increase the chance of survival.

In other words, it is a miracle for Bi Guang to survive!

"Doctor Xu, the patient's blood pressure has started to drop again!"

"Hemoglobin is also decreasing!"

At this time, a young nurse rushed out of the ICU ward. Her face was pale enough to tell how bad the situation inside was.

In the few minutes that Xu Qiu left, Bi Guang's situation took a turn for the worse.

Although blood transfusions were arranged and various life-extending methods were used, his health values ​​were approaching the edge of death, and his blood oxygen continued to decrease.

Xu Qiu sighed slightly.

He glanced at the family members outside.

The people around turned a deaf ear to the little nurse's words, their eyes averted, and they continued to talk about limb preservation.

Human nature cannot stand the test.

Human behavior also cannot withstand careful consideration.

Although it is cruel, for poor families, if there is another sick person who is unable to work and needs care, it is better to let him die.

At this moment, it is no longer a medical choice.

But human nature.

Xu Qiu was silent for a moment, but didn't say anything after all. She turned back to the ward and continued the rescue.

He took another look at Bi Guang's lower limbs.

After being crushed by the truck, coupled with long-term ischemia and edema, it looked like a rubber band that had been exposed to the sun, stiff and fragile, with cracks that burst apart.

After a while, Director Jiang Ye from the ICU came in.

He said with a sullen face: "Dr. Xu, they are unwilling to sign to give up treatment, nor agree to transfer to another hospital. They are also unwilling to sign about amputation surgery!"

Xu Qiu nodded lightly.

This result is quite expected.

If you don’t treat it, don’t give up treatment.

He looked up at the monitor.

Bi Guang's condition is getting more and more serious, and ordinary treatment methods are no longer effective. If he does not make a decision, he will only have a few hours to live.

The terrible thing is that Bi Guang is now unconscious, but his wife who can help him make decisions always insists on dragging her feet...


Xu Qiu suddenly thought of something and looked at Director Jiang: "Director, who helped Bi Guang call 120?"

Director Jiang shook his head. He didn't know these details.

But he immediately called the doctor on board.

"Director Xu, there was a Mercedes driver present at the time. He should be Bi Guang's boss...I'm not sure."

Xu Qiu immediately said: "Find a way to contact Bi Guang's parents through him."

When it comes to life and death, it is not only the wife who can make decisions, but also the parents.

The doctor on board the car suddenly turned serious and said solemnly: "Yes!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

Bi Guang's various statistics were deteriorating, but with Xu Qiu watching over him, although it was dangerous, at least he could survive.

On the other side, a call came to the villa owner’s mobile phone.

Naturally, it is impossible for the owner to have the phone numbers of Bi Guang's parents.

But after he heard about the situation in the hospital, he was silent for a while and directly contacted the decoration workers who were hired together with Bi Guang. Finally, he found a worker who worked at the same construction site as Bi Guang.

Through him, the contractor was contacted.

Although the contractor smoked and drank often to take care of the young lady, and robbed Bi Guang and his wife of their two and a half life savings, he was still a good person.

After receiving the news, he was so anxious that he put out his cigarette and quickly looked through his address book.

Fortunately, Bi Guang is a down-to-earth person who works hard. The contractor specially left his home contact information, thinking that if he refused to continue working, he would ask his family to help persuade him...

No one expected that this phone call would come in handy at this moment...

Finally, after an hour of tossing, a phone call came from the next city.

Hearing the old voice with a strong local accent on the other side, the nurse in charge of answering the phone beamed with joy: "Dr. Xu, I've been contacted!"

A trembling voice came from the other end of the phone. The old man asked in a dialect mixed with Mandarin: "Doctor, my Dabao... Is my Dabao still alive?"

Xu Qiu heard the suppressed fear and panic, and said slowly: "If the limb is amputated, there is still a chance of survival."

Upon hearing this, two voices of relief sounded from the other end.

Then there was the voice of an old lady. The other party spoke eagerly, and it sounded like she wanted to communicate with Xu Qiu. Unfortunately, Xu Qiu failed to decipher it.

The old man grabbed the phone and said, "Doctor, you must save my Dabao. He is still so young, so nothing can happen to him... If his leg is broken, he won't need it. His name is important. My Dabao cannot die..."

Xu Qiu said patiently: "Are you sure you want to amputate?"

"I don't need my leg anymore! Doctor, you have to save my baby's life. We will give you any money. We have a house and fields. My mother and I have bought insurance!" The old man became more and more anxious as he spoke, for fear that Xu Qiu would refuse. .

In the office, everyone was silent.

A man in his forties, in the eyes of his parents, is still the great treasure he once was...

Human nature cannot stand the test.

But the love of parents for their children is a sharp knife piercing the darkness!

"The amputation surgery requires your signature. How long will it take for you to arrive?" Xu Qiu asked.

Hearing this, the old man suddenly became anxious. He calculated the distance, and his voice was full of panic: "It takes two hours to go down the mountain from the village, and it will take another four hours and twenty minutes to reach my Dabao's construction site in the county. I have to go to the hospital from the construction, is it still late?"

By the end, the person on the other end of the phone was so frightened that he was about to cry.

They were very familiar with the journey from their hometown to their son's construction site. For countless days in the past, they had sat at the gate of the courtyard like this, watching the old wall clock passing by minute by second, counting the days, and waiting for those few hundred days to arrive. A festival of reunion.

Finally, I looked up and saw a swaying minibus slowly approaching at the end of the newly built asphalt road, puffing out black smoke.

When the car stopped, Bi Guang appeared at the door carrying large and small bags, holding a chicken in his left hand and a fish in his right hand. This has happened every year for more than 20 years.

They couldn't imagine how they would survive every second on the old wall clock if the minibus returning to their hometown could never carry their son back...

"Doctor, doctor, we're coming right now... Dabao!"

There was a whisper on the phone, and it was hard to imagine that two old men could be so agile.


Let me tell you something.

The more eggplants are written, the less money there is, and fried chicken is no longer an option.

This book will be updated, but the update frequency will not be as high as before.

All I can say is that it will definitely bring everyone to a successful conclusion.

Finally, the story of Dr. Xu Qiu has begun in the new world.

Friends who like fried chicken and are willing to support fried chicken can come to a certain

Book Title: Don’t Call Me Chinese Medicine

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