Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 959 Wang Fan’s life is also his life!

After a while, the anesthesia was completed.

The operation officially begins!

On the stage, Xu Qiu took a deep breath and stared at the surgery area again.

This operation was different from the previous one performed at Tiantan Hospital.

Tiantan Hospital performs half-body surgery, and the patient's condition is even more dangerous.

Basically no hospital in the country can perform that operation with 20% certainty, and even Union Medical College is helpless.

But Xu Qiu was able to do it at that time and directly amputated half of the patient's body.

Now, several months have passed, and the patient is still alive and well. With the joint efforts of medical staff and family members, the patient has accepted this cruel reality and begun to face the life after losing his lower body...

Although the patient's future life may be equally difficult, having been on the verge of death once, his mentality becomes calmer and he has more courage.

Back to this surgery.

What Xu Qiu will do this time is hemipelvic lifting surgery.

Both of the patient's lower limbs were basically rotten, and it was impossible to repair them with surgery. Even with Xu Qiu's various master-level suturing techniques, it was still to no avail.

The only way to save life is to cut off the entire lower limbs!

Compared with the hemiplegia surgery, this surgery is at least significantly simpler.

The former requires removal of the pelvis, so the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity must also be adjusted by the doctor.

As for the latter, you only need to cut the lower limbs around the pelvis from three directions and then amputate them.

Of course, "much simpler" is only compared to the half-body lifting technique.

As one of the most difficult surgeries in orthopedic surgery, it is much simpler than a hemitomy and can reach the level of a super-large surgery every minute.

Basically, only the deputy director is qualified to take the stage.

"let's start."

After suppressing all kinds of thoughts, Xu Qiu picked up the scalpel.

Under the light, the scalpel shimmered with cold light.

Xu Qiu's eyes became as sharp as a knife at this moment, extremely sharp.

There are three major steps to lift the hemipelvis.

Start by peeling off the front side.

Then, an incision is made in the perineum.

Finally, there is the incision on the back side.

Once the three incisions are opened, the patient's lower limbs lose their connection with the body, and the operation is completed.

Just like a chef cutting a cow, he inserts the knife along the gap between the bones, and then cuts off the thigh.

Sounds simple.

However, there are a lot of details beneath the three steps.

For example, after the diseased limb is released, the great saphenous vein, sartorius muscle, adductor muscle, femoral artery and vein, saphenous nerve, etc. all need to be treated.

"I'm not worried about the surgery. Doctor Xu is here!"

"Indeed, Director Xu took action, it was just a hemitomy!"

"What half body, it's half pelvis!"

"Mistake in mouth!"

"Having said that, I am more worried about the patient's subsequent treatment..."

At this point, everyone in the operating room was silent for a moment.

Indeed, the cost of recovery after such a severe injury and very large surgery is huge.

Is the surgery expensive?

It's expensive, tens of thousands of dollars.

However, the subsequent care, rehabilitation costs, etc. are all considered small.


At this time, as the scalpel fell, everyone quickly shut up and their attention returned to the operating table.

Look intently.

Xu Qiu's first knife landed on the anteromedial side from the iliac crest to the anterior superior iliac spine. With gentle pressure on his wrist, the sharp blade seemed to cut into butter, smoothly following the inguinal ligament to the pubic tubercle.

Later, Xu Qiu simply cut off the internal oblique muscles, external oblique muscles, transversus abdominis muscles, inguinal ligament, etc.

Of course there are those who need to stay.

Such as the spermatic cord...

Although both lower limbs were cut off, the patient's male body was still intact...

Although it was so frightened that it was bloodless and even a little white, the urology doctor came over to check it and found that it was still in good condition and could be used for urination and reproduction.

In other words, if the surgery is done properly, Bi Guang can theoretically keep his little Bi Guang.

Of course, the doctors present felt a bit suspenseful. Xu Qiu also informed the risk on the phone. There was a theoretical possibility, but in actual surgery, it was very difficult just to save his life. Whether he could save his little brother's life depended on the situation.

When it breaks, it breaks.

Now that the operation has just begun, it is not necessary to cut off the entire operation directly. The spermatic cord must be separated first, and the ureter must be freed and protected later. Before making a judgment, it is still possible to give Xiao Biguang a chance to survive.

However, everyone in the operating room looked a little weird.

They knew about Bi Guang's situation.

After being married for more than 20 years, I didn't have any children. In the past two years, my wife suddenly became suspicious.

If it's just that, it's okay.

The key is that Bi Guang's child has congenital syphilis, so he is very likely to have syphilis, and this can only be transmitted by his wife...

Bi Guang did another infectious disease review before the operation and confirmed that there was no syphilis.

Both his wife and children were infected, but Bi Guang was fine... This is a sad story.

Outside the operating room.

Clinical medicine, laboratory department.

Dr. Gu, who was wearing rimless glasses, stretched out. Even a thick white coat could not cover her beautiful figure.

However, after thinking about the various messy samples in the testing department, and that there might be fecal odor molecules floating in the air and other things that are not harmful to health but are disgusting, Dr. Gu quickly pulled on his mask.

"It's not such an exaggeration. The cleaning lady in the logistics department works hard every day!"

Wang Fan leaned halfway in from the window, urging Xu Qiu to carry out the inspection.

Dr. Gu nodded expressionlessly.

Having said that…

But I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

She rolled her eyes and said, "My psychological quality is not as strong as yours. After all, Dr. Wang often helps patients clear their intestines."

God is so good at unclogging the intestines... Wang Fan twitched the corner of his mouth: "You might as well say that I scooped out feces."

"That's pretty much it." Dr. Gu covered his mouth and smiled.

Wang Fan pounded the glass and asked again: "Have the three specimens come out?"

"It should be out."

Dr. Gu said, pushed up his glasses, and pulled out three specimens.

The casualness on her face suddenly disappeared, she narrowed her eyes slightly, with a hint of vigilance in her expression, and said: "Is this Dr. Xu's patient?!"

Wang Fan shook his head: "Not really. This is the family member of Dr. Xu's patient."

"What's the difference!"

Wang Fan vaguely guessed the result and said: "It's really different. This patient's name is Bi Guang. He doesn't have syphilis. You can check it and you should be able to find it."


Dr. Gu was typing nervously. When he called it up and took a look, his eyebrows suddenly felt a little more relaxed.

Not really.

"This is strange. These three are supposed to be the patient's wife and children? All three of them have syphilis, but the patient himself is negative... Want to check another one?"

The chance of false negatives exists.

But Dr. Gu paused mid-sentence.

What she could think of, Xu Qiu had naturally thought of it a long time ago. When she scrolled down the test page, she saw two syphilis tests using different methods... both were negative!

"Gan, I'm just a patient of Dr. Xu. It's not Dr. Xu who makes you so nervous." Wang Fan was so jealous.

Dr. Gu smiled and said: "We need to prevent occupational exposure. Dr. Xu and I are colleagues. What's the matter with caring about his health?"

After that, he printed out three reports and pushed them to Wang Fan and urged: "Okay, let's go quickly. Go and communicate with the family members. Don't let Dr. Xu go, in case Dr. Xu is infected." It’s not going to be good…”

Wang Fan was stunned for a moment.

What the hell...

Isn't my life my life?

Besides, it’s just a face-to-face conversation, how can syphilis be transmitted!

"Dr. Gu, you have gone too far!"

Wang Fan gritted his teeth and returned to the ICU with an unyielding expression.

At this time, Bi Guang's wife and her family of three were still waiting outside the intensive care unit. Apart from these three people, there were still two men left in the huge group of family members.

Holding the inspection report in his hand, Wang Fan couldn't help but smacked his lips.

In such a major accident, usually only the spouse, children's parents, and paid caregivers will stay by the side. Other family members basically just buy some fruit to express their condolences.

However, until now, in addition to the wife and children, there are actually two men...

Wang Fan looked at the three test reports confirming syphilis in his hand and felt cold in his heart.

"You can't be so crazy." Wang Fan hissed. He was just a child who had never had a girlfriend.

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