Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 971: Brain stem again? Unexplainable doubts!

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other, and their hearts were stunned. Then they tried to review the whole conversation process in their minds.

Continuous... no, it should be intermittent tinnitus.

The second is that the patient is very resistant to dressing and undressing.

Then, the patient can't hold the toothbrush?

This is also the most puzzling point for Chen Jia and the pediatrician.

What does it mean to be unable to hold the toothbrush?

If there is a problem with the grasping ability, why is it okay to grasp chopsticks, but it is a toothbrush?

The two looked at each other, and a hint of obscure speculation flashed in their eyes.

... If what the other party said is true, there is really stress for the single item "toothbrush", then it is probably not within the scope of diagnosis and treatment of pediatrics or ordinary clinical departments.

You have to see a psychiatrist.

Moreover, it is not just Jia Jia who goes to see, but all the relatives in her living environment, including parents and grandparents who may live together, have to see a psychiatrist.

It is basically impossible for a child's mental illness to arise out of thin air.

It is often a family problem.

Linyi also has a psychiatry department, and the emergency department has a relatively close connection with that department.

Often, depressed patients who can't think straight are sent to the emergency department for rescue.

After long-term contact, Chen Jia has also learned about psychiatry.

Adult patients are fine, basically they come by themselves, or accompanied by their spouses.

A large part of this is due to problems in their original families.

Among the children who come for treatment, depression is the most numerous.

During the short treatment process, she heard the most from these parents, "Why is XX again?", "How many times have I told you?", "Can you remember it?", etc....

However, when facing psychiatrists, these parents often burst into tears and complain, "I've been so good to him, why is he depressed?"

Most of the mental illnesses of children are diseases of this family.

However, doctors are helpless. It is more difficult for these parents to accept that "they are the ones who are really sick" than to let them believe that the child will be cured if the doctor touches the child's head.

In short, if there is only abnormal behavior towards the object "toothbrush", then you should consider whether there is any psychological shadow.

The last point is vomiting.

At first glance, it seems that there is no problem.

The pediatrician asked himself, if it were him, if he encountered such a problem in clinical practice, he might attribute it to different people's physical conditions and put it aside after a few questions.

After all, it has nothing to do with otitis media, coma, etc.

But at this time, with Xu Qiu's repeated inquiries, he had to rethink the meaning behind these indications.

Assuming there is an abnormality, then the child's performance is indeed too unusual.

The cardia of children is relatively relaxed, and the reflux effect of the lower esophageal sphincter on gastric contents is relatively weak.

Therefore, vomiting milk, vomiting complementary food, vomiting rice, etc. is very common.

However, Jia Jia did not have any of them.

That's fine.

Even adults can't bear the nightmare-level throat swab, but Jia Jia is like nothing happened?

The pediatrician swallowed his saliva and felt a little panicked... He has also done throat swabs many times and knows how painful it feels. How can a normal person not react?

"There is a problem!" the pediatrician whispered.

The situation is very clear after analyzing this.

Jia Jia's performance seems to be due to personal constitution, but in fact, they may be pathological manifestations.

"This is natural, the question is, what disease is it?" Chen Jia nodded and said.

From the moment Xu Qiu asked about the medical history, she knew something was wrong.

Of course, Chen Jia didn't see it.

But she trusted Xu Qiu enough.

The things that Xu Qiu spent his time asking about could not be some idle chatter.


On the other side.

Xu Qiu ended the silence of more than ten seconds, suddenly raised his head, and asked: "Did the child spit up milk before?"

The young mother was a little panicked.

Because as she chatted, she suddenly realized that these behaviors that seemed to show off her daughter's intelligence were actually very abnormal.

But hearing this, her nervousness eased a little, and she quickly said, "Vomiting, of course! My daughter is the same as other girls. Sometimes she will vomit milk if she eats too much or eats too fast."

"How old was she when she was weaned?"

"I read a popular science article saying that complementary food can be added at six months. I was a little late. I started to wean slowly when I was seven and a half months old, and basically stopped breastfeeding after I was over one year old."

Jia Jia's mother knew her daughter's situation like the back of her hand, and gave the exact time casually.

Xu Qiu's eyes lit up... This time point is too coincidental.

No breastfeeding at one year old.

One year old is also when Jia Jia started wearing hearing aids.

In other words, children have normal vomiting function before, which is a physiological reaction of human beings.

But after that...

Xu Qiu asked hurriedly: "After starting to use hearing aids, did she vomit when eating complementary foods, brushing teeth, etc.?"

Jia Jia's mother's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widened slightly, and she said in a trembling voice: "It seems... it seems that she really hasn't."

After that, she shook her head and said: "No, it's completely non-existent. I don't remember anything other than her vomiting!"

At this time, her nerves were already highly tense, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Doctor, isn't it because Jia Jia's cardia has developed well?"

Long-term parenting experience has also given her a certain understanding of these anatomical structures.

When she was in the situation, she didn't notice anything unusual, but subconsciously thought her child was different.

However, when Xu Qiu said this, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse and turned into bad news.

On the other side, Xu Qiu frowned slightly.

Judging from the current situation, the child seems to have lost the ability to vomit?

... Is there something wrong with the vomiting center? !

Xu Qiu's face suddenly became serious.

The center that controls the vomiting reaction is deep in the brainstem, and as we all know, the brainstem is the center of life and a well-known surgical forbidden area in neurosurgery.

In other words, the vomiting center of the brainstem is compressed by the tumor, or is there other abnormalities?

Xu Qiu had previously performed a hematoma removal operation on the brainstem, but anyone with suspicious lesions in the brainstem is a high-risk patient who may die at any time.

After all, it only affects the vomiting center now, but it is entirely possible that it will affect the respiratory rhythm center, causing the patient to stop breathing and suffocate to death.

Similarly, if the cardiovascular center of the brainstem is affected, the blood circulation of the whole body will collapse immediately.

Even if Xu Qiu used a cheat, it was still a fantasy to save this kind of patient.

"However, how do you explain the inability to hold a toothbrush?" Xu Qiu narrowed his eyes.

This is most likely a problem with the motor system or mental illness, and it has nothing to do with the brain tumor.

"No, that's not right, it's not a brain stem tumor! At least there should be no lesions in the brain stem!"

Suddenly, Xu Qiu realized something, his eyes flickered several times, and he shook his head.

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