Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 976 The results are out! Incredible diagnosis!

In this surgery, the assessment is not only the number of stitches, but also whether each stitch can be controlled within a 5N error. What is required is details and control of tension!

There is not much difference in the total number of stitches between Yao Changlan and Yang Zhongzhong, but if the former's pass rate is only 80%, but the latter's pass rate is 90%... the latter will still win!

"Let's take a look." The director of Huashan Hospital looked a little ugly and said no more.

Dean Jishuitan's expression became much more relaxed.

Although Yang Zhongzhong is not Xu Qiu's student, he has been practicing palm finger regeneration for several years, and now he has achieved results.

Specialization is control and precision.

This assessment almost hit Yang Zhongzhong's gun, and it was difficult to lose.

At this time, in the middle position, the Vice President of Xiehe University withdrew his gaze.

The vice president of West China, the vice president of Qilu Hospital, and others also glanced at the president of Jishuitan in a vague way, and then they all acted calmly.

However, at this moment, everyone felt a storm in their hearts.

Although Xu Qiu has been banned from the competition, why does Xu Qiu's shadow still appear in every corner of the famous sword competition...

Even people like Yang Zhongzhong, who only practice a certain surgery, and are not even Xu Qiu's students, have a very high chance of winning...

What a deal!

"Fortunately, Director Xu's students are still young and do not have this ability."

"That Chen Qiao from Xiehe must be her student...she didn't participate in the competition. I guess she can't be an all-rounder like Xu Qiu."

"The little girl who appeared at the clinic is another student of Xu Qiu. I have to say that her strength is quite outstanding. She even has eighty needles. Unfortunately, she is far behind compared to Yang Zhongzhong and Yao Changlan."

"When it comes to hand surgery, Huashan Hospital and Jishuitan take the lead again this year..."

Many deans sighed and stared at Yang Zhongzhong and Yao Changlan.

Soon, the final transcript was handed over to the examiner.

The latter glanced at it, his pupils shrank, and then handed it to another deputy examiner next to him.

After the deputy examiner read it, he was in shock and even forgot to pass it on to the next person.

Another examiner couldn't restrain his curiosity and took the initiative to take it away.

But when he finished reading it, he was also stunned.

At this moment, a group of deans who only had supervisory powers finally couldn't sit still.

Seeing the examiners all showing shocked expressions, they felt as if there was a cat scratching their hearts... What's going on with this kind of list? Could it be that a top genius who is 100% qualified has really emerged!

Could it be that the Famous Sword Competition is going to produce another pervert with a perfect score! ?

At this time, Linyi, who was far away in the south, Linhai.

The expedited test results are finally out.

After understanding Jiajia's strange behavior, Xu Qiu gave several new tests.

The first is the subsequent audiogram.

It shows severe sensorineural deafness in the left ear and severe sensorineural deafness in the left ear.

In addition, Xu Qiu also ordered fiber otoscopy and temporal bone mastoid CT examination.

The results of these two items were also released soon.

Fiber otoscopy showed that pink new organisms were seen in the external auditory canal, covering the tympanic membrane, and old scars could be seen.

Temporal bone mastoid CT gives more clear indications.

It showed mastoiditis in the left middle ear, soft tissue density shadow in the left ear canal, and calcification density shadow in the middle ear.

From the specific location, the cochlear implant electrode can be seen in the right ear, while the left ear shows signs of mastoiditis in the middle ear. The increased density within the tympanum is at the same level as the cochlea, located on the inside of the malleus.

At first, the examining doctor suspected it was a foreign body in the ear canal.

Try to shake.

It turned out that this thing seemed to be growing together with the ear canal!

"This is..." Chen Jia, who sent the test results, said she couldn't understand.

The pediatrician also scratched his head...surprisingly, it turned out to be really not a foreign body in the ear canal...

In all likelihood, these children have foreign matter residue from the hearing aid mold making process, but the current results deny this speculation.

"look carefully."

Xu Qiu said.

He took out the CT film, pointed to the area of ​​the jugular foramen, and said, "There are lesions here too."

Chen Jia looked at it intently and her pupils shrank slightly.

It seems...there's something really different?

"What does this mean..." Chen Jia asked in a low voice.

Xu Qiudao: "The lesion is in the jugular foramen, and has invaded the vagus, cochlea and endolymphatic sac. In addition, it has also affected the foramen magnum and the middle ear."

Chen Jia understood clearly this time, and she said in disbelief: "The disease is not in the middle ear?!"

"If it's just a middle ear disease, there won't be so many symptoms."

The pediatrician listened to the conversation between the two and kept touching his chin.

Until this moment, he finally had a sense of enlightenment, and said incredulously: "Director Xu, you, you are saying that the patient is a jugular glomus tumor?!"

Combined with the inspection performance, this is the most reliable one.

If you want to confirm the diagnosis, do an MRI.

If the internal jugular vein is found to be closely combined with the mass suggested by magnetic resonance imaging, it is basically a glomus jugular tumor.

But Xu Qiu shook his head.

The pediatrician suddenly fell into deep thought and gave another answer after a few seconds.

"Cholesterol granuloma? Glomus tumor? Or endolymphatic sac tumor..."

These are relatively rare diseases, and they are not commonly encountered clinically.

Especially when it comes to children.

In fact, except for the characteristic cancers that are common in children, such as leukemia, neuroblastoma and nephroblastoma, tumors are generally not suspected unless there are clear indications.

Therefore, endolymphatic sac tumors can actually be ruled out.

The patient does not have the typical manifestations of this type of tumor.

In addition, there is glomus tumor.

This is a rare benign small hemangioma, which is manifested by the appearance of glomus under the reticular layer of the dermis.

The most common are fingers, toes, nail beds, etc., and are also more common in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the extremities.

However, the patients with this disease are basically young and middle-aged people, and there are very few children.

Even among the young and middle-aged patients, there seems to be no similar cases in the clinic that happen to occur near the middle ear and jugular foramen.

Could it be that they are going to be the first to treat this type of lesion again...

Considering that Xu Qiu said before, "the rare manifestations of common diseases are far more than the common manifestations of rare diseases", the pediatrician temporarily ruled out glomus tumor.

Then only cholesterol granuloma is left.

This disease is common in the middle ear.

It is a non-specific disease. To put it bluntly, it is actually a foreign body reaction of the tissue to cholesterol crystals.

For example, various reasons may cause middle ear bleeding, plasma exudation, or even tissue edema, which may cause red blood cells to rupture and decompose.

At this time, fat will undergo degeneration and release cholesterol.

As cholesterol continues to increase and accumulate, after reaching the saturation value, just like the solution will precipitate when it reaches a saturated state...

Cholesterol will also crystallize and deposit in the tissue at this time.

Subsequently, cholesterol crystals stimulate the surrounding tissues to form granulomas, and over time they develop into cholesterol granulomas.

This is a bit like the accumulation process of stalactites.

However, cholesterol granulomas occur in the middle ear, which is not a good thing for the human body.

"It's still not right... Even if it is cholesterol granulomas that often occur in the middle ear... at most it will cause tinnitus in the left ear and hearing problems.

How to explain dressing and undressing, holding a toothbrush, and not vomiting?"

The more the pediatrician thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

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