
The big guy's gaze slowly descended from Jiang Beiyuan's face, and finally fell on the hands of this man.

He was holding a bottle of yogurt in his hand, bottled, and took two sips while walking, as natural as drinking tea.

When he reached the middle position, he sat down and threw the yogurt bottle in his hand back with the courage to rule the world.

Song Yikai quickly caught his eyes and hands, as if holding a Buddha statue, respectfully holding the yogurt that Jiang Beiyuan had drunk.

"Mr. Jiang..."

The doubtful shareholder just looked at Jiang Beiyuan and didn't know why.

"What did you call us here for?"

"Two things."

Jiang Beiyuan put his left hand on the table, bent his index finger, and tapped twice slowly.

He doesn't like nonsense, his thin lips move slightly:

"First, regarding the newly added flower artist's position, I decided to go through the company process and decide on the company's shares in order to avoid being overly confused."


Pei Jinling, who was diagonally opposite, sneered secretly after hearing the words.

Yannian is an outsider, how could he have shares in Jiang?

Besides, even if Jiang Beiyuan wanted to give her his shares, it would have to be approved by half of the company's shareholders or above.

"What about the other thing, President Jiang?"

Another shareholder spoke up.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't answer immediately, looking around with sharp and profound eyes.

In the end, it fell straight on Pei Jinling.

His eyes were cold and cold, without any emotions.

It seems that this graceful and luxurious woman is not his mother.

"The second thing."

He opened his mouth coolly, his voice was low, and the corners of his eyes and brows flashed sharply.

"I propose today that Ms. Pei Jinling should be expelled from Jiang's board of directors."


The audience was in an uproar.

Pei Jinling couldn't believe it. After reacting, she was furious, stood up and pointed to Jiang Beiyuan's face, her delicate makeup was a little distorted...

"You, what are you talking about?! Why should I be removed from my name?"

Jiang Beiyuan ignored her.

He looked at everyone indifferently, his gaze fell in the middle, and his voice was determined, "If you have me without her, if you have her without me, you choose yourself."


As soon as his words fell, there was another uproar in the audience.

The big guys are whispering to each other and whispering, is President Jiang arguing with his mother?

"I have always been democratic. This time I vote and the results will be announced within three minutes."

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say much, but every word was loud and sound.

Pei Jinling's face was blue and white, her lips were trembling, and finally she pointed at Jiang Beiyuan's face with trembling hands, and stomped angrily.

"You just look at your dad's absence, so you don't put my mother in your eyes! How did I raise you such a white-eyed wolf son?!"

After speaking, he pushed away the people beside him and walked out angrily.

Jiang Beiyuan sat there and didn't move.

There is no extra expression on his face.

No one can guess what he is thinking, and no one can enter his world.

Three minutes later.

The results are announced.

More than 95% of shareholders chose to keep Jiang Beiyuan and expel Pei Jinling.

The expected decision.

If you put the cart before the horse, it would be incredible.

"Today's meeting ends here."

Jiang Beiyuan finally got up, his body hanging long, as high as a crescent moon.

"...The meeting is over."

Stride away.

He walked with a gust of wind, lonely and lonely, and still lonely.

Song Yikai reacted and followed Jiang Beiyuan, holding his unfinished yogurt in his hand.

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