Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 371: He accepts all her uncomfortable

"But are you stupid? You are so rich, so handsome, and your family is so good. You deserve better..."

"There is no better."

Jiang Beiyuan said every word, his voice was like a rock, falling firmly.

"What I believe is the best."

I don't know which word of him touched the switch in the heart of Yan Nian, she suddenly cried out, no longer suppressed, the crying was hysterical, and the voice was intermittent...

"I'm not good at all! I have so many shortcomings. Since I was young, I have no talents. I can't study well and have a bad temper. My dad is dead and I haven't been able to show anything to him..."

"My mother doesn't like me either. She said that I went to give someone a second room and she didn't care... You don't know how uncomfortable I was after hearing that..."

"And your mother..."

"She doesn't like me even more, she can't wait for me to divorce you right away..."

"I don't want to divorce you..."

"I don't want to, I am not greedy for your Jiang family's money, I just want to be with you Jiang Beiyuan..."

"But you are so good, I found that I have been making trouble for you..."

"I'm so useless, I can't help me with anything, and you keep worrying about me. From the flowering shop to the present, I have had so many troubles, and many of them are settled by you..."

"I don't even know where I attract you..."

"You said that you like me now, not because of your ex-girlfriend..."

"Obviously I am so bad, but you still like me...for no reason..."

"You said what should I do to match you..."

"You don't need to do anything."

After she finished speaking, Jiang Beiyuan spoke.

The generous palm slapped her back little by little, seeming to comfort her emotions.

"You just have to stay by my side."


Yan Nian Regardless of Three Seven Twenty One pulled the tie in front of Jiang Beiyuan to wipe tears and nose.

"But I'm so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, uncomfortable +10086..."


Jiang Beiyuan didn't know why he had to add 10086 for uncomfortable, but he didn't ask anything, letting her grab his tie to vent.

The carriage was very quiet, so quiet that only her intermittent sobs could be heard.

This was the first time Yannian cried unreservedly in front of him.

Crying so sad.

Spread out all of yourself and show him.

He took all her uncomfortable photos and didn't say anything. He just stayed with her quietly, gradually touching the back of her head with his warm hands, rubbing it little by little, as if he was comforting a child with a temper.

I don't know how long it has been...

Jiang Beiyuan felt that his legs were numb, and the person in his arms had stopped moving.

He softly called her "Daughter-in-law", but there was still no movement.

He finally pushed her away a bit.

Only to realize that she was asleep.

You can fall asleep when you cry.

There is no one but her in the world.

He shook his head and laughed, unfastened her seat belt, then got out of the car and lifted her up and walked home.

Light and shadow fell across the hallway.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard two barking "barking" dogs.

Jiang Beiyuan held the sleeping Yannian in his arms, and looked down at the little golden retriever on the ground.



Yuli seemed to understand, stopped barking, and stepped aside.

Jiang Beiyuan carried Yannian into the bedroom and put the little ball on the pink big bed.

She had told him more than once before that pink lace was childish.

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