Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 374: What about people

Jiang Beiyuan returned home.

After washing the soaking clothes, washing the bowl in the sink, and then going to the kitchen to cook noodles.

If Yannian is not at home, it doesn't matter what he eats alone at noon.

Before learning to cook, in fact, it was for her to learn. He always has no worries about food and clothing, and the delicacies of mountains and seas are in front of him to choose. If it were not for her, he would not try so much.

Ten years ago, Yannian liked to eat his dishes.

After getting married, Yannian also likes to eat his dishes.

He was overjoyed, and he was so happy that he changed tricks to eat for her, and made her mouth tricky.


Xiao Yuli didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly ran over to Jiang Beiyuan and barked twice, looking straight at him.

It is usually cleverly counseled, and today is a bit abnormal.

Jiang Beiyuan turned around, his eyes facing each other, and the dog-fearing factor in his bones rose up again, causing his temples to jump around.

"Don't call, go aside."


Xiao Yuli was still crying out without fear of death.

Jiang Beiyuan took a deep breath, and his peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and a dark glow appeared, trying to scare Xiao Yuli away by air conditioning.

Seeing that he was so bold and unmoved, he grabbed the kitchen knife on the cutting board and threw it in front of Little Golden Retriever.


The sharp blade flashed silver light, scared Xiao Yuli's dog's hair upside down, and then ran away whimpering, afraid to approach Jiang Beiyuan for half a step.

Jiang Beiyuan let out a deep breath, picked up the kitchen knife on the ground, and continued to cook noodles leisurely.

The surrounding is very quiet.

Without her at home, without her in my ears, I suddenly felt that everything was boring.

The phone rang.

The boring cell phone ringtone belongs to him.

Ding Baoyi's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone——

"What about Yannianren? Ask me for dinner, why did she not come out by herself?"

Jiang Beiyuan frowned, and his voice sank, "She was out half an hour ago."

"Then I call her and she won't answer! I have been waiting for her in the restaurant for half an hour, and I haven't seen her in person!"


Jiang Beiyuan's breath of anger that had just been able to go down suddenly came up again.

Hearing the solemn breathing of the man, Ding Baoyi stunned, "President Jiang, it’s not that I talk too much, but gossip is a woman’s nature. I wonder if you knew Yannian before? What is the relationship between you two??"


Jiang Beiyuan had no intention of answering Ding Baoyi's question, and hung up without a second word.

He called Yannian.

I called it many times, but no one connected.

Send her a message and she won't reply.

The phone vibrated.

It was a WeChat from Ding Baoyi.

"OK, the question just now counts me too much. Now I will go to Yannian to find all possible places. You should also find her. Although she is playful, she is not the kind of person who is playful and does not answer the phone."


Of course he knew.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't reply to Ding Baoyi, turned off the natural gas, took the car key and went outside, calling Xu Kuangjie while walking.

Xu Kuangjie at that end is in the meeting room of his company, preparing to sign a contract with a foreign trade company.

Seeing the caller ID, Xu Kuangjie hesitated for two seconds and raised his sword eyebrows.

Jiang Beiyuan called him, but nothing happened.

Last time, just because he said something to accompany him to drink, he called on Zhang Fan, which caused him to lose a big order, and Jiang Beiyuan has not compensated him for that loss.


One more time.

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