"Uh... so what?"


Ding Baoyi unceremoniously played her two-finger Zen.

Yan Nian screamed, clutching her forehead to bounce back. Ding Baoyi didn't let her succeed. She tilted her body and accidentally knocked the coffee cup over. The coffee on the table was spilled on the letter, and a ball of coffee was spilled. Stains.

"What are you doing!"

Yannian hurriedly took the letter over, took the napkin, and carefully wiped off the coffee stains on it.

Obviously she moved fast enough, but unfortunately the word "wife" written on it was obliterated by coffee stains.

Yannian couldn't wipe it off no matter what, she suddenly felt a dull pain in her heart, and her fingers couldn't help but curl up.

It was like returning to the day when she moved ten years ago. The gap in her heart opened and closed. She had waited for a long time, but the gap had not healed.

The tears fell, and I realized that I was crying again as before.

Yannian wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, staring at the teardrops on her fingers in surprise.

What exactly happened here.

When I cry, I don't even know it, like an instinctive reaction.

Ding Baoyi coughed twice, crossing her legs, knowing that she was not careful just now, "Sorry, I didn't mean it, I just want to tell you that Jiang Beiyuan is so good to you, it's not without reason, he keeps talking about you Like his ex-girlfriend, but you have never seen his ex-girlfriend, so have you ever thought about it, maybe—"

Ding Baoyi paused after speaking.

"His ex-girlfriend is you!"


Yannian stopped crying, her tears dried up on her face, and she looked up at her blankly.

Ding Baoyi cleared her throat, saying every word:

"I'm just guessing. Now I don't have any conclusive evidence. Maybe Jiang Ting is Jiang Beiyuan. He just changed his name, and you don't know why you forgot him. Ten years later, he came back to you and married you as he wished. , Just like this letter, mum, now he calls you a wife, do you dare to agree?"


Yannian moved her lips and looked down at the letter in her hand.

No wonder the handwriting is so familiar.

Now take a closer look, it looks like Jiang Beiyuan's handwriting is almost nine points, they are resolute and domineering, unruly and arrogant, and there is a machine front hidden in the pen.

She wanted to talk, wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word in her throat.

The heart seemed to be blocked by something at this moment, so suffocating, her mind echoed Ding Baoyi's sentence "Jiang Ting is Jiang Beiyuan, and his ex-girlfriend is you", like Tang Seng's curse, circle after circle back and forth. Rippling.

The ice-cold liquid slowly slid down her cheeks again, like two thin traces, winding and extending.

Yannian touched her face, tears bursting like a bank, she couldn't wipe it off no matter what.

"What's wrong with me? I don't want to cry at all, why do I shed tears? What the **** is going on, are you sick..."


Ding Baoyi handed over a few toilet papers and asked her to wipe away tears.

"Although I am not your party, but I can still vaguely remember that every time you mentioned Jiang Ting back then, you always looked happy. You should care about him very much, otherwise it won't be so uncomfortable now."

"So? What should I do?"

Thousands of thoughts came to her mind, she was like a child at a loss, trying hard to recall Jiang Ting's face.

But the memory is fuzzy.

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