She always thought that the distance between her and Jiang Beiyuan was like the distance between the stairs of more than one hundred meters, separated by a ditch, separated by layers of barriers, and out of reach. She tried to catch up and couldn't catch up for a lifetime. .

The original original.

The opportunity was always in front of him, he was always there, but she never turned to look at him.

The huge gap in reality is actually just a short distance away.

As long as she is willing to look back.

She finally understood why he went crazy that night and asked her to call him "brother".

She finally understood, the first time he met on a blind date, why he was hesitant to speak and his face was cold, but he looked at her with such sad and sad eyes, every word in a low voice:

"Because you look like my ex-girlfriend."

She finally understood how much bitterness and miss he had suffered for the first time he was drunk and his thin lips fell to her ears.

She finally understood...

All of his goodness spans the obscure time he has endured alone for ten years.

He said: "My ex-girlfriend is very poor in study and has a bad temper."

He said, "You and my ex-girlfriend are exactly the same."

He said: "Niannian, I miss you so much."

He said: "Stay by my side and never leave."

He said, "Do you really know who my ex-girlfriend is?"

He said, "Perhaps I am very complicated in your eyes, but in terms of feelings, I like you, just like you. No one is more pure than my feelings."


He likes her, he just likes her.

Ten years of love, how can she let such an excellent man wait for her silently for ten years?

Her heart was riddled with sores, and all the pain struck at the same time. She cried and ran, and finally ran to the first floor. The people who came and went were looking at her, and she simply couldn't care about so many.

She suddenly remembered that one night in the middle of summer, Jiang Beiyuan sat on the cane chair on the balcony with her, his chin resting on the top of her hair, like a child dependent on an adult.

And she looked at the light overhead, and a moth was hitting the bulb.

She pointed to the lamp and asked the man behind her leisurely: "Why do moths like lights so much?"

"Idiot, this is the light-by-light effect."

He pressed her ear and explained inexplicably.

"The moth mistakenly thought that the light was moonlight, and used fake moonlight to identify the direction, so that it could keep flying in a certain direction until it finally died exhausted."


She is a sentimental person, a little sad when she hears this...

"Then we can turn off the light, it doesn't need to hit the light, it can live."

"This is its pursuit."

At that time, he said in a deep voice, his expression was indistinguishable, with emotions that made her somewhat obscure.

"Moths are the same as humans. Without pursuit, there is no meaning to live."

"Do you also pursue it?"

She came interested, turned to look at him and asked.

It has to be said that this man was born with a unique face, the facial features are superbly crafted, and Junyi's outline is hidden in a large area of ​​light and shadow, half bright and half dark.

And this man at the border of black and white said dumbly with an "um", lowered his head and kept rubbing her hair.

"I got it now."

Already got it.

Yannian thought about this in her mind, and she collapsed.

It turns out that the old saying is correct--

Getting acquainted with Junchu is like returning home.


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