Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 415: Accompany me today, okay

"The cicada roosts the medlar."

Xiao Chuchen smiled and explained.

"This is the pattern I designed for the company's new season products. It is inspired by the story of Zhuangzi's rickety man, who is destined to achieve the goal. Compared with President Jiang's ten-year dedication, it complements each other. , It is most suitable for the current single-minded love."

"It's hard for Director Xiao to be so careful."

Jiang Beiyuan's voice was light and breezy, with a smile on his lips, as if true or false.

"However, since Director Xiao knows Zhuangzi's stubbornness, he must also know that the old Zhuangzi once said that dogs are not good at barking, and people are not good at talking."

Xu Kuangjie on the side was confused, "Dog, dog, dog what?"

I think his language was the worst when he was in school. This thing seems to be inherited, and his cousin He Huaiguang's language is not good.

"Mr. Jiang is right, Xiao was taught today."

An anger flashed across Xiao Chuchen's eyes, which was quickly covered by him. He maintained his demeanor and slightly nodded towards Jiangbeiyuan.

"Since there is nothing wrong, I will go back and work on it first, so I won't bother Mr. Jiang to continue talking with my friends."


Xiao Chuchen left, the courtesy on Jiang Beiyuan's face disappeared in an instant, his eyes were directed at Xu Kuangjie beside him, "Let Chen Shuo look into Xiao Chuchen's movements."

Xu Kuangjie: "Why don't you tell him in person?"

Jiang Beiyuan: "Therefore, the sky will descend to the people and the people will be—"


Xu Kuangjie's hair was upside down.

"I'll go, I'll do it myself!"


Yan Nian fell asleep till eleven.

I have a sore back and want to lie down on the bed for a day.

The cell phone kept ringing, and the cheerful cell phone ringtone kept ringing in my ears three times.

Yan Nian uttered "Ma Dan", frowned, and was finally willing to stretch an arm out of the bed, and it took a long time to touch the phone to connect.

"Hello, who?"

"Get up and take you to a meal." The voice at that end was low.

"What are you doing, you toss me up all night, and now you toss me!"

Jiang Beiyuan: "Song Yikai asked for leave today. Sui Tong is full of work. You act as my temporary assistant."

"Then you have no other people besides Song Yikai and Sui Tong?"

"Go to the secretarial department and ask, look at how many people I have in total." Jiang Beiyuan's tone suddenly gave a hint of anger.

Yannian rubbed her ears.

What the hell, who caused him again?

"Then you let Xu Kuangjie go with you! Isn't he your good brother? If you threaten him, he will definitely follow you with his tail wagging!"


There was silence for three seconds at that end, his temperament became weaker, and his voice softened, "I'm coming to our house soon, let me stay with me today, okay?"

The tone of his speech has become more pleasant, and his speech and thoughts have been smoothed.

She has always been soft when she feels soft, so she hummed and didn't care about him, "I know, I will clean up now, you just wait for me downstairs."

Twenty minutes later, Miss Hotel.

Yan Nian is wearing a formal, black coat today, with two cat ears behind her cap, and a pair of dark gray wide-leg pants on her lower body. Soft and cute and mature, wearing on her, one point is mature, and nine points are soft and cute.

She followed Jiang Beiyuan, and the two got on the elevator to the sixth floor, and followed the waiter to a box.

Large box, spacious decoration, there are two people in the box.

One of the temples was white, and when he saw Jiang Beiyuan, he smiled and greeted him.

"Hahaha President Jiang, long time no see!"

The person here was Hao Mao who gave Yannian shares.

"This is my secretary, Xiao Meng."

As Hao Mao spoke, he pointed at Meng Ziye beside him.

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