Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 421: What are you doing here

The next day, Jiang Beiyuan and Yan Nian went to the company together. After the morning meeting, Jiang Beiyuan went out.

Song Yikai chased to the lobby on the first floor.

I want to tell him that Hao Mao, chairman of Shengtian Group, is coming over this morning, but he has already gone far.

Fifteen minutes later, the People’s Hospital.

Zhang Fan came to the People's Hospital for a discussion today. As soon as he entered the lobby on the first floor, he saw Jiang Beiyuan.

There is no barrier.

The man at the registration desk stood facing the sun, with a black jacket, a pair of army green trousers, and high-quality custom-made men’s leather boots with one hand in his pocket. His body was very handsome, full of heroic spirit, and cold and precious.

Zhang Fan swallowed subconsciously.

Jiang Beiyuan is wearing a black mask today, showing only a pair of delicate peach eyes and long curled eyelashes, which are more attractive than those who show their faces without a mask.

As if he had noticed something, Jiang Beiyuan suddenly looked sideways.

Zhang Fan coughed twice, turned his head and left.

I thought you didn’t see me, you didn’t see me, you didn’t see me...

"You came just right."

The clear and clean voice, low, familiar enough to palpitating.

Zhang Fan turned around, pretending to be suddenly enlightened, "Hey? Lao Jiang? Hahaha, what a coincidence! Why are you here at the People's Hospital too!"

Jiang Beiyuan stretched out a hand, spreading his white palm in front of Zhang Fan.

"Going out without cash, give me three hundred dollars."

Zhang Fan touched his trouser pocket, no more, no more than three hundred yuan. This man is really amazing, he is simply his wealthy boy.

"By the way, what are you doing to the people?"

Since the people are here, why not go to the central hospital?

However, Jiang Beiyuan didn't answer Zhang Fan's question, took the money and walked straight away.

After taking two steps, turning around again, those exposed peach eyes slowly narrowed, seemingly smiling, "Don't forget the money."

Zhang Fan: "..."


Andrology Clinic, People's Hospital.

Ten minutes later, the doctor in a white coat looked at the handsome man in the consultation room, handed him the examination report, and smiled.

"Your physical condition is excellent, and the survival rate of Jingzi is very high. Have you considered freezing Jingzi?"

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say a word, his thin lips were pursed and pursed, his eyebrows furrowed, solemn thoughts appeared.

"Sir, I said your Jingzi has a very high survival rate, and there is no problem with your body!"

The doctor stretched out a hand and waved it in front of Jiang Beiyuan, and saw that his eyes were out of focus, and he was not afraid to move forward.

"Hey sir, I said your Jingzi survived—"


Jiang Beiyuan's black eyes were bleak, and a sharp cold light came from the depths of his eyes.

The doctor shivered from the cold, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

The first time I saw this patient, he said that he was in good health, but he was still unwilling to look like two to eighty thousand.


Jiang Group.

Yan Nian is inserting a bunch of daisies and using sunflowers as a matching flower.

The three knocks on the door were very urgent.

The person who came in was Sui Tong, with an anxious expression on his face: "It's not good, it's not good, I think you have something wrong!"

"Ah? I'm here, what happened to me?" Yannian was confused.

Sui Tong sighed, "Now you follow me to the meeting room on the 60th floor. Shareholders are waiting for you to pass. I will tell you slowly on the way!"


Through Sui Tong's mouth, Yan Nian made it clear that it was she who had been eating with Jiang Beiyuan and Hao Mao that day and was picked off.

It's not a big deal to be chopped for a meal, it's a serious meal, and it's a legal business.

The key is that the contract signed by Jiang Beiyuan and Hao Mao was also picked up.

That is a confidential contract.

When the contract was signed, she, Jiang Beiyuan, Hao Mao and Meng Ziye were the only people present.

After signing the contract, she, the temporary assistant, packed the contract into the bag, and then went back to Jiang's family with Jiang Beiyuan after eating, and went into the office to get off work. In the afternoon, remembering this document, she gave it to Jiang Beiyuan personally when she was about to get off work. Past.

and so……

There should be no mistakes during this period.

Arrived at the door of the conference room.

Sui Tong opened the door, and Yannian followed in.

In the huge conference room, there are more than 30 senior leaders visually. Except for the empty seat in the middle, the rest are full.

Yannian took a deep breath and walked to the middle direction.

She stood, somewhat cautious, facing so many people alone for the first time.

A minister stood up first, rushed to say and fired—

"The Ministry of Personnel has checked the surveillance video, and no one has entered his office except you and President Jiang that day, so the only possibility is that you have leaked the contents of the contract! Tell yourself what you want to do Right!"

"I did not do that."

Words and words, the eyes are sincere.

However, this kind of sincerity is not enough to make people feel relieved in this group of old guys who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.

The other minister stood up immediately.

"Little girl, you saved Chairman Hao Mao at the press conference last time. You are a great contributor to the company. The board of directors of the company also made an exception and passed your useless position. Now, from another perspective, you are so enthusiastic about Chairman Hao Mao. It makes people want to be wrong."

It's not your mother!

Yan Nian clenched his fists.

If it weren't for so many high-level faces, she would definitely spit over it now.

"I don't think there is any conclusive evidence, everyone should not pretend to be a little girl!"

Xiao Chuchen stood up suddenly.

Smiled at Yannian.

A meaningful light flashed under his eyes.

"After all... this little girl is the president's wife. If President Jiang knows that you are bullying his wife behind his back, President Jiang will definitely be furious."

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