Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 433: I found the one who blamed you

She wants to have a baby.

Because of loving him.

That's why I want to have his children.

But why is there no movement in her stomach, and the hospital examination can't find out. It stands to reason that she is in good health and her private life is not chaotic. Is it because of the night when she was eighteen?

To tell the truth.

She was about to forget the eighteen-year-old man.

The long-lost man who appeared and disappeared without a trace after she was drunk.

The memory of that night was hazy and trance. After five years, the shadow in her mind became blurred. She only hoped that he would not disturb her current life by appearing again.

The movie is over.

Everyone left with a laugh.

The cleaning lady came in to clean the site and looked at Jiang Beiyuan, but she subconsciously avoided it and went to clean.

Yannian can't laugh or cry.

This face really eats all ages.

"Ms. Jiang..."

She reached out and poked him in the face. She couldn't sleep anymore, and she had to put down a movie.

Jiang Beiyuan opened those eyes, dark pupils, sleepy eyes, his double eyelids turned into third eyelids, and after the eyes closed lightly, they returned to normal double eyelids.


The voice is also rustling, with the laziness of the first awakening.

"Well, it's over long ago, everyone is gone."

Yannian thought in her heart, don't go out to watch movies anymore. He has been accommodating her, but he doesn't like movies.

The phone rang.

It's Jiang Beiyuan.

When he answered, he didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone, making his sleepy eyes suddenly appear harsh.

"Well, now it's over."

Hung up, Yannian asked what happened.

Jiang Beiyuan took the phone and copied it in his trouser pocket, and suddenly smiled and touched her face, "Let's go, now go to the Jiang family."


"I found the one who blamed you."


It is seven o'clock in the evening.

As night fell, the lights came on.

Obviously it was time to get off work, but Jiang's meeting room was humming.

The light from the crystal chandelier above the head fell down and fell on the round table to cut a bright white light.

The round table was full of people sitting around. Everyone was talking about you and me, all discussing the leaked secrets.

"Quiet, quiet!"

Lin Jingye, the vice president of the company sitting in the middle position, yelled, but no one took him off, everyone was still talking to themselves and whispering.

Lin Jingye pulled his tie anxiously. Just as he was about to say something, the door of the meeting room opened.

The man who came in was like a beam of light, attracting all the eyes of the audience to focus on him.

Even if he resigns, Jiang Beiyuan is still Jiang Beiyuan, his spirits are unabated, he is cold and expensive, and his righteousness is unabated. He does not have to say more about his demeanor and courage. The talker shut up.

The meeting room, which was still noisy just now, was silent at this moment, and everyone closed their mouths in unison.

Lin Jingye got up quickly and gave up the position that Jiang Beiyuan should have been sitting in, with a flattering and hypocritical smile on his face: "Mr. Jiang, you are back!"

Jiang Beiyuan did not sit.

He walked to the middle position, paused, and looked around and faintly said, "In the two days I was away, Mr. Lin managed the company well."

Lin Jingye was embarrassed, how could he not hear what Jiang Beiyuan was saying in an irony.

Jiang Beiyuan's gaze immediately looked at Song Yikai and Sui Tong who were standing aside.

Raised eyebrows.

"You two did it?"

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