Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 442: I knew why today

"This, this, this..."

How can a man’s self-esteem be hurt by an examination?

If you find any problems, solve them and treat them in time. Isn't it good?

Xu is that the thinking of men is different from that of women. Seeing that he is so stubborn, he is hard to say anything.

At the end, I said something again--

"Actually, I went to the hospital for an examination secretly by myself. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with my body. Both sides of the fallopian tubes were connected, and the ovaries were okay. If it was your problem, I would not dislike you. We are husband and wife. Problems should be resolved in time. I am afraid that there will be no shop in this village. There are several senior sisters around me who don't pay attention to children when they are young. It is too late when you want them. Think about it."

After speaking, I got out of the car.

Jiang Beiyuan stared at her back, his long eyebrows twisted very tightly, thoughtfully.


Yan Nian returned to her office and started to get busy.

When I was tired, I went to the bathroom to make a cup of coffee to refresh my mind.

There is also a bottle of yogurt in the bag, which Jiang Beiyuan put on her this morning, and she drinks yogurt from time to time.

God knows when she went to school before, she drank and drank every day, really vomiting.

It was the shareholders meeting at 3:30 in the afternoon, and Yannian also went.

She holds Jiang's shares and is now a shareholder of Jiang's.

This is Yannian's first time attending a shareholders meeting.

The chairman of the meeting was the company’s vice president Lin Jingye.

In the same suit and leather shoes, Lin Jingye's hippy smiley face, without the domineering and prestige of Jiang Beiyuan's domineering over the world.

Yannian sat near the corner, absent-mindedly writing and drawing on the book, and soon heard someone calling his name. After returning to his senses, he found a whole page of paper with "children" written on the whole side. "Child" "Child".

She really cares a little too much.

Yannian turned around and looked at the person who called her name.

"You said it, right,"

An older shareholder looked at her, "I want to ask you, when will President Jiang come back?"

Yan Nian shook his head, "I don't know this problem either."

"Aren't you Mrs. Jiang? How could you not know?!" The person was a little skeptical.


Yan Nian got angry when she heard this.

"Even if I'm Mrs. Jiang? What if you ran him off before, and now let him come back? If you know that today, why should you be sincere, go and ask him to apologize to him, anyway, I don't interfere with this. Things, don't question me!"


The old shareholder frowned when he heard the words, seeming to be incomprehensible and angry, and then looked at Zhou Rui who was packing things aside.

Zhou Rui was demoted, from minister to ordinary employee, but she also had Jiang's shares, so she also came to the shareholders meeting.

"Zhou Rui, isn't she Mrs. Jiang?" the shareholder asked Yannian.

Zhou Rui's delicate face was expressionless, and her voice was cold, "I don't know, this is President Jiang's own personal business, I can't say anything, Dong Wang, don't ask."

"Yes, it is true, President Zhou's private affairs, former Minister Zhou had better not intervene, so as not to end up in a show, and invite some gossip to President Jiang."

Yannian turned around and left the meeting room.

She was so angry.

Zhou Rui had a brainstorm this time. Last time she openly identified her as a leaker, and this time she owed her a hundred million worth of virtue.

I thought she was a nice person before, but now it seems that she has seen people's hearts for a long time, and only after a period of time can we know what it is!


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