Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 455: You can't be a strong woman

"His man is very righteous."

When Xu Kuangjie was mentioned, Ding Baoyi's delicate Danfeng eyes showed a smile line.

"Originally, I thought it would be useless for me to be promoted to Minister, but he recommended me to our chairman. It may be because you reconciled with your husband. Although he said that, he was not involved."


Speaking of Jiang Beiyuan, Yannian's mood became calm.

Ding Baoyi asked her what was wrong, and she told Ding Baoyi about everything during this period of time, except for the child.

"Sometimes I hope to be a strong woman like you. Although I don't have any background, it's good to get to the top step by step by myself."

"You can't be a strong woman."

Ding Baoyi interrupted her words.

Yannian asked her why.

She smiled, "Because your husband, Jiang Beiyuan will not let you be a strong woman. Once this woman wants to become strong and independent, she will become busy. When busy, she will be far away from men. Jiangbei Yuan is so attached to you, how could he let you get further and further away from him?"


Yannian sighed.

I think Ding Baoyi makes sense.

There is no way to refute it for a while.

"Oh, there is nothing to be sad about, your life is good, and such a good man on the stall is willing to spoil you and pave your way!"

Ding Baoyi patted Yannian on the shoulder, speaking earnestly.

"Since he is willing to plan everything for you, let him plan. You can take it with ease. If you refuse him to be good to you, he will be unhappy and feel that you do not rely on him or trust him."

"Then I have to give him something."

Yannian said baffledly.

"Like...a child."

"Fool, you!"

Ding Baoyi silently rolled his eyes at the roof of the car.

"I thought you were going to say something. If you don't just have a child, you can't give birth?"

"Really, I can't give birth."


"Well, I won't hide it from you, I'm actually a little uncomfortable..."

Yannian finally told Ding Baoyi about the child.

"Really, which broken hospital does the check-up, is it reliable?"

"It's a tertiary hospital. There should be no problem, but the doctor said at the time that there were still 10% of infertility cases that could not be found. I was wondering if I was that 10%?"

"Hehe, what if you are that 10%, can you still not lay eggs forever?"

"Why did you lay eggs and didn't place orders? It made me be like a hen. Why did you talk to Jiang Beiyuan with the **** virtue?"

"Is the old lady looking for you?"


"Okay, okay, don't worry about her, she's crazy, thinking the whole world has to go around her, right?"

Ding Baoyi cursed, but her words didn't really help Yannian.

Ding Baoyi rubbed her forehead, thought about it, and said again:

"Your sister, I don't believe in Western medicine recently. I know a very good old Chinese medicine doctor. I will show you over."

"Chinese medicine? Is it reliable?"


Ding Baoyi started the car and went on the road, explaining to Yannian.

"Didn’t I socialize and drink recently? I always suffer from insomnia, dreams, and hair loss. I can’t find anything in the hospital. A colleague introduced me to an old Chinese doctor. The doctor was good, and he took the pulse and said I stayed up all night. Drinking with kidney yang deficiency, I prescribed a few herbal medicines for me to go home and drink."

As he spoke, he freed an arm to move towards Yannian.

"did you see it?"


"The needle eye on my arm!"


Yan Nian looked intently, and there was really a pinhole.

"How did this happen?!"

"Acupuncture, let alone acupuncture, it hurts when the needle is stuck, but it is really comfortable after the needle. I have been sleeping well these days. Sometimes you don't believe in the culture of the ancestors. Chinese medicine has been passed down for many years."


He was absent-minded, still thinking about the child, and thinking about what Pei Jinling said.

Pei Jinling said that Jiang Beiyuan resigned in the hospital before because of his confidence.

Just like this time.

He simply resigned, presumably knowing that one day he will return.

Then if Jiang clan changes ownership, he will never go back since then...


The car parked in front of a residential building.

Opposite it was a dilapidated door, which looked very crude, without a door.

Yannian came back to her senses and opened her mouth in surprise: "This is it?"

"Yeah, don't be nervous. This grandmother's medical technique is perfectly fine, but she doesn't want to make public advertisements, and she doesn't want to make false things like the door. Usually, the customers are introduced by friends. There are not many people. Say yes, otherwise I will not bring you over."


Yannian unfastened the seat belt and got out of the car with Ding Baoyi...

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