Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 487: But your husband is out of power

The next second, Sun Bei screamed.

The man who has just appeared on the screen is now standing straight at the door with one hand in his pocket. He is still wearing the suit this morning. He is more upright and crisper than on the screen. He is arrogant when he is alone, and his facial features are even more impressive. It is clear and juicy.

"Hello sir, do you want to buy flowers? Do you want any flowers? Or do you need other help?"

Sun Bei recognized this was Jiang Beiyuan on the TV at a glance, and hurriedly threw out the bubble gum in his mouth to greet him. He didn't expect that he was even better than the one on TV.

Jiang Beiyuan's eyes fell over Yannian, his eyes burning, and there was only the reflection of Yannian in his eyes.

"Sir," Sun Bei boldly stretched out a hand and shook it in front of Jiang Beiyuan, "sir, what help do you need?"

"No need."

His thin lips moved, speaking to Sun Bei, but his eyes were always looking at Yannian, and then he walked towards Yannian.

Sun Bei looked at him and his eyes fell directly on Yannian, her mouth squashed.

This face-conscious society.

Doesn't she just look good-looking, but men are all virtuous.

Yan Nian also saw Jiang Beiyuan, she saw it when he first walked in.

She felt that this man must be a **** from all over the world. He knew where she was every time. It seemed that she could never run too far, just like Monkey King could never run out of the palm of the Buddha.

"Do you want to buy flowers, sir?" Yan Nian pretended not to recognize him. She stood up and walked to the flower stand with a right attitude.

Jiang Beiyuan said, he has been watching her.

The gaze was stark.

There is no need to avoid taboos.

Yannian raised his eyelids: "What flowers do you want?"


"Can a rose?"


"Red rose?"


"How much do you want?" Yannian asked again.


"..." Yan Nian pursed the corners of her mouth.

Is this person deliberately looking for fault? !

"66 flowers?" She cleared her voice and said with a frown.

"it is good."

Jiang Beiyuan's voice is very mellow and his expression is very relaxed. When facing her, his face will be radiant.

Yannian began to pack the bouquet for him.

Her hands were white, and the joints were not that thin, but they were very soft and soft. The kind of urge to squeeze her hand after a glance.

"Anything else?" Yannian asked again after the package was finished.

"I want Mrs. Jiang." Jiang Beiyuan grabbed her hand without saying a word.

His slender five fingers slid into hers, interlocking.

"..." Yannian glared at him, struggling to withdraw his hand.

The man remained still.

"Mrs. Jiang, if you are not here, your husband has no electricity."


Husband? ?

Sun Bei, who heard these words not far away, almost fell off his chin and looked at the two people who were adjusting the weather in shock.

Guan Hai was also a little surprised, looking towards Yannian, he didn't know what to say.

Yannian's scalp was hard, and she walked out of the flower stand calmly, and pulled Jiang Beiyuan's sleeve to pull him out to speak.

Jiang Beiyuan was dragged away by her calmly, without the flowers, passing by Guan Hai, he suddenly stopped, grabbed Yannian's waist and pulled her into his arms.

"Some people are not for you to see, and care is messy. It is enough for her to have me."

Jiang Beiyuan swore to look at Guanhai as if he was sovereign, and his posture was very domineering.

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