Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 507: Will you always treat me well?

Yannian stared at his back, tall and thin, and there were not many things that Jiang Beiyuan could focus on.

But he will always focus on everything about her.

"Will you always treat me this way?"

She spoke blankly, not wanting to ask, but it was completely subconscious.

The latter is still facing her. He needs to concentrate. When giving her the medicine, he will not leave for half a step. He has to keep staring at the casserole and observe the changes in the pile of herbs. Little fire, come step by step.

Yannian touched his nose awkwardly, thinking that he probably didn't hear it. The question just now wasn't that important. Forget it, he didn't answer.

Turned to leave the restaurant-



He paused calmly.

Jiang Beiyuan still turned his back to her, his body was buried between the light and the night, vacillating and unreal.

His voice came over very lightly, with his peculiar prudence and firmness:

"Unless you are not rare. Then...maybe not."


Yannian turned around, raised his chin, and snorted proudly to his broad back.

"Who is not rare who is a fool!"

At that time, she was so swearing that she would never be that fool.


An hour and a half later, Jiang Beiyuan came out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup medicine.

The bitter taste spread, and Yuli turned his head and walked away with disgust.

Yannian sat on the sofa with a pillow in her arms, sitting with her legs crossed.

To be honest, as soon as she smelled it, she felt like vomiting, and she really had enough.

Jiang Beiyuan put the bowl on the table.

"Put your legs down."


"Drink while it's hot."

He sat next to her, raised the bowl again, and passed her the concoction in his hand.

Staring at the bowl in Jiang Beiyuan's hand, Yannian frowned vigorously and swallowed hard.

Somehow, she always felt that the medicine made by Jiangbeiyuan was darker and heavier than the medicine made by Ding Baoyi. It seemed to be full of ingredients, and probably tasted more bitter.

As she expected.

She took a sip, and her internal organs, as well as her limbs and corpses, were screaming, "Difficult to drink!!!".

Seeing her uncomfortable, Jiang Beiyuan also frowned, "No way, you have to suffer, the old Chinese doctor explained that you can't let you eat candy."

Yannian nodded, and sniffed, "I'm done, I'm suffering from hardship, and I'm a master..."

Then take a second sip.


She was so bitter that she wished to spit out the bile.

Jiang Beiyuan couldn't bear it, he sighed with a pity, "Would you like to pinch your nose and pour it down in one breath?"

Saying: "..."

Sure enough, straight thinking!

Then Jiang Beiyuan really pinched her nose and filled her with the whole bowl of medicine.

Yannian's tongue is numb, and my wife is too bitter. The taste is really unacceptable.

Jiang Beiyuan took the bowl she drank to the kitchen.

After walking two steps, he stopped and turned around, teasing her in his eyes.

"The old Chinese doctor said that you can't talk to each other, otherwise your husband will definitely share the burden for you."

"You-ah ah ah, believe you have a ghost, go shit!"

Yannian grabbed a pillow and threw it towards his back!

As if she had expected her to do this, Jiang Beiyuan flashed a little sideways, and the pillow fell directly and hit Yuli who was shrinking in the corner.

Yuli: "..."

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