Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 543: Figured it out now?

Before that, Zhao Quan had booked Jiang Beiyuan's presidential suite, and his room was downstairs.

Yannian: "What about my room?"

Zhao Quan: "My sister-in-law is joking again, of course you are in the same room as Lao Jiang!"


Yannian's voice is very small and beeping, "I won't be in a room with him..."

Although the voice was small, Zhao Quan could still hear it, and he couldn't laugh or cry, "Dear sister-in-law, if you don't share a room with us, Da Jiang, maybe you want to be in the same room with me, I don't have the guts to take you in!"

Zhao Quan said it jokingly.

This joke did not make Jiang Beiyuan laugh.

Yannian glanced at the suddenly stern face of the man next to him, making the last struggle, "Then I will go downstairs and book a room."

I thought to myself, coax me, coax me, coax me, coax me,

Even if she just called her "daughter-in-law", she immediately went down this step!

Unexpectedly, it was Zhao Quan who coaxed her, "Sister-in-law, this is all at the door of the room, so stop making trouble!"

"Let her decide."

Jiang Beiyuan finally spoke.

Pulling the box in Zhao Quan's hand, turning around and leaving, she was looking at Yan Nian from the corner of her eyes, "The cheapest room here is 20,000 yuan a night, and how much it costs for three days, she knows."

Saying: "..."

It’s sixty thousand for three nights, but you know it!

"Forget it, my feet on the plane are a little sore on this road, I can't go down!"

Using a terrible excuse, he found himself a step down, and then followed Jiang Beiyuan into the presidential suite.

Seeing that she had come in, Jiang Beiyuan stretched his brows and said nothing, dragging the box to the bedroom to pack his things.

Yannian went to the kitchen first to see what delicious food was there.

Who is virtuous in the family can be seen at a glance.

Yannian didn't find anything tasty, she squashed her mouth, took clean clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he dried his hair out and watched Jiang Beiyuan washing his clothes.

She changed the clothes she threw in the laundry basket, and he was washing it himself.

Yan Nian walked over and hugged Jiang Beiyuan from behind.

The lofty man condescends to wash her clothes, what else can she be angry about.

"I admit, I'm jealous..."

As he spoke, he rubbed his back, like a newly grown monkey.

Jiang Beiyuan let out an "um".

The night was dark, and his voice seemed particularly magnetic, "Now figured it out?"

Yan Nian also hummed.

"She must have done it deliberately. She hadn't done anything similar in the Central Hospital before... deliberately let me misunderstand you, and then watch us have a conflict, but your wife is not that stupid."

After a pause, Yan Nian looked forward to see the reaction on Jiang Beiyuan's face.

Jiang Beiyuan didn't react much, and was very focused when washing clothes, "Don't move around, be careful of splashing dirt on your body."

"Hey, my clothes are not dirty, OK, where is the dirty stuff?!"

"Xiaocheng is inferior to Licheng, mixed with unclean people, the air will become dirty." Jiang Beiyuan explained lightly.

Yannian reacted for a few seconds.

Her brain circuit is not so fast, she has to react for a while.

So Jiang Beiyuan meant that Yu Lili was the dirty thing?

Suddenly he was happy, and suddenly stopped being angry.

Compared to some men coaxing aimlessly, he just took advantage of a woman's heart to coax just the right way.

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