Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 580: When you see an acquaintance in the future, stay away from me

Song Nanye sneered and snorted.

Without arguing with the other party, he put the half-drinking soda bottle in the trash can with no expression, and walked away with his hands.

"You misunderstood."

Jiang Beize sighed and explained to the two roommates.

"I am friends with Song Nanye, he didn't bully me."

"You are stupid, you still speak for him! We have all seen it, he yells at you, and he can beat you in the next second!"


"It's all right,"

Another roommate interrupted his explanation and patted Jiang Beize on the top of his head, "You don’t want to be a kid. If you run into this kind of person, you should stay away. You don’t know what his virtue is. We were beaten by him at school and other schools. There are a lot of people who are disabled at the third level!"

"Yes, he is a wild species, wild everywhere, no one is in the eye!"

"..." Jiang Beize pursed his lips. He didn't give too much explanation, but suddenly ran in the direction of Song Nanye, grabbed his arm, and violently pulled him to his two roommates.

"Introduce you, this is Song Nanye, my elder brother, my master, and my friend. He is very nice."


The two roommates looked at each other and exchanged glances.

"Then Beize, take care, let's go first."

The two looked different, and the eyes were filled with "Maybe you didn't mind when you go out today", and then turned away.

Song Nanye got rid of him impatiently.

"Boy, who admits that you are my friend?"

"That's the master, hehe!"

Jiang Beize smiled at him, two white little tiger fangs were exposed again, and there was something strange in Song Nanye's heart.

"Accepting you such a stupid apprentice will lose your life."

Saying hard, don't look away, don't look at him anymore, put both hands in your pockets and stare into the distance.

I don’t know how long it has been before, but he said hard:

"When you see acquaintances in the future, you should stay away from me. In the eyes of their group, I am just a wild species, so that you don't get involved in gossip."

Jiang Beize was taken aback.

He just walked away without saying a word, is it because he is afraid of being involved and gossiping?

"It's okay to gossiping, just like my second brother. My second brother is never afraid of other people's gossip. He has his own opinions. He only does what he thinks is right. My second brother's friends--"

"Second elder brother, second elder brother, second elder brother, your mouth is full of your second elder brother, have you ever finished?!"

Song Nanye snarled at him.

Jiang Beize was stunned and looked at him blankly.

Song Nanye pressed the corners of his mouth vigorously and twisted his face back without saying a word, his face tense.

At this time, the bus came.

It's the bus Jiang Beize is going to take.

He said "goodbye" to Song Nanye, and then got into the car with the change.

There were a lot of people on this bus. Song Nanye frowned and looked at the boy in the yellow sweater standing in the direction of the back door. He was so squeezed that he didn’t even have a handrail. At the moment when the bus door was about to close, he tried hard. Knocked on the car door, indicating that he was going up.

The driver was impatient and opened the front door again.

"Why didn't you hurry up just now?"

"No money."

"So there is it now?"


Song Nanye threw out the two words, without a word, and walked to the back of the carriage in a bohemian tone.

The driver closed the door and yelled back in his throat—

"The guy who got in the car last and wore a black jacket quickly put in money! Otherwise, you won't let you go home on New Year's Eve!!"


The passengers in the carriage looked at Song Nanye frequently.

The latter swiftly picked up Jiang Beize who was squeezed in the direction of the back door, pulled him by the collar and threw him to a spacious place with armrests, let him hold the back of the seat, and stand behind him holding the armrest. .

The action was done in one go.

Jiang Beize turned his head to look at him, "The driver said that the person who didn't put the money was you?"


"What car do you take if you have no money?"

"Aren't you rich?"


Jiang Beize touched his pocket, and sure enough there was the last dollar, and then the passenger in front passed the dollar.

"Where are you going?" Song Nanye glanced down at him, his white ears as far as his eyes could go.

Jiang Beize's long eyelashes flicked twice: "Century Studio."

"What are you going to do in the photo studio?"

"I'm going to change my suit and make up. Today is my second brother—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Beize shut his mouth in time and scratched his neck embarrassedly.

"You are right, I did mention my second brother too many times. I will try not to mention him in the future."

"Cut, whatever you want, I'm not your sister-in-law, I don't bother to mention it or not."

Song Nanye took the lead, and then took out his mobile phone and earphones from his pocket, listening to music with the earphones, standing lazily, his not-so-wide back blocked all the rubbings behind Jiang Beize.

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed on the right.

Song Nanye looked over in confusion.

I saw a girl holding up her mobile phone to take a photo of Jiang Beize's face, and the **** in her eyes was completely revealed.

Song Nanye quickly raised a hand to block Jiang Beize's profile, staring at him displeased, fierce and evil like a ghost.

The girl was startled, shaking her hands and putting the phone down, not daring to pick it up again.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Beize stared at the palm lying in front of him, not knowing why.

Song Nanye snorted, put his hand down, and put a headset into his ear out of anger.

"Listen together!!!"


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