Zhang Fan raised his hands up, "I have no money!"

The rest do not believe it.

Zhao Quan and Chen Shuo raised Zhang Fan's arms and legs, and Gao Wei directly took off Zhang Fan's suit pants.

Ding Baoyi glanced at him and looked away, "Spicy eyes!"

Xu Kuangjie touched the two pockets of Zhang Fan's suit pants and took out a wad of money.

There were coins for one dollar, five dollars, ten dollars and twenty fifty dollars, and there was no shortage of one, and they were thrown to Ding Baoyi.

"Come on, get the meaning, let my brother in!"

"How can this work," Ding Baoyi snorted, "I have financial resources, and I have to look at my arm strength. Now I do push-ups!"

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say anything else. He handed the phone in his pocket to Chen Shuo to do pushups on the spot.

"Hey wait a minute!"

Ding Baoyi made a pause gesture and pointed at Xu Kuangjie with a smirk, "It's not President Jiang, it's President Xu."

Xu Kuangjie: "..."

People around made room for Xu Kuangjie to do push-ups.

"One-handed ones, 50, none of them can be less." Ding Baoyi raised five paws and smiled happily.

"You can, you can."

Xu Kuangjie took off the outer suit jacket, wearing only a white shirt underneath, rolled up his sleeves, unbuttoned two front buttons, and then started doing push-ups without a word.


I made 20, sweating profusely and soaking my back. I took off my shirt without saying anything, and continued to do the remaining 30.

Jiang Beiyuan watched this scene blankly, even a little impatient, "Hurry up."

Xu Kuangjie: "Quick enough! Do it with one hand, try it yourself!!"

Chen Shuo stared at Xu Kuangjie's wheaten chest texture, "I didn't see it, Xu Kuangjie's stuff is also very sexy."

Zhao Quan hummed, "It's okay, it doesn't feel as **** as Lao Jiang."

Gao Wei didn't express any opinion. He looked at Ding Baoyi's straight eyes when he looked at Xu Kuangjie, indicating that he had seen everything.

"Sister-in-law, girlfriend, I think Bacheng has a play with Xu Kuangjie!"

"..." Zhang Fan on the side was silent, quietly putting on his pants around the corner, and then wiping out a handful of tears.

He eats frugally and uses the hard-earned money he saved!

"46, 47, 48, 49...50."

Finally finished fifty, Xu Kuangjie collapsed directly on the ground, panting against the ground.

Ding Baoyi, this lady, can toss so much!

The culprit squatted down, poked his sturdy arm with his red nail polish fingers, and kindly handed over a handkerchief, a bit distressed in his eyes.

"Hurry up and wipe off your sweat, **** Mr. Xu."

Xu Kuangjie glared at her, and took the handkerchief out of anger, "Let my brother in!"

"Oh~ OK."

Ding Baoyi slowly turned her head, looked inside the door, and slowly raised her red lips.

"Come on, close the door and let brother go!"

This is something that is inexplicably wrong.

Jiang Beiyuan's long eyebrows tightened, and thoughts appeared in his eyes.


A purebred oversized golden retriever blocked the door and barked at Jiang Beiyuan.

Jiang Beiyuan took a half step back subconsciously, his slender brows tightened for a moment, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Ding Baoyi smiled and fluffed her hair.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the last step before entering the door. If you can pass by yourself, I will rest assured to hand over my sister to you!"

Ding Baoyi deliberately bit the words "oneself" seriously.

The meaning is to let him go through the barriers alone.

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