Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 608: Will give you the best

"It was originally for you to play, don't be nervous."

Jiang Beiyuan grabbed her back waist, leaned over and kissed her eyes.

In fact, this company has another very important role for her.

However, he is not going to tell her now, he always likes to do things silently and tell her afterwards.

I didn't know what to say, so I was very moved, and I stretched out my hand to circle Jiang Beiyuan's neck.

"Jiang Beiyuan, you are absolutely amazing, it would be great to be your wife! You are a man like a god!"

This sentence was sent out with emotion and sincere. She found that she really loved Jiang Beiyuan more and more. No woman would remain unmoved in the face of his affection.

Whoever gets divorced in this life is a fool!

"As long as you stay by my side, your husband will give you the best."

Jiang Beiyuan said unceremoniously, with pride and arrogance in his brows.

He likes to give her what he thinks is good, and he likes to rely on him and look at him with admiration.

This greatly satisfies the self-esteem and pride of a man.

Yannian burst into laughter, Jiang Beiyuan at this moment, like a child who has scored 100 points in the exam, accepts praise from adults without humility.

Perhaps it’s because Pei Jinling was too harsh on him before. Living in such a family, he would do the best and the best in everything. Even if he did well, no one would praise him "You are awesome". .

Thinking like this, I couldn't help but hug him tightly and looked up at him, with big clear eyes full of admiration for him.

"My husband is really the best, the best, the smartest and the most capable, I just found a treasure, you are perfect, I like my husband the most, have to be so good to your wife!!"

The last sentence is the point.

"Well, it's simple."

He heard her flattery so well, he lowered his head and kissed her lips...


In the next few days, Yan Nian went to the company during the day to get familiar with the company's process.

She learns everything very seriously. Nowadays, the specific positions of various departments, including the accusations of the sales department, marketing department, design department and public relations department, are generally understood.

There are not many employees in the company now, and there is no big list. How the company develops in the future depends on its own plan!

As for Jiang Beiyuan, what he was up to during the day was not clear.

It's just that I can see him in the study at night, crackling at the computer, not knowing what he is doing, with gold-rimmed eyes on the bridge of his nose, and being gentle at work.

On Jiang Beize's side, Jiang Beiyuan reported him a taekwondo schedule.

But after a few days, he stopped going.

It's not that I can't insist, I just feel that the teacher of Taekwondo is not as good as Song Nanye's.

I occasionally think of Song Nanye these days.

Found that he had not been contacted for a week.

Soon it was the eighth day of the day, Jiang Beize started school, and Jiang Beiyuan sent him to school.

"You can only be in the first half of the year at most." Before getting off the bus, Jiang Beiyuan suddenly said, his tone a little serious.

"Why brother?"

"Why, don't let the people here?" Jiang Beiyuan looked at him, squinting his eyes slightly, his sharp eyes seemed to look into his heart.

"No... I just think this high school is good. I want to stay in Zhicheng forever."

Jiang Beize was playing with the strap of his schoolbag and digging his fingers.

"I don't want to be a fool who doesn't know anything. Since my second brother knows that Xiao Chuchen is my uncle, I want to know the whole truth, can I?"

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