Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 613: We are friends

Facing Jiang Beize's sincerity, he didn't speak, but just kept his eyes away.

Those dark eyes contained a moving water at the moment, and the light gradually moved, and something was covering his eyes.

Jiang Beize grinned, "Well, I admit that you are really handsome and cool when fighting, but don't fight anymore! If you make your face hurt, everyone around you will worry about you. !"

"Are you worried about me too." Song Nanye opened his mouth dullly, his voice hoarse.

"of course!"

Jiang Beize replied without hesitation.

"We are friends, and you are my master!"


Song Nanye's lips moved, and he didn't reply.

Jiang Beize went back to class, and he walked in the opposite direction, a fork in the road, two different roads.

His road is bright, and the road a good student walks has the stars and the sea before him.

And his road is dark, lonely, and full of thorns that no one can understand.

Passing through an alley, wandering through a wide grassland, the afternoon sun hits the blooming branches in the early spring, as if to create an unreal illusion.

He lives in this illusion, acting as a bohemian self.

Song Nanye sat down on the grass.

All alone, with only the guitar on his back, Pepsi in his hand, and bruises from previous fights.

Facing the distant sky, he put the guitar on his lap, untied the can and drank two coke, and immediately flicked the strings in his hand.

The muffled piano sounded slowly...

His music has always been dull and hoarse, with a sense of vicissitudes that no one can understand, and has never been happy at all.

"Unfortunately, you were not happy the day you met me. It may be because we met too late."


The can in front of it was kicked over, and the Coke inside popped out, flowing through the whole green grass.

Song Nanye frowned suddenly and looked over with extreme violence.

Still those three people.

A fat man, a yellow hair, and a thin man.

"Oh, that's great, Ye Jing sent Xiao Bai Lian back to school, and then he sang "Coke" with Coke here." Huang Maoyin said with a smile.

"That's right, he will enjoy it."

The fat man agreed with Huang Mao's words and kicked the already empty Coke can without hesitation.

"You are looking for death!"

Song Nanye almost roared and said these words, and he tossed the guitar in his hand severely, pulling the fat man by the collar and beating him violently.

It was completely different from the convergence in the cemetery. At this moment, the punches were like a storm, with one punch and one punch, fierce and fierce, hitting the fat face of the fat man's big face, which became more and more bloated.

"Ahhhhhhhh, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Seeing that Song Nanye was only beating him, the fat man immediately begged for mercy. He was just a follower, why did he treat him this way!

"I, I, I will buy you a bottle of Coke, can't I! I will buy you all the delicious Pepsi Hedy Mirinda!"

"Not the same! I drink Pepsi!"

Song Nanye punched again.

The air was filled with the creaking of joints.

The fat man clutched his cheeks, feeling that his teeth were about to fall, and cried pitifully, "Well, then I can't buy you another 100 boxes of Pepsi!"

"I said it was different!"

After speaking, he kicked the fat man directly on the ground.

Fatty shed tears aggrievedly, what's the difference?

Huang Mao rubbed his forehead and sighed utterly, "You two go back first. I have something to say to this wild species alone."

Upon seeing this, the thin man helped the fat man with a blue nose and swollen face on the ground to leave quickly.

Song Nanye's hostility has not yet dissipated, and half of the sky is dyed red by the blazing fire under his eyes.

"Tsk tusk, it's just a can of Coke, does it make you so excited?"

Huang Mao smiled and patted Song Nanye's shoulder, covering his ears, his smile seemed to be true...

"Song Nanye, Song Nanye, how much do you want to tell the whole world that you are bisexual?"

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